
These innocent actions are very annoying to your partner

In relationships, many couples have to constantly face annoying moments. Fortunately, if the attachment is strong, it all happens quite positively. In the end, why be together, if you can not tolerate each other? Nevertheless, there are some moments that bring negative even into the warmest relations. If you think about how you behave, irritation of your partner can become a simple memory!

You do not look in the eyes

In the rapid pace of modern life it seems that we are never really close to the people around us. That's why it's so important to try and show your affection. The easiest way to do this is to look into your eyes when you are approached. It's difficult to talk calmly about your experiences when the interviewee turned away! If it's hard for you to find time for a partner during the day, highlight one particular moment in the evening when you can talk without distractions. At this time, try to focus all your attention on your loved one, do not get distracted and do not look around.

You humiliate yourself

Accepting compliments when we are told something pleasant, can be difficult. Awkwardness is a perfectly normal feeling! Nevertheless, if a person constantly points out their own shortcomings, this starts to irritate. This action makes you less attractive companion, in addition, it exhausts your partner, because he feels obligated to dissuade you. If you notice that you criticize yourself too much, try to say something positive. If your problem is too acute, you should contact a therapist to work on the question of self-esteem. Otherwise, such a habit can destroy not only your relationship, but your life as a whole.

You remember the past

This happened to everyone! During a quarrel, you suddenly recall a case from a long-standing past and accuse your partner. This is not the most correct type of behavior, no one can be so proud, nevertheless it happens. Quite another matter, if you can never forget about past grievances, about the former and other details of past days. If you behave this way, you find it difficult to focus on the present and the future. Try to live the present moment: you will be shocked, how much more pleasant your time spent with the partner, and life in general will be. Every time you want to talk about the past, think about how much it is appropriate at the moment and whether it will help improve your communication.

You criticize the decisions of the partner

Keep from criticism can sometimes be very, very difficult, but remember: no one wants to feel that he is being analyzed in every detail. An adult has the right to live by his own rules. If your chosen one wants to eat an impressive portion of food for dinner or make a bold haircut, this is his choice. You can discuss important decisions that affect you, but do not cling to trifles. This is very annoying. If you are tempted to comment, think about whether the event will have any meaning in two years. If not, do not say anything. Use this tactic, and soon you will have a habit of commenting only at critical moments.

You think that you are more important

A compromise is of great importance in relations. You must give as much as your partner, so that the situation is fair. If your conversations revolve around your work, your relatives and your interests, but practically do not concern your partner's life, you need to think about balance. Of course, it's tempting to choose films on your own or constantly complain about your work, but you are not the center of the universe. Try to start the conversation by focusing on the partner. Let him share their emotions and only then tell us about yourself. Continue this way until you realize that you are on equal terms. Only a harmonious balance of interests can be the basis of strong and healthy relationships.

You are constantly checking your phone

It is important not only to maintain eye contact, but also not to constantly check the phone and other devices. This habit is very annoying, especially if you went out to lunch together. If you behave this way, you show that virtual communication and other interests are more important to you than a joint time with your chosen one. Try to consciously distribute your attention, especially if your half is bored. Try once a week to not use technology at all. Play a board game or just chat. Time spent together without any electronic devices, will seem to you much more valuable.

You are too indecisive

Little is so annoying than a person who can never make a decision. What do you want for dinner? I dont know! What color are the walls in the bedroom? I dont know! What kind of film do you want to watch? I dont know! It's hard to endure. Nobody wants to always decide everything. Everyone in a relationship should have an opinion. If you are afraid to make decisions and do not want to make a mistake, you should think about the reason for this fear. Try to behave spontaneously. You will like it, and your partner will be much more pleasant!

You eat from someone else's dish

Some people like to share food, if this also applies to you, everything is fine. Nevertheless, most people prefer to eat from their own plate. If you want supplements, just ask, it's likely that your partner does not mind. If you take food without demand, it is very annoying. Do not order what you do not really want, then try the food from someone else's plate. If you really want a piece, ask for permission and take it only after you receive it.

You correct and contradict

We all want to think that we are smart enough, especially if we tell a story or new information. It is extremely unpleasant when a partner at such a moment interrupts, corrects or begins to argue. Sometimes it's really important to intervene, but in most cases it's not worth interrupting. Let your chosen one tell stories without feeling that he is on the exam. If he was wrong in something, you can talk about it later, without a triumphant expression. This will help you convey the information you need without creating discomfort and not humiliating your chosen one.

You do not care about the partner

If you stand behind a glass of water or a snack, always ask your loved one if you need anything. It's just polite, besides it allows you to show concern. If your chosen one simply brings himself delicacies and eats them alone, it can be quite unpleasant. Always think about your partner and be careful. It is better to ask once more than to ignore a person.

Learn to recognize that sometimes you can be annoying

Do not try to deny if your partner tells you that you are not behaving in the most pleasant way. It is likely that your behavior really seems normal to you, but that does not mean that it can not disturb another person. Instead of getting into the position of the accused, try to think about how your elect sees the situation, take his feelings into account, and then try to correct yourself. This will make a huge difference to your half, in addition, it will allow you to strengthen your relationship.

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