HealthDiseases and Conditions

Muscle Pain: Causes, Symptoms, and Basic Treatment Principles

The disease, which is characterized by severe pain in the muscle tissue, is called myalgia. In our time, muscle pain is progressing, especially among young people, which is mainly due to environmental conditions, an inappropriate, inactive way of life. The nature of pain can be different. The main signs of myalgia are muscle weakness, palpation, the patient feels severe pain, and headache and nausea may also appear. The pain in the muscles can be localized and diffuse, spreading throughout the body and increasing with physical exertion, hypothermia, sudden movement, emotional and mental overload, stressful situations. Pain occurs in different muscle groups: limbs, neck, trunk, back, chest, etc.

Pain in the abdominal muscles

Physicians distinguish three types of abdominal pain: somatic, visceral and reflected. The so-called visceral pain occurs in the affected organ. Usually this kind of pain is accompanied by profuse perspiration, nausea, sometimes vomiting and anemia of the skin. In the parietal peritoneum, a lot of somatic receptors are localized. Therefore, very often this type of pain is called parietal. The patient can rarely determine its location. The third type of pain occurs when the irritated organ is strongly irritated, with diseases of the brain and its membranes, as well as other internal organs.

Pain in the muscles of the neck (cervicalgia)

Almost everyone felt it. This pathology is recorded in almost 15% of the world's population. The causes of this ailment may be neurological, somatic, oncological, infectious, vascular diseases, as well as injuries.

The etiology of the disease has a multifaceted nature. The causes of myalgia development can be diseases that occur when a carbohydrate (diabetes mellitus) and nucleic acid (gout) metabolism is disturbed. An important role in the development of myalgia (muscle pain) can be played by factors such as hypothermia, chronic intoxications (nicotine, alcohol), trauma and bacterial and viral diseases. Pathogenesis of myalgia is associated with changes in biochemical composition in myocytes, which causes disturbances in the contractile activity of muscle fibers.

Muscle Pain and Treatment Methods

In the treatment of myalgia use a complex therapy (physiotherapy, reflexology) with the use of anti-inflammatory, analgesic drugs, agents that improve blood microcirculation in affected areas. For the treatment of myalgia, massage is used, which activates the secretory function of the sweat and sebaceous glands, strengthens blood and lymph exchange, which in turn improves trophic processes in the skin and improves skin-muscle tone. In the process of massage, physiologically active histamine-like substances are formed in the skin that promote vasodilation, which extends to deeply placed muscle tissues, and the entire organism is reflexively affected. The course of treatment can be from 30 to 40 massages.

Under the influence of ultraviolet irradiation, biopolymers (proteins, proteins) are denatured to form highly active biological compounds of the protein nature - histamine, biogenic amines, prostaglandins, acetylcholine, which stimulate muscle activity. The course of treatment consists of four exposures per site. To warm up the damaged area use paraffin, mud, ozocerite, clay, mustard, warmers. A good result is obtained with the appointment of warming ointments ( nicoflex, finalgon, flex, apizartron). These drugs improve trophic in muscle tissue, activate metabolic processes, show analgesic effect. In myositis caused by a violation of the nucleic acid metabolism, recommends radon, hydrogen sulphide, salt-alkaline baths.

There is no specific prevention of this disease. Avoid extreme physical exertion, hypothermia, colds.

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