HealthDiseases and Conditions

Lymphogranulomatosis - symptoms, causes, treatment.

Lymphogranulomatosis (or Hodgkin's disease) is a disease of lymphoid tissue that is characterized by the presence of giant pathological cells when examining lymph nodes under a microscope. Hodgkin's disease is a malignant oncological disease.

In total, 4 types of lymphogranulomatosis are distinguished, the symptoms of which differ among themselves - nodular sclerosis, lymphoid depletion, mixed cellular and lymphohistiocytic type. With Hodgkin's disease, sclerosis and necrosis are absent, or weakly expressed, and Berezovsky-Stenberg cells are few, and their presence suggests that the disease develops on an atypical path.

Lymphogranulomatosis - symptoms

The disease begins to develop in the lymph nodes, spreading to other organs and tissues, while accompanied by signs of general intoxication of the body. The main clinical symptoms are formed on the basis of lesions of the internal organs, but the primary symptom is the enlargement of the lymph nodes, beginning with the defeat of the cervical nodes.

Affected lymph nodes are slightly mobile, of a dense consistency, not painful on palpation. With the development of the disease, lymph nodes combine into large conglomerates. In some cases, symptoms such as shortness of breath, coughing and compression in the region of the inferior vena cava are seen in patients - all of them are caused by lymphogranulomatosis, the reasons for this may be such: enlarged lymph nodes in the region of the mediastinum, which is clearly seen on the fluorogram.

In other cases, the disease develops very quickly and is accompanied by uncharacteristic signs, with primary it is very difficult to determine lymphogranulomatosis. Symptoms of rapid development of the disease - a sharp increase in temperature and rapid loss of body weight. Lymph nodes with this type of pathology begin to increase after the manifestation of primary symptoms.

With developed Hodgkin's disease almost all systems and organs undergo a pathological process. The defeat of the spleen is noted in 30% of all patients. In addition, the pulmonary tissue is often quite often affected, and fluid in the pleural cavity is often observed , which can easily be seen on X-rays. Also, lymphogranulomatosis is actively infiltrated from the lymph nodes into other organs, such as the trachea, esophagus and heart. Infiltration from the lymph nodes indicates that the patient has lymphogranulomatosis, the symptoms in this case differ depending on the lesion focus. The defeat of the small intestine and stomach is observed with this disease is rare.

Very often, Hodgkin's disease affects the human bone system, especially extending to the sternum, vertebrae, ribs and pelvic bones.

Data analysis for lymphogranulomatosis

When carrying out a clinical analysis of the blood of a patient with lymphogranulomatosis at late stages of the development of the disease, in almost every case, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and anemia are revealed, at the initial stage, a small neutrophilic leukocytosis is observed in half of the patients.

The increase in ESR is not a specific symptom of the disease, but it reflects the activity of the pathological process. The increase in ESR is usually associated with an increase in the amount of globulin and fibrinogen.

Lymphogranulomatosis - treatment

The most effective treatment for lymphogranulomatosis, like most other cancers, is chemotherapy. The method of treatment of the patient is chosen based on the histological variant of the disease, the stage, and also the general history data. Chemotherapy is a very long treatment process, which, unfortunately, gives a large number of complications, but it allows prolonging the life of the patient with lymphogranulomatosis for a long time.

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