Health, Diseases and Conditions
Catarrhal Colitis of the Intestines: Description, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
There are a lot of diseases of the intestine. Quite a common pathology is catarrhal colitis. It is an inflammatory process in the initial stage, developing on the mucosa of the large intestine. At the same time, his ascending and descending departments are affected. Doctors do not consider this disease serious enough. But if it is not treated in time, it goes into a fibrous form or becomes chronic, gradually flowing into a ulcerative one.
Catarrhal colitis of the intestine can occur for the following reasons:
- When ingested, along with poor-quality water or food, infections such as staphylococci, streptococci, salmonella, etc .;
- Due to diseases caused by parasitic worms;
- As a result of taking antibiotics and other medications that irritate the intestinal mucosa;
- Due to external and internal toxins;
- With frequent stress;
- As a result of weakening of immunity;
- Due to dyspepsia;
- With malnutrition.
Catarrhal colitis is quite often a symptom of the underlying disease. It develops due to intestinal diseases, dysbiosis, problems with stool: diarrhea, constipation. His outbreaks occur mainly in the summer, when a person starts to include in his diet a large number of berries and vegetables, rich in fiber and sugar. Such food contributes to the development of fermenting and putrefactive processes, leading first to dyspepsia, and subsequently - to catarrhal colitis.
The flowing inflammatory process often leads to the fact that the intestinal walls begin to turn red and swell. Its lumen slightly narrows. Because of this, often there are different sizes of the crack. Inflammation can cover both individual areas of the colon and its entire surface. If it is localized fairly clearly, the diagnosis "focal catarrhal colitis" is made. The illness lasts only three days. Treatment in this case should be started immediately, so that the disease does not take on a chronic form.
Thus, if there was catarrhal colitis, its symptoms may be as follows:
- In the lower part of the abdomen there is pain, which has a cramping character.
- There is a loss of appetite, malaise, weakness, increased fatigue.
- Disturbed digestive disorder, frequent diarrhea and constipation.
- Feels bitter in the mouth, there is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, belching.
- The patient complains of bloating and increased gas formation.
- There is insomnia, irritability.
The onset of chronic catarrhal colitis
If the disease has not been cured in time, it often goes into a chronic form. It can be completely asymptomatic until small amounts of mucus appear in the stool. Chronic catarrhal colitis is divided into several species, each of which has its own characteristic features:
- Distal (descending) - causes an increased tone of the sigmoid and descending section;
- Spastic - promotes spasms and increased tone of intestinal walls;
- Hypotonic - leads to hypertension of the whole colon, a narrow uneven lumen and spastic areas are observed.
The third type occurs most often in people who have recently suffered intestinal infections or dysbacteriosis. The risk group can include those who abuse flour and sweet products, and also lacks vitamins and minerals.
Diagnosis of the disease
First of all, the doctor conducts an external examination and palpation of the patient's stomach . In addition, catarrhal colitis is diagnosed if the doctor uses such studies:
- Biochemical and general blood analysis;
- Microscopy and coprogram of stool ;
- Analysis of urine;
- Instrumental studies: colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy;
- Fluoroscopy.
Features of treatment
If catarrhal colitis of the intestine is found, treatment should be started immediately, as the disease at this stage lasts only a few days. Therapy is performed immediately after the diagnosis is made. Usually the patient needs to rinse the stomach and clean the intestines.
In this case, a weak solution of potassium permanganate and sodium hydrogencarbonate is used in the procedure. The patient drinks a few glasses of this liquid, then artificially causes vomiting. In some cases, this procedure is carried out using a probe. To cleanse the intestines, the patient is given an enema.
Medication Therapy
Treatment of catarrhal colitis with drugs is effective. It is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. He must take into account the cause of the disease and the peculiarities of its course. Infectious colitis is treated with antibiotics. If the disease is caused by poisoning, use adsorbing agents such as Smecta, Enterosgel, and others. When accompanied by colitis, diarrhea is prescribed antidiarrheal drugs. For example, Imodium. To avoid dehydration, salt solutions, such as "Regidron", should be taken.
In helminthic invasions, antiparasitics are used. If colitis is combined with violations of the liver and pancreas, recommend enzyme preparations - Creon, Pancreatin, Festal. For constipation appoint light laxatives, for example "Dufalac". If there was a dysbacteriosis, pre- and probiotics help well. These can be Bifidumbacterin, Lineks, Bifikol, Normobakt. To relieve severe pain, use antispasmodics - "Galidor", "Revalgin", "No-shpu."
Diet for catarrhal colitis
To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, accelerate recovery and prevent the transition of the disease into a chronic form, the patient is prescribed a special diet. At first he should drink a lot of water, a broth of a dogrose and a weak tea without sugar. From the use of any food at this time it is better to refuse.
After that, the diet is selected individually. And it depends on the symptoms that accompany the disease:
- When constipation is recommended to eat foods with a lax effect;
- If diarrhea persists, raw rations should be temporarily excluded from the diet, in any form, vegetables, fresh sour-milk products and ordinary milk;
- With flatulence it is necessary to abandon the products that cause fermentation and putrefactive processes, for example, grapes, muffins, cabbage, rye bread, beans, potatoes.
The diet for colitis should consist exclusively of liquid and semi-liquid dishes - mucous mashed cereals, meatballs, cream soups, meat soufflé. You can include in the diet croutons, dried white bread, steam omelet. Only low-fat fish, meat, poultry are recommended, wholesome jelly are considered very useful. Products should be steamed, baked in the oven or boiled. Eat small meals and drink as much water as possible.
Traditional methods of treatment
If the catarrhal colitis of the intestine was diagnosed, treatment can also be carried out with the help of traditional medicine. Be sure in this case, you should consult a doctor who takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient, his general condition, the severity of the disease. Consider the most effective recipes:
- It is necessary to mix in equal proportions mint leaves, St. John's wort, cumin fruits and sage. Spoon a mixture of pour a glass of boiling water, cool and strain infusion. The resulting remedy should be divided into three parts. It is necessary to drink a decoction during the day before eating. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
- Take half a glass of grapes and mix with a half liter of boiling water. The mixture is boiled for 5 minutes, cooled and added to it a spoonful of honey. This drug should be consumed 3 times a day before eating 100-150 grams.
- Mix 20 g of sage, chamomile flowers and centaury, pour a glass of boiling water and cook for several minutes. As soon as the composition cools, it is filtered and taken several sips every two hours.
- In the thermos in the morning, put a spoonful of flax seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. You should drink this infusion before bedtime.
Treatment of colitis also involves the passage of certain physiotherapy procedures. The patient can also visit a sanatorium for preventive purposes. During medical manipulations the patient should rest a lot, sleep as much as possible and completely abandon the physical exertion.
It should be remembered that catarrhal colitis in severe cases is able to grow into a chronic form. To avoid this, when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to begin treatment as early as possible. Otherwise, the disease can progress to the formation of ulcerative colitis. But this happens extremely rarely, as the patient in a timely manner turns to the doctor. Only in this case complete recovery is guaranteed.
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