
Surprise favorite - the best proof of your feelings

Every girl or woman often asks herself: what can you do to surprise your beloved? I want to pay more attention to a close person, but this is not always possible. There are many great options to get your man to smile, and here are some of them.

Modern women have already ceased to seem tender, defenseless creatures. Many of them run a business, receive "non-business" professions, earn more men. To seem to his beloved affectionate, affectionate, loving woman, you can send him a letter. But not by email or in the social network, but written by hand. In it you can describe how much you love your man. Such letters have already gone out of fashion, but getting it to a man will be very pleasant.

You can make such a surprise to your beloved - invite his mother to a festive dinner. If you communicate well with her, then dinner will be memorable for everyone. If between you there are some half-words, then try to please your current or future mother-in-law. In the end, you both love one man, for the sake of it and it's worth to be friends.

You can make a wonderful surprise to your loved one by buying two tickets for the match of his favorite team. If you share his sports interests - fine; If you do not like football or hockey, then, having gone with your beloved to the stadium, you will pleasantly surprise him. And, who knows, maybe you can also love these interesting games.

If you know for sure that your loved one is listening to some radio station now, then you can dial it, admit to him in love for the whole country and order your favorite song with him. Believe me, this surprise will be remembered for the rest of your life.

A wonderful surprise will come if you fly with your second half on a paraglider. Dissect the myth that people can not fly!

Is there an important football match or other sports broadcast? Arrange a party for this day for a loved one and his friends. Stock up on beer, snacks, invite the best friends of your loved one. Accept them kindly, sincerely. When the broadcast starts, it's better to either leave at all, or spend that time in the next room. This surprise will certainly be loved by a loved one, and his friends will be remembered.

Put some romance in your relationship can stickers that glow in the dark. These are no longer banal hearts, but different figures, from which you can lay out, for example, his name.

You can order a beautiful fireworks display and during this colorful presentation take your man by the hand and confess to him in your feelings. Believe me, men are rather sentimental, so that from such "action" their heart melts.

You can acknowledge your love gradually, by making a lot of pieces of paper with pleasant words and gentle confessions. They can be spread all over the apartment, put in pockets, in his portfolio. The main thing is that these papers are gradually, so do not overdo it.

The idea of surprises for a loved one, at first glance, can be trivial. For example, dinner by candlelight. However, who said that you can not slightly change the rules and dine on the roof of the building? Your view will open a magnificent view of the evening or night city. And this city will only be for you two.

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