Health, Diseases and Conditions
Where does the heather on the leg
If you find a painful corn on the foot, because of which buying new shoes or even going out to the nearest store turned into a problem - you know, it has a very unpleasant name: "shipock". And all because this cutaneous growth causes such sensations, which can be compared only with a spike that stabbed in the leg.
The heather on the leg. Let's look closer
This education belongs to the category of benign. It looks like a common yellowish corn, but if you cut off the upper stratum corneum, then under it you can find papillae, similar to the threads that grow directly from the foot. They serve as a kind of rhizome for the appearance of a new wart in place of the cut. Therefore, getting rid of it is quite difficult. If the spike is deep, then its center can drop like that "crater" inside. As a rule, the "hedge" settles on the heel or under the big toe, but it happens on the hands.
What causes the spines
Spiny is a viral disease, papilloma. In another way it is called a plantar wart. The cause of its occurrence is infection. If you wear someone else's shoes or use one pumice stone for legs and a towel with a sick person, then the probability of getting infected is very high. Especially with weakened immunity and a large body weight. An unfavorable environment for the emergence and development of this new growth can be uncomfortable shoes, constantly wet feet and skin injuries. There is a high risk of getting infected in baths, swimming pools, gyms.
By the way, this wart is a threat not only from the point of view of its soreness and discomfort when walking. Because of the constant pressure, it can degenerate into a malignant formation. Therefore, the spike on the leg, and on the other part of the body, needs treatment. About this and talk.
The heather on the leg. Treatment
This disease has an incubation period. It usually lasts up to two months. Therefore, it seems lame that this painful education appeared suddenly and from where it is not known. But in fact it is, of course, a signal that the body's defenses have decreased, which means that there is a threat that not only the heel on the leg will become a health problem.
Treatment of a wart involves first of all its complete destruction, since it has an unpleasant peculiarity to come back again and again. Therefore, do not use only external means to treat it. This will only bring temporary relief, until a new stratum corneum grows. And if you have a superficial spike, it is enough to simply change your shoes to a more comfortable one, use orthopedic insoles or special plasters to make the painful formation disappear. The main thing in this case is to relieve the load from the wart.
One of the most gentle methods of treating a deep spike, which does not injure the skin, is the removal of it with the help of a laser or radio waves. But not always the outcome of these medical procedures is effective, since this malignant wart penetrates deep into the muscular tissues and there it is fed on a par with all cells. This phenomenon allows the spinach to reborn. There are other methods: liquid nitrogen, acid removal, high-frequency current or surgical intervention. But all this should be decided only by a specialist! It is almost impossible to get rid of the disease on your own.
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