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Berry thorn: benefit and harm

The bramble is a shrub which is mainly distributed in the western part of Siberia, the Lower Volga region and Europe. It is called an acid plum, prickly plum, goat berry, thorn, black thorn and oat plum. The plant is a branchy tree growing to four meters. It has small spines. And its fruits are small black or dark blue berries, covered with a waxy coating. The taste of "plum" is astringent and acidic. Not very pleasant taste and aroma compensates for the use of the turn, which we will discuss in our article later.

How are they?

The berries of the prickly plum knit the mouth quite strongly. Many people even say that it is impossible to consume them in raw and fresh form. The same people who are adherents of cooking products, are advised to cook a variety of jams, jam, stuffing for rolls and pies from fruits. The taste of the thorn, ground with sugar, is very interesting: it is not as sweet as a plum jam, but not as sharp as a fresh black spike. But for the preparation of funds used in folk medicine, they use only those berries that have just been torn from the bush.

Turn for folk ways of treatment

Than the turn is useful, few people know. After all, this plant is on our expanses - the guest is rare, and therefore even its name is not known to everyone. But still those who understand different herbs-mules and berries, actively use oatmeal for various diseases. Its fruits are effective in colitis of nonspecific character, toxic infections, dysentery and food poisoning. With gastrointestinal disorders and giardiasis, it is recommended to drink juice made from black berries. In this case, it exhibits its antibacterial effect. It is also an adjuvant for various skin diseases. Turn, the benefits and harm of which will be discussed below, the berry is special. It all depends on how and under what circumstances to use it. The flowers of the thorn bush regulate the metabolism, so they help in the treatment of skin ailments, which depend on the disturbances in this process. In this case, the flowers have a mild laxative effect.

Other useful properties

The turn (benefit and harm described in the review), or rather, its flowers, is a good raw material for creating tinctures that have diaphoretic and diuretic properties. In addition, such a tool is recommended for people suffering from hypertension. If you suffer from chronic constipation, then you can try to use the leaves of the turn. They have a laxative and diuretic effect. Infusion from this part of the bush is an auxiliary tool for inflammatory processes of the oral cavity. A decoction of green parts of thorns promotes recovery in nephritis, cystitis, skin inflammations. If there are obsolete purulent ulcers and wounds on the epidermis, then poultices and compresses from the leaves of the prickly plum will help get rid of them in just a few days. The more useful the turn is yet, so that the infusion based on its flowers and leaves are used for inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.

Harm and contraindications

As for side effects and contraindications to the use of the turn, the opinions of the experts differed slightly. So, some argue that the harm of thorn is insignificant. It does not exist at all. But other sources say the impossibility of accelerating the metabolism as a result of using tinctures based on alcohol and bush flowers. There are few diuretic substances and coumarins that contribute to weight reduction. Also, if you drink this tincture on an empty stomach, then the body will react with diarrhea. And this also leads to weight loss. If you take alcohol tincture for several months or even weeks, metabolism is broken, dehydration starts in the body and stomach upset occurs . Turn, contraindications to the use of which are practically absent, can cause allergic reactions of various kinds. They are also possible on the pollen of a flowering shrub.

Delicious and aromatic jam

The turn (benefit and harm described above) is an excellent product for the preparation of jam, the taste of which, unfortunately, is not known to all gourmets. To produce this kind of food, only berries and sugar are needed, although in some recipes it is recommended to add water as well. So, to cook jam, you should soak the fruit for a while in the water. After that, the plum should be washed with a flowing liquid. Bones can be removed, or you can not remove them. Everything depends on the taste preferences of the one who will eventually use this useful sweetness. Now it is necessary to put whole berries or their halves into a pan. Next - to fill the blackthorn with sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and leave the container until the plum juice is allowed. As a result, a syrup is formed. The container, together with its contents, is placed on a fire and brought to a boil. Long boil the jam is not recommended, because a lot of useful elements will be lost. Ready-made hot brew should be poured into cans and carefully corked.

Positive qualities of sweetness

Jam made of thorn, the use of which is invaluable, has a wonderful astringent effect, so it is advised to use it for gastrointestinal disorders. This includes dysentery, foodborne toxicity , ulcerative colitis and candidomycosis. Jam also has an antiseptic, diuretic and fixing effect. It improves appetite.

Another way to prepare jam

You can cook jam from goat berry with the addition of dogwood. Berries of a thorn, the benefit of which does not decrease from this, will have in this case an even more refined taste. To prepare the yummy, you need 400 grams of sugar and 200 grams of the above fruits. In the basin we add all the products and fill them with water. The liquid must be so much that sugar dissolves in it. Then cook the mixture on low heat until it is completely cooked. In this jam should be stirred and freed from foam. We take the prepared fruits from the syrup and lay them in pre-washed containers. Syrup is boiled and still hot bays in berries. Now leave the jars until they cool, then cover them with lids or paper.

Therapeutic use of thorn

The juice obtained from the fruits of the prickly plum is used in inflammatory processes of the intestine and with certain ailments of the skin. And if the leaves and berries of this shrub are properly fried, then they can replace coffee.

The turn (the benefit and harm of which is indicated in our description) is suitable for decoction, which is used for whites. To make it, you need to take five grams of root or bark bark brew in 200 milliliters of boiling water. The liquid should be placed in a water bath for 30 minutes. Drink the medicine three times a day after eating 1/3 cup. Diluting the broth by half with water, you can also do syringing.

Healing is also infusion based on flowers of black thorns. Forty gram of leaves or flowers are poured into one cup of boiled water at room temperature and insisted for ten hours, after which they filter. This fluid is used in diseases of the liver, bladder, kidneys, with colds, constipation, metabolic disorders. Drink the medication four times a day before a meal of 50 milliliters.

If a person suffers from swelling and kidney ailments, he is often prescribed an infusion of leaves of the thorn bush. Immediately after the plant has faded, it is necessary to collect its young leaves. They boil with boiling water, like ordinary tea. Take one glass three times a day. The agent acts as a diuretic.

Take this inestimable gift of nature in moderation, and it will not hurt you! And even on the contrary, will charge an organism with energy, vitamins and vivacity. Be healthy!

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