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Signs of migraine in women. Causes of migraine, treatment with traditional and folk remedies

About migraine attacks known since ancient times. Such a misfortune tormented famous people. And until today, with such an unpleasant state, many people are confronted. And most often there are signs of migraine in women. So, what is this pathology? What are its symptoms? And can we fight it?

What is a migraine?

Modern medicine gives a clear concept to this term. Migraine is a special paroxysmal condition of severe headache, which is systematically repeated, manifesting itself in one hemisphere of the brain. The main painful focus is fixed in the frontal part. As a result, the pain is felt in the eye and temple area.

However, the signs of migraine in women are not only unpleasant sensations. It's not just a headache, it's a disease. Therefore, it is accompanied by additional unpleasant symptoms, such as nausea and vomiting.

The pain from migraine can intensify, reacting to external stimuli. Bright light and loud sounds can cause not only irritation, but also strong sensations.

Migraine attacks, as previously mentioned, are more exposed to the beautiful sex. This disease manifests itself in women of young and middle age. In adulthood, attacks of headache may appear rarely or not at all.

Migraine as a phenomenon has a hereditary specificity. Often it is transmitted through the women's line. Also, a special exchange of serotonin can be inherited, which, in turn, has an analgesic effect. In addition, the specificity of the reactions of cerebral vessels to external factors can also be transmitted.


Despite the fact that migraine is similar to the usual headache, it is a neurological disease. It is important to understand what are the causes of migraine in women. Treatment will be effective if it is aimed at eliminating those sources that provoked discomfort.

A common headache is often provoked:

  • Drugs designed to increase or decrease blood pressure;
  • Overexertion of neck and head muscles;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Intracranial pressure.

Migraine is a bit different. Until now, all causes of pathology have not been studied. Not so long ago, the disease was perceived only as an imbalance in the work of blood vessels. This was due to the fact that during the attack there is a significant expansion of the vessels of the membrane of the brain. This is a good reason. After all, the expansion of the blood vessels provokes pressure, resulting in a headache.

Scientists have proven that migraine is inherited, from parents to children. The percentage of inheritance of this disease is quite large - 70%.

It can also be noted that there are signs of migraine in women who have an impaired metabolic function or have diseases of the nervous system.

Theory of serotonin

General theory of the development of migraine, the causes of its occurrence and the mechanism of pain sensations. Serotonin is a substance that causes vasoconstriction and spreads signals through the body. During attacks there is a malfunction. The amount of serotonin significantly increases, resulting in spasms in the head.

It is also interesting that painful sensations arise precisely in that part of the head where the vessels are spasms. This theory allowed physicians to understand in more detail what signs of migraine are observed in a woman. The treatment of pathology also began to improve after such an opening.

Relationship pains with the hypothalamus

Quite recently, a relationship was found between the onset of headache attacks during a migraine with the brain department, which is responsible for the functioning of the endocrine system, the hypothalamus. It is in it is the system responsible for the overall vascular tone. The hypothalamus emits signals about the body's reaction to external stimuli. This subsequently causes headaches.

Symptoms of migraine in women and treatment of pathology are issues that are given great importance. Therefore, having determined that during excessive activity of the hypothalamus there are unpleasant sensations, the doctors thought about creating an effective medication. After all, this discovery can contribute to the development of a drug that helps to get rid of migraines.

What triggers the onset of migraine?

A large number of changes in the external environment can cause an unpleasant state.

Migraines can cause:

  • Strong emotional experience, stress;
  • Climate change, weather conditions;
  • Body strain;
  • Sharp unpleasant odors;
  • Bright and flickering light;
  • Physical hunger;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Nedosyp;
  • Products;
  • chemical substances.

Indeed, there is a rather large list of products that can cause a migraine attack. One of them is caffeine. Abuse of a drink contributes to a violation of the harmony of the body. Also, women and wine can provoke migraine symptoms. The use of poor-quality canned foods leads to a negative reaction of blood vessels.

Symptoms of pathology

The ailment has a rather specific feature. It does not arise suddenly. Often the symptoms of migraine in women gradually appear. Treatment of pathology, timely begun, can even prevent an attack.

Phases of pathology:

  1. The prodromal phase can signal the onset. It is characterized by dizziness and unpleasant sensations in the body.
  2. The second phase is called the aura. She is a harbinger of migraine. Every person, systematically suffering from this disease, knows what an aura is.
  3. Then follows the attack. They manifest themselves in the form of strong pain.
  4. Then comes the post-dormal phase, which is considered the final moment. It is accompanied by nausea.

The flow of these phases for each patient is purely individual.

Symptoms of the prodromal phase

It is characterized by mild signs, which are harbingers of a migraine. Such symptoms can appear a few hours before the attack or a couple of days before it.

It is important to pay attention to such phenomena. After all, it is much easier to stop an attack if you correctly recognize these migraine symptoms in women. Treatment in this case will not be long.

The prodromal phase can be manifested:

  • Strong thirst;
  • Drowsiness, fatigue;
  • Changes in appetite (increase or decrease);
  • Emotional decline, depression and anxiety.

Symptoms of aura

These symptoms are not observed in all patients with migraine.

There are 2 varieties of this state:

  1. Positive aura. It appears as a flickering bright light. The field of propagation can be significantly increased. Also, during a positive aura, visions in the form of asterisks or lines sometimes occur.
  2. Negative aura. Characterized by dark spots in the eyes. It can also manifest as a lack of side vision.

A person experiencing signs of aura may experience mixed feelings. Each patient describes an individual unusual pattern that he observed.

There are other symptoms of migraine in women:

  • Memory impairment;
  • Speech disorder;
  • Unpleasant sensations in the limbs;
  • Distortion of space or dimensions;
  • Disturbance of consciousness functioning.

Symptoms of the acute phase

Unfortunately, modern pharmacology has not developed a single tool that can save an attack. Ordinary analgesics do not help. Therefore, attacks can last a long time. Sometimes they are delayed for 3 days.

Symptoms of a migraine attack:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • Pain of a pulsating nature;
  • Reaction of a headache to physical activity;
  • Pallor of the skin and chills;
  • Numbness of face;
  • Sensitivity to light and sounds.

Pathology can be accompanied by edema of the eyelids and runny nose. However, this happens very rarely.

Postdromal symptoms

After the pulsating pain caused by migraine passes, the next phase begins. Often it is characterized by a feeling of foggy consciousness.

Treatment of migraine

Above, we examined in detail what are the signs of migraine in women. How to treat this pathology?

Medications designed to combat migraine:

  1. Anesthetics. Basically they are sold without a prescription. Helps with the first symptoms of migraine. For therapy, you can use Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Naproxen, Diclofenac.
  2. Triptans - one of the first drugs designed specifically to combat migraine. They control the level of serotonin in the brain, which provokes the onset of seizures. They are recommended to people who are prone to severe headaches. The drugs are effective, but they have many unpleasant side effects. The best means are "Zomig", "Almotriptan", "Rizatriptan".
  3. Opiates. To resort to their use is recommended only in extreme cases, when other medicines do not help. The problem is that the drugs are not approved for the treatment of this disease. They have significant contraindications. Capable of causing dangerous complications. These include Oxycodone, Codeine, Morphine.
  4. Ergotamins are considered to be one of the most useful substances that help cope with migraine headaches. The drug is Dihydroergotamine.
  5. Medications used to eliminate nausea. They are used in conjunction with other drugs for headaches. Effective drugs "Metoclopramide", "Reglan".
  6. Medications that stop migraine attacks: "Timolol", "Valproate sodium", "Topiramate", "Propanolol."
  7. Beta-brokers are used to regulate blood pressure. The following medicines are effective: Metoprolol, Lopressor, Tenormin, Nadolola, Korgard.
  8. Antidepressants. They are often used to treat migraines. They also help with insomnia and depression.

Home therapy

Regardless of what causes migraines in women, folk remedies can effectively combat pathology.

Effective recipes:

  1. Mix the juice of spinach and carrots, add the juice of a dandelion. Take the mixture in this ratio - 1: 3: 1. Use is recommended 3 times a day, one hour before meals.
  2. Also, an excellent tincture is obtained from elderberry blossoms. For cooking, pour 1 spoonful of a glass of boiling water. Then infuse and cool the infusion. It is used with honey, 20 minutes before eating.

For treatment of migraine hawthorn, mistletoe white, shepherd's bag will do. The use of folk methods is only welcome. They are great at stopping attacks.

However, do not forget that, understanding the causes of migraine in women, folk remedies and medications can prevent the occurrence of an attack. Be attentive to your health and learn to recognize the symptoms that the body warns you about ailment.

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