
French colored jacket - new trends in nail design

Fashion women became even happier with the appearance of the classic French manicure, and all thanks to its harmonious combination with any images and a fairly simple technique of execution. Nothing stands still in this world, and the standards of fashion and beauty are no exception. Developing with rapid speed, they modify everything in its path.

So the French manicure, having undergone changes, became even brighter and acquired more spectacular features. The usual light and neutral tones vary in a variety of colors and different combinations of colors. There is no limit to imagination. French manicure today can be performed in a variety of options. A colorful jacket on nails (photo of which can be seen in any fashion magazine) is a vivid confirmation of this.

Change of positions

This is a new kind of nail design. This multi-colored jacket on nails broke all stereotypes. Between the classical colors there was a change of places: the plate is white, the tip of the nail is brown, pink, beige. Now absolutely different combinations are possible, even such a Gothic character as a combination of black and pink colors.

Lunar manicure, or F rench multicolored "inverted"

The basis for this design is considered the tip of the nail and it is at the base that the "smile" (hole) is painted in white, and the surface is painted black or any other color that you like.

Classic variety jacket

Several varnishes of the same color (but different shades) are used when performing this type of manicure. The edge of the nail is covered with a dark varnish, the remaining surface is lighter, or vice versa. Another version of this design: one of the fingers (or rather its free edge) is decorated with rhinestones or a pattern. It is advisable to do this on one finger, so as not to overdo it.

Holiday version - millenium-jacket

Brilliant and sparkling materials are laid out on the tip of the nail, it can be mica, rhinestones, micro dust and shiny dust, sequins. The French jacket is multicolored with shiny decorative elements ideal for festive manicure.

Wedding, or funny-French

This type of design includes a huge number of different ornaments: dried flowers and fresh flowers, fimo in the form of fruit, artistic molding, etc. The traditions of the jacket with this design are preserved, since only the tip of the nail is decorated. The small parts remain outside or are sealed under the gel layer. A French multi-colored wedding is an unlimited space for imagination.

New form

With this type of design, the "colorful line", the line-border that separates the tip of the nail from the rest of the area, is drawn not only as a "smile" and a crescent, a new form appears - canted, and in any direction, both to the left and to the right. With this nail design, vertical and triangular borders, and even zigzag lines can be used. For the author there is only a choice of a color solution.


Color palette of the tip and the base can be completely different and even contrast. At the heart of this style is a simple solution, the line of the free edge is drawn in a radically different color. For example, the entire surface of the plate was painted yellow, the tip - blue.

Nail industry literally came to a new level thanks to the French manicure, and she, too, has its own rules and aesthetics. Now the main rule of the jacket was the complete absence of any rules. To create and give free rein to unlimited fantasies any woman of fashion can afford.

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