
Preparation "Elbon": reviews, instructions for use, analogues and composition

How to cope with joint diseases? Many of the incredible variety of drugs choose the drug "Elbon". Patients consider it an effective tool worthy of close attention. However, there are a number of points that should be read in advance, even before the use of the drug "Elbon" (instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues). It is necessary to find out: how does this tool work? Is it possible to replace it with something? In what cases is the drug in question appropriate to use? For whom is it contraindicated? In this article, we will consider detailed information about the features of the medicine "Elbon" (instructions, price, customer reviews).


The web contains a lot of responses about the drug "Elbon". The reviews report that the drug in question has a more pronounced effect on joint pain than physiotherapy. Buyers consider it an excellent chondroprotector, which has many advantages over its competitors.

However, judging by the words of users, some are unhappy with the action of the drug "Elbon". Reviews of this plan describe situations where patients did not feel any effect of the course of therapy with the drug in question. But this only confirms the fact that you should not prescribe yourself a treatment yourself. Only a competent doctor is able to correctly select the drug and adjust its dosage.


What are the jabs of "Elbon"? Instructions, reviews recommend to read this information in advance. The drug in question is an injection solution for intramuscular administration. It can be light yellow or colorless, always clear, without any sediment.

The main active substance of this drug is glucosamine sodium sulfate chloride, and additional components - distilled water, trometamol and lidocaine hydrochloride. As a solvent, a solution of diethanolamine is used.

The drug is released in ampoules of dark glass two milliliters each. The package contains six ampoules of the drug and six ampoules of the solvent.

Indications for use

In what cases do you use the medication "Elbon"? Reviews and instructions recommend taking the drug in the following situations: with spondylarthrosis and osteoarthritis (both primary and secondary).

However, it is important to remember that no information of this kind should be used as a direct destination. Only the attending physician, who is well acquainted with the individual characteristics of a particular patient, can recommend him to take the drug "Elbon". The reviews also emphasize the need to consult a specialist beforehand.


There are some conditions that prevent the use of the drug in question. Among them, such diseases and conditions: individual intolerance to the components of the drug, phenylketonuria, heart failure (in acute form), significant disorders in the functioning of the kidney and liver, the period of gestation, difficulty in cardiac conduction, the period of breastfeeding, epileptiform seizures (including In the anamnesis), and also children's age (till twelve years).

The constant monitoring of the attending physician requires the provision of therapy in the presence of bronchial asthma, diabetes, arterial hypertension, intolerance to seafood, chronic heart failure.

If you have any of the above contraindications, it is important to discuss with your doctor the possibility of replacing the drug "Elbon". Instruction, price, reviews about analogues and substitute products should also be carefully considered.

Mode of application

Reviews say that the drug should be administered exclusively intramuscularly. Intravenous injection is categorically contraindicated. Before the injection in the syringe, the required amount of the preparation and the solvent in a two to one ratio should be mixed. It is necessary to administer three milliliters of the prepared solution three times a week. The course of treatment, as a rule, lasts from four to six weeks.

Side effect

Judging by the reviews, long-term use of the drug "Elbon" may cause some unpleasant side reactions, the emergence of which should be prepared. Among them, such as nausea, flatulence, itching, diarrhea, urticaria, constipation, various anaphylactic reactions, tremor, drowsiness, dizziness, euphoria, diplopia, numbness of the tongue, headache, difficulty in cardiac conduction, disorientation, as well as numbness in the oral mucosa .

Almost all medicines can cause any adverse reactions. As the reviews say, this may be due to the use of extremely high doses of the drug, self-administration of dosages, the use of medication for too long, or in the case of multiple drugs at the same time. Sometimes unpleasant reactions occur due to the presence of individual hypersensitivity to any constituents of the substance. Regardless of the reasons for occurrence, such phenomena need qualified treatment. Therefore, when they occur, you should immediately contact your doctor who will be able to correctly determine their genesis and adjust the treatment regimen.

Application in pregnancy

Can the woman in question be used in the position? No, the use of the drug in question is categorically contraindicated, as well as nursing mothers.

Storage conditions

Store the medicinal product in question in a dark, dry place, the temperature of which does not exceed twenty-five degrees. Shelf life of the drug is only two years. At its expiration, you can not use the medicine.

Investigate information about the storage conditions of the drug is no less important than issues such as how to use the "Elbon", instructions, price, reviews about the drug. After all, if they do not comply, it loses its useful properties and can even do harm.


In the event that you can not use the drug in question, you can resort to the use of substitute products. Among them: Aminoartrin, Arthrakam, Ergotex, Glucosamine (in different forms), Dona (in different forms), Sustagard Arthro, Sustilac, Pharmaskin TGK, Chondroxide Maximum "," Unium ". It is important that before the choice was studied all the necessary information about the analogs of the drug "Elbon" (instructions for use, price, reviews). The injections should be appointed reasonably. Some detailed information on the most popular analogs of the drug in question will be provided later.

"Unium". This drug actively affects the metabolic processes occurring in the cartilaginous tissue. Including, restores normal functioning of joints, relieves pain, prevents further development of degenerative processes; In the presence of glucosamine deficiency, replenishes it; Provides a good permeability of the joint capsule; Promotes the absorption of calcium; Activates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, as well as proteoglycans.

"Chondroxide Maximum". The main active ingredient is glucosamine sulfate. It has pronounced chondroprotective properties. It is actively used to restore the functions of the joints and spine. The drug "Chondroxide Maximum" stimulates the formation of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid. It is also used as an effective analgesic or anti-inflammatory drug. When using the drug in question, there is no need to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, pain disappears and prevents the formation of enzymes and superoxide radicals that damage the cartilaginous tissue.

As noted in the reviews, in most cases, these medicines have similar or equal effectiveness. Therefore, it is important to think carefully and consult a doctor about whether it is worth buying one of the described drugs or still the remedy of "Elbon".


The injections, whose reviews are full of reports of effectiveness, have an appropriate cost. Depending on the specific manufacturer and network of pharmacies, in which the patient purchases a medication, the price of the drug varies from a thousand to one thousand three hundred and thirty rubles.

The result

In this article, all the key points that need to be aware of patients planning to use the Elbona preparation: instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues were considered. This information is intended to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the medication, but not in order to independently designate it as your primary medicinal product. Forming and adjusting the treatment regimen can only be a competent specialist, which should be addressed before deciding to use a drug. Only the attending physician is able to compare all the available information about the medicine "Elbon" (instructions for use, price, reviews, injections that can accompany therapy) with similar information about the analogues of the remedy and choose the appropriate drug.

Taking care of your health implies the need to exert a lot of effort, but the positive reaction of the body will not keep you waiting long. Choose the best for yourself and your loved ones. And always be healthy!

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