Education, Colleges and Universities
College Petrovsky: reviews. Petrovsky College (St. Petersburg)
One of the most popular educational institutions of St. Petersburg is the Petrovsky College. According to educational portals, this college is in the top ten most popular educational institutions in the region.
It is in this educational institution that those who do not wish to receive a complete secondary education in school can continue their education. The college trains high-level specialists in the technological field, who can later get work both in our country and abroad. The educational institution has a rich history and the level of knowledge received by its students is not inferior to universities.
History of the Petrovsky college: the era of the USSR
The educational institution was founded in a difficult year for the Soviet Union - in 1944. Then he was named the Industrial Technical School of Labor Reserves, it was supposed to train specialists for training in railroad and vocational schools, as well as schools of factory training.
On October 1, 1944, the technical school began its work, 200 students were accepted. In parallel with the training workshops produced products sold later in war-ravaged subsidiary farms of the country. In 1946, the technical school opened new specialties of the pedagogical type, after a year the evening department began its work.
In 1953 a military department was created at the technical school , which lasted for 29 years. The department produced specialists capable of working with the technique of automobile troops. Since 1983, the technical school prepares cadres for foreign countries, foreign students are allowed to participate in all types of educational and extracurricular activities.
College of Petrovsky after perestroika
Shortly before the events of 1991, the technical school became known as the Leningrad Industrial and Pedagogical College. To the educational institution, absolutely new requirements began to be presented, the material and technical base was improved. In 1992, a social and legal department was created, students of which can work as lawyers and customs officers.
In the 1990s, the training of specialists in the field of social pedagogy and physical education was also started, the students of these two departments actively cooperate with the leading universities of the northern capital. In 1992, the IPC became the official representative of the well-known in the UK City & Guilds Council.
In 1997, the Institute received its current name - Petrovsky College. In the early 2000s, new specialties and departments were opened. The faculties of aesthetics and hairdressing art and computer hardware became very popular. Additional specialties are opened, the college actively cooperates with foreign colleagues and participates in joint projects with them.
College Petrovsky: reviews
On the official website of the school, students and parents can leave their feedback and wishes about the work of the college. Predominantly the reviews are positive, students like the system on which training is provided. After college, most express a desire to continue education in universities.
Of course, there are those who do not like Petrovsky's college, the testimonials to that direct proof. Some students show discontent with the bureaucratic costs of training, in particular, this is observed at evening and correspondence departments. However, this does not affect the immediate learning process too much .
Petrovsky college and international cooperation
Petrovsky College is famous for its international projects, to which not only teachers but also students are allowed to participate. The most famous of them in recent years are Healthy Urban Life and Taitaja-2013. The first project was implemented in cooperation with students from Armenia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, and students and teachers from the French city of Lyon took part in the implementation of the second project.
Annually new projects attract attention to the college, which is already known far beyond Russia. Students from the institution periodically participate in the exchange program, according to which they change with their colleagues from Hamburg, a city that is a twinning partner of St. Petersburg.
How do I enter an educational institution?
Petrovsky College (St. Petersburg) presents to all its potential students a number of requirements. In particular, it is necessary to submit a whole package of documents to the commission. This is a photocopy of the passport, the certificate of primary education, a medical certificate in the form of 086-y, as well as 4 photographs with dimensions of 3 x 4.
Among other things, you will need to provide a photocopy of the passport of one of the parents, if the applicant has not reached adulthood. The admission of documents from such applicants is carried out only in the presence of legal representatives, they are obliged to sign the relevant documents on admission.
After submitting all the necessary papers to the Petrovsky College, the admissions committee must calculate the average score for the student's future certificate, and then make it into the register of all applicants. The specialists add up the estimates for all the available subjects, after which the number obtained is divided by the number of disciplines. Further, the ranking of entrants proceeds, after which lists of recommended for enrollment are formed.
Work of the selection committee
In early March, the official website of the college publishes information on current specialties, which will be recruited by those who wish to attend the next academic year. Employees of the selection committee also publish data on the admission rules, documents on admission tests, information about the programs according to which the training will be carried out.
Reception of documents begins in the middle of June and lasts for two months. At the same time, applicants have to take entrance exams. After August 14, the documents can not be submitted by those who act only on the basis of the ranking of the certificates, after July 31 - those who enter only on the results of examinations. The deadline for submitting documents to the correspondence department is from July 1 to September 20.
Do they give a hostel?
Petrovsky College, a hostel which is provided not only to nonresident students, but also to students living in St. Petersburg, runs from September to June. To get a place in the hostel you will need to report on the need for it when you apply to the college, then the admissions office staff will be able to file the relevant application.
According to the existing rules, each faculty is given a certain number of allocated seats. At the same hostel is not provided for all college specialties, detailed information on the number of available places at the faculties is published in early July.
College Branches: Petrozavodsk
The educational institution has gained immense popularity, which is why there were additional branches in other regions of Russia. The Petrozavodsk branch of Petrovsky college appeared in 1998, it was originally created in order to train highly qualified specialists in the tourist field.
At the moment, training is being conducted in this region on specialties related to management, tourism, hotel business, state and municipal administration, economy and accounting. Training in the branch is carried out only on a commercial basis. The college is located in Petrozavodsk at the address: Komsomolsky prospect, house 3. You can contact the specialists of the admissions committee by calling 8 (8142) 769910.
Cheboksary branch of the college
Another city, in which there is the Petrovsky college, is Cheboksary, the local branch is engaged in the training of specialists in the field of tourism. It teaches specialties similar to those taught by students of the Petrozavodsk branch. However, the Cheboksary branch, unlike the other division of the college, is in great demand and popularity.
The admission to the branches is carried out on the same grounds as in Petrovsky College of St. Petersburg, respectively. The only difference is that the points for admission in the regions differ from those used in the northern capital. They are recommended to be specified in the beginning of summer, when the selection committee is just starting its work.
College and its prospects
The College of Petrovsky continues to develop actively, in the near future it is planned to open new specialties and faculties. As a shortcoming, it should be noted the tendency to reduce the number of budget places in the college, in the coming years it is planned to give up free education altogether.
A distinctive feature of the college is the preservation of existing benefits for participants of the Olympiads and people with disabilities. When allocating budgetary places, they are given priority, all other places are given to students according to the existing ranking system.
Many are interested in exactly where the Petrovsky College is located. His address has been constant since 1963. The educational institution is located at: ul. Baltic, d. 35, you can reach it by public transport or taxi. The administration of the college is open daily from 9 to 17 hours, if necessary, you can contact her by calling 8 (812) 2521348.
This educational institution is very popular, so getting there is not easy. Workers of the admissions committee of the college are advised to begin preparation for admission at least a year before passing the exams, only in this case it will be possible to achieve tangible results.
There are special preparatory courses at the college, which begin their work in the spring. The schedule of their work, cost and specialties, for which the training is carried out, can be specified in the admissions office.
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