Health, Diseases and Conditions
Migraine. Treatment and causes in children and pregnant women
Migraines in children. How is this possible? According to statistics, 40% of children under the age of 14 already experienced that it is themselves. And while only a third of this number suffers from migraine for unknown reasons, the rest received a similar "gift" from the parents. Migraines in children, as in adults, cause ... nervous tension, no matter whether prolonged or not. But this is a fact. So think before you make a child nervous.
With a nervous tension, the amount of adrenaline production increases, which narrows the vessels that are directly in the brain. The reaction of the narrowed vessels to vasodilator drugs is reduced to zero. The brain can not receive the nutrients that are delivered to it with the blood flow, and as a result it gives a signal in the form of severe headaches. In this case, there is a general malaise, which doctors are often confused with ARVI.
Migraine in Pregnancy
According to experts who examined pregnant women for migraine, in the first trimester, or rather, during the entire course of its course, future mothers complain of such symptoms. When pregnancy, the level of estrogen and progesterone will help get rid of migraines, but only until the term of the first menstruation after childbirth.
There are cases when the migraine lasts a long time - for several hours, or too often the head hurts, while the quality of vision deteriorates. In this case, it is necessary to contact the attending physician who will provide you with information that will help you prevent a migraine. Treatment in this case should also be prescribed by a doctor, since most painkillers negatively affect the development of the fetus, and can even lead to a miscarriage.
There are classic and common migraines. Treatment in each case, respectively, is different. Children usually suffer from the classic form of migraine, which is not accompanied by group attacks of pain attacks, which can not be said about the second, general form, which affects adults, including pregnant women.
Migraine in children can last up to two hours, in some cases 3-4 hours, with vomiting that occurs several times. This leads to dehydration of the body. In this case, urgent hospitalization is necessary.
Migraine. Treatment
Perhaps intravenous administration of serotonin, but it has many side effects.
Primarily, simple analgesics are prescribed, if they do not help, then they resort to their combination. In case of uselessness of taking analgesics, the administration of antimigraine drugs begins.
To date, there are three classes of effective drugs, including:
- 5-HT1 agonists or triptans. They are divided into two types: selective and nonselective. The first type includes preparations "Zolmitriptan", "Elektriptan", "Sumatriptan" and others. The second - means "Ergothamine" and "Dihydroergotamine", mainly these drugs increase vomiting. Triptans are available in tablets or in the form of a spray (nasal), and also in the form of injections. Used for moderate as well as severe headaches.
- Dopamine antagonists - are both anti-emetics and are given in the form of intravenous injections.
- Prostaglandin inhibitors - used for mild to moderate migraine. Produced in the form of injections, administered intramuscularly.
Oral preparations are more long-lasting.
With severe headaches, a 0.5% solution of seduxen 2-4 ml diluted in 40% glucose solution helps, the drug is administered intravenously, very slowly. Also helps sodium bicarbonate or intravenous glucose with euphyllin.
Home methods
At home, you can try to relax the migraine. Treatment with this (medication) is also required. Wrapped in a towel, ice is applied to the temple or neck. Abundant drink reduces the number of migraine attacks, and magnesium - dilates the blood vessels. Mint tea or essential oil of mint, vitamin B3 and salt - also have therapeutic effect. The head massage also helps.
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