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How to become Winx? The mystery of fairies
Very often in our time young mothers are faced with the problem of organizing a children's birthday. Sometimes, not knowing how to approach this issue correctly, they make a lot of mistakes, especially if the daughter is very fond of modern cartoons and tries to imitate her favorite characters, and she wants to organize a holiday in the subject of the series. Often it happens that a child can puzzle parents, asking about how to become Winx (fairy).
In order to avoid incidents and misunderstandings on the part of parents, it is important to keep track of what captivates your child. Take a closer look at the selection of toys in stores, analyze his tastes in choosing books and cartoons. Take a little more seriously to the preferences of children, because psychologists advise to attach importance to even the smallest nuances of the game with the child, as in the future this affects the formation not only of the nature of the child, but also of his tastes.
How to organize a thematic birthday for the daughter in the style of the animated series
If your child is a fan and fan of one of the modern animated series, then the theme of the birthday with your favorite characters will surely be to his liking! In order for the celebration to take place without incident, the best option is not to organize it yourself, but to turn to professionals. People with experience in organizing holidays can create any miracle for your children. In addition, professional presenter of children's events and animators will be able to easily transform your children into their favorite characters and explain how to be a real pirate or how to become a true fairy Winx.
Where to get clothes for the birthday of the child
Many parents, when they want to arrange a daughter's birthday in the subject of a favorite cartoon, forget about the importance of clothes at such an event, and this is one of the most important tasks set for them. When a child wants to look like a cartoon character, do not forget the importance of complete reincarnation. A costume party should be discussed in absentia with all the parents of the invited children.
Thanks to the popularity of animated series, often girls ask their mothers questions about how to become Winx Fairies now, and whether they are real. It is for such children that it is recommended to make parties for the holiday, at which the child can wear a fairy costume, princess or other popular cartoon character, feel part of a favorite fairy tale.
Clothes for the costume holiday can be sewn by hand. If your outfit is not very complicated, and you have a desire to create it yourself, then the problem with finding a suitable rental store for things you do not face. In addition, a child can wear a favorite costume, when he wants.
What if your daughter wants to become a fairy
For girls 5-10 years old, the desire to become a real fairy has always been and always is. What to do if your child after watching a popular cartoon series decided to ask his parents about how to become Winx (fairy)? In this case, it is worthwhile to help the child get what he wants and in any case not to interfere with his dream.
In order for your daughter to believe that you can be reincarnated as a true fairy, caring mothers should cheat a little. For example, you can come up with a "ritual", thanks to which your daughter will become a real sorceress. Give the child a sheet of paper, let him write on it, what exactly the fairy she wants to be, will indicate the elements and magic that the beloved heroine of the animated series owns. Then you can set the leaf on fire and send the baby to bed (if you do it all at a late hour), be sure to tell them beforehand that you need to drink a glass of warm milk to cajole the fairies. Thus, it is also possible to accustom a child to obedience, most importantly, all in moderation, do not abuse.
Which fairy from the cartoon will suit the girl
Many parents, unfortunately, do not have time to watch their favorite animated series with their children. Due to employment, we sometimes miss the passions of our children, and when it comes to the gift for the holiday, in stores we are lost from the number of new fashion dolls, and in most cases forget that they are best suited.
If you ever heard from your daughter the question: "Mom, but how to become a fairy Winx Flora?", But in your confused face the child realized that you absolutely do not understand what is at stake, do not worry, buy your daughter your favorite fairy in The form of a doll. Flora is a fairy from the animated series "Winx", which is most suitable for calm type of children, as the character owns the magic of the Earth. This blonde heroine is always reasonable and balanced, so very much impresses girls like them.
How to become a fairy at home? Tips for parents
All of you for certain will agree that it is impossible to take away from the child a dream. When your daughter wants to become a magical character of one of your favorite animated series, you should help her in any possible way. There are several tricks for moms who want to help their child believe in a miracle. To begin with, you need to find out exactly what kind of fairy your little sorceress wants to become. So, if your daughter asked how to become Winx (fairy), you need to tell her with confidence that your mother knows a couple of secrets.
Tricks for moms. "Rites of reincarnation in the fairy"
Keep in mind that your child must believe in what is happening, so you must be as convincing as possible, telling your daughter about the rules of "turning" into a fairy. So, consider several options:
1. Find the house an old bottle from under the spirits, fill it with water, add a few drops of any aromatic essence (lime, cedar, vanilla), pour a little cinnamon or other spices. It is recommended to add cosmetic or clerical sequins for the "magic" effect (remember that you are preparing a miracle elixir that will help the child "become" a fairy).
After completing the preparations, tell your daughter that, looking inside the bottle, she loudly said her question, referring to the queen of fairies (for example, how to become Bloom from Winx). After that, go to the educational process. Explain to your daughter that this "magic elixir" needs to be sprayed in the room twice a day (the number of sprays also needs to be clarified) in order for the fairy queen to let her become one of them. After a certain number of days you must present the child with the "Queen's response", for example, you can wrap a couple of sweet treats, decorations, and hide under a pillow in a small bag. Having learned that my mother owns secrets and secrets of how to become Winx, you will not only enlist the trust of your daughter, but also help her imagination and fantasy develop.
2. In a bowl of water, pour in sea salt (a couple of small pinches), add shampoo or liquid soap (for a pleasant scent), then tell your daughter to wash her hands in the resulting mixture, while thinking of what kind of fairy she wants to become . It is very important before you begin to do all these actions, to know in advance your favorite heroine of your daughter. For parents, this is not so interesting fact, but if, for example, your daughter asked you how to become a fairy Winx Stella, it means that she is not sure of her attractiveness, since this character was an "ugly duckling" until a certain moment , So your child also dreams of becoming a "beautiful swan". Take this with understanding and do everything possible to convince your daughter of her beauty. Sometimes cartoons, even with an uncomplicated script, provide an opportunity to learn the secrets of their children, rid them of nascent complexes and earn respect and understanding on their part. After all, children at an early age are very rarely completely frank with their parents.
The mystery of fairies, or how to play with your daughter in magical and staged games
If you, along with your little sorceress have gone through all the stages of reincarnation and become real fairies, then it's time to learn how to play correctly. You should still sometimes watch with your daughter her favorite animated series, or, alternatively, if you play the role of an all-knowing mother, look at him secretly from the child, let her be surprised once again of your information. Given the fact that in addition to fun every normal parent wants also to turn any game in favor of the child, in order to educate you can use your status (and you have it, because you knew the secret of how to become a fairy) and assign certain Tasks, whether it is timely preparation of lessons or help in cleaning the house.
In addition, do not forget about secrets. If you do not want your daughter to scream at every step, "I'm a fairy!", Explain to her how important it is to keep it a secret, you can even say that when someone else finds out about it, she will lose her magical abilities.
In this way, we will preserve the psyche of our child, and let us slip out our fantasies and play with imagination, while depriving her of her skewed views from her peers who, perhaps, have outgrown this period and have forgotten what they dreamed of sometime.
Pay attention to your child, play with him, watch the play of his imagination. Remember that we were also children once, and do not worry if your daughter plays a little longer than you expected. Try to give her confidence in full understanding on your part. This will give you the conviction that later the daughter will be more frank and sincere with you.
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