Sports and Fitness, Yoga
5 Tibetan exercises. Practice "Five Tibetan pearls"
About Tibetan gymnastics, you can tell a lot of interesting things. This is a miraculous complex of exercises Peter Kelder described in the book "The Eye of Revival," which was edited in 1938. After that, this gymnastics was very popular. Later, many different translations of this method appeared. For example, "Five Tibetan pearls". Exercises of this gymnastics got such a name because of the fact that their number is 5 ritual positions - "Eye of Revival". They are recommended for everyone who wants to rejuvenate and strengthen the body, and also to stabilize the peace of mind and tranquility. As already mentioned above, the names of this complex are many. You will understand this by reading this text.
In general, Tibetan gymnastics for longevity in itself also includes the sixth exercise. However, it is performed only when the practitioner leads a certain and limited way of life. As a result, only 5 Tibetan exercises, which affect the state of the physiological and energy structure, have gained wide popularity. Further about this in more detail.
5 Tibetan exercises "Eye of Revival"
Doing this morning's charge will not take a lot of time. To carry out 5 Tibetan exercises, it will take about 20 minutes. It's not so much for the daily complex. While the 5 exercises of Tibetan monks will help you achieve incomparable ease and stability in the state of the body. Also they will give the opportunity to always be in shape.
Indeed, the ideal and fairly simple complex is Tibetan gymnastics. These exercises should be carried out immediately, in stages, moving from one to another. Let's consider each in more detail.
The first exercise
It is necessary to stand upright and begin to rotate about its own axis in the clockwise direction. This is done until light dizziness occurs. Beginners will be quite enough 3-5 turns. This exercise, as well as the whole complex, involves a slow increase in the load.
In this case, you should not allow the appearance of symptoms of severe dizziness and nausea. It is necessary to train hard and hard. And after about 10 days you will be easier to conduct this gymnastics. As the state of the vestibular apparatus improves. The ideal option is to achieve 21 turnover.
The second exercise
At this stage of gymnastics, you should lie with your back on a hard surface. Then it is necessary to stretch the arms along the trunk, laying the palms on the floor. After that, you need to raise your head, pressing your chin to your chest. At the same time, the legs should be lifted upwards without lifting the buttocks from the floor. If you have a good stretch, then in this case the legs can be pulled to the head. This is done until the knees begin to bend. After this, slowly lower your legs.
Then you need to relax and do another 3-5 similar lifts. Every day exercising, you should bring the exercise to 21 times.
The third exercise
Tibetan gymnastics "Revival" is also useful for the spine. This is a reliable fact. Be sure to try this exercise. After that you will feel all of its benefits.
First, you should kneel by placing them on the width of the pelvis. After this, put your hands under your buttocks. Then you need to throw your head back, straighten your chest and bend your spine forward. Thus it is necessary to rest your hands in your hips. Then you should return to the starting position. Chin pressing to chest. Initially, it is worth starting with 3-5 approaches, and within two weeks to bring up to 21 times.
The fourth exercise
To implement it, you must sit on a hard surface and stretch out your legs so that your feet are shoulder width apart. In this case, the back must remain straight. Closed palms should be placed on the sides to the floor.
In this position, you need to lower your head down and press your chin to your chest. Then you should lift up and forward the trunk, taking a horizontal position. In this state, you need to stay for a few minutes, and then slowly return to the starting position with the chin pressed to the chest. This action, like all of the 5 exercises of Tibetan monks, should be completed to 21 repetitions. This is considered the best option.
Fifth exercise
In this action, the starting position will be a specific position. It lies in the emphasis lying on a solid plane, with the need to bend the back. In this position, it is necessary that the pads of the toes rest against the floor. The palms should be located on the surface and directed forward. Hands and feet in this case are placed on the width of the shoulders. After this, you should tilt your head back, and then take the corpus of the body angular position upwards. In this case, the legs must be straightened. In two weeks it is necessary to bring this action up to 21 times.
Regularity is the key to a successful outcome
This complex of "5 exercises of Tibetan monks" should be performed every day. This should be a kind of ritual for you. Initially for some, doing the same activities may seem monotonous and boring. However, in fact, after the time has elapsed, everything will turn out to be quite a simple process. It is only necessary to get used to doing the mentioned complex "Five Tibetan Pearls" in the morning of each day. These exercises will not take long. On all you need about 20 minutes. After that the gymnastics "Five Tibetans" will become easy and familiar. These exercises will be as indispensable as the procedure for washing and brushing your teeth.
The undoubted advantage of these actions is that they do not take much time. At the same time with their help you can wake up faster from sleep, and also be charged with a positive mood and energy for the whole day. Although initially it may seem that the gymnastics "Five Tibetans" are exercises of a physical nature. However, in fact, these are ritual actions that can empower the human body with the necessary vital energy. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully study these 5 Tibetan exercises and perform them in this order.
Operating principle
To understand how these rituals affect longevity and human health, one should pay special attention to the long-standing explanation given by Peter Kelder in the book "The Eye of the Renaissance." It consists in the fact that the human body has seven centers. They are also called vortices. In a healthy organism, their rotation is very fast. But if their speed decreases and the motion of the vortices slows down, then the aging of the body occurs. As a result, the person becomes decrepit and painful. In a word, when all the vortices rotate at a great and equal speed, the organism remains healthy. This is the principle of the "Five Tibetan exercises" complex. However, if one or several of them have a deceleration, the person will immediately feel a breakdown. As a result of this, diseases will develop, and the aging of the organism will accelerate.
Where are the magnetic centers (vortices)
According to the Tibetan theory, their location is as follows:
- Two of them occupy a place in the brain. One is deep in the forehead. The second is in the back of the brain. These vortices are designated "A" and "B";
- The location of one is at the cervical base. Namely in the throat. This is the "C" vortex;
- 1 is placed on the right side of the body. That is, in front of the liver around the waist. It's a whirlwind of "D";
- One is located in the genital area. This vortex is labeled "E";
- Two - in the area of the knees. That is in each one. They are designated "F" and "G".
In general, the location of these vortices must be outside the body. However, when they slow down, they can not reach even its surface. The exception is two vortices that are in the area of the knees. From this it should be taken into account that for the return of health, youth and vitality to the person, it is necessary to carry out the promotion of these vortices. For this, the indicated 5 Tibetan exercises will be needed. Each of them individually can also be useful. However, to achieve a tangible result, it is necessary to perform all five Tibetan exercises.
Councils for the implementation of rituals
There are no contraindications to these actions. However, there are certain points that require special attention. They will help to avoid various injuries and problems, and also to achieve the greatest efficiency. They are as follows:
- The most important criterion is the realization of a uniform increase in the number of repetitions of each of the five exercises of Tibetan gymnastics. That is, the first week should be performed in three repetitions. Then it is necessary to add 2 more weekly. This is an important condition. By the beginning of the tenth week, you will achieve 21 repetitions of each exercise. This will be the amount to stop. However, for the first exercise there is an exception. It consists in the fact that it can be done until there is a slight dizziness, but no more. In this case, an individual approach is required.
- It is necessary to practice these exercises of Tibetan lamas daily. You can skip a week only once, but not more than that. In this case, you will achieve a good result.
- The best option is to conduct these rituals in the early morning. It would be ideal if these Tibetan exercises were performed before dawn. For beginners, there will be more than enough in this matter. Later you can add another evening complex.
- All these exercises are very strong. If you suddenly can not make one of them, you still need to do all the rest. Under this condition, there will also be positive results, but they will be a little slow. In addition, the first exercise itself has a very strong effect. Even if you only perform it, you will still notice an improvement in well-being.
- People with excess weight need to be careful when carrying out the fifth exercise, until their own weight reaches the norm.
- People who have undergone a surgical operation (for example, have removed appendicitis) or have a hernia, should exercise caution with exercises 2, 3 and 5.
- It is advisable to take a hot or warm bath after this gymnastics. Also, after completing these ritual actions, you can make a quick wipe with the help of the alternate use of wet and dry towels. This is done if the cold shower or wiping has previously been practiced. This is important to know. If a person is unprepared, then he should not do this. Since its rapid cooling from the inside can arise, as a result of which the positive effect of these 5 Tibetan exercises will be lost.
- During the implementation of this gymnastics, you should always monitor your breathing. After these exercises you need to try to lie down a bit and relax well. This is necessary to restore strength. Also, do not forget about the regularity of this complex. Therefore, in order to achieve better efficiency, it is necessary to try not to allow skips of training. At the same time, they should be performed in the above order.
- Ideally, if the specified Tibetan gymnastics for longevity will be held in the morning on an empty stomach. That is, you need to do this right after you are awakened from sleep. However, this is not fundamental. You can also do these exercises a day several times. In this case, the load should be varied based on your own well-being. The main thing is that you should not overexert yourself.
For whom and for what is the sixth ritual necessary?
As already stated above, all 5 exercises of Tibetan monks are aimed at the restoration of the vital forces of the body. Also with their help a person will look much younger. This is a reliable fact. However, to achieve a more significant result, it is necessary to perform the sixth ritual. At the same time, I would like to note at once that this action will be absolutely useless, if no positive results are achieved in carrying out these five exercises. It should not be forgotten that this may take about a couple of years of regular implementation of these actions. Sometimes it takes 3-4 years. And, perhaps, the most important condition for starting the sixth ritual action is that it is necessary to completely exclude or strongly restrict sexual life. This is due to a certain fact. Namely, the fact that the direction of the last ritual is concentrated on making the sexual energy of man transformed into vitally useful forces. You can perform this exercise at any time. However, it can only be carried out when there is a surplus of sexual energy and a strong desire to use it. In this case, this exercise should be carried out.
To do this, you need to get straight, breathe out all the air. Further it is necessary, not inhaling, to bend forward. Then you need to rest on your knees with your hands. After that, the air left in the lungs should be exhaled. Then, without breathing, you need to return to the vertical position. After this, it is necessary to raise the shoulders and put pressure on your hips with your hands. Then you need to draw the stomach to the limit. This should be an extension of your chest. It is necessary to hold this position as long as possible. Then you should breathe in your nose. And then you need to exhale through the mouth. At the same time you need to relax and let go of your arms at the same time, so that they hang down along the body. Then several times it is necessary to inhale and exhale quickly and deeply. This cycle should be repeated 3 times. This is necessary to direct the emerging sexual energy upwards.
The result
In conclusion, it should be noted that the regular holding of these 5 Tibetan exercises will allow even the elderly to achieve a stunning result in rejuvenating and strengthening health. It is only necessary to correctly carry out the above actions. In this case, we should not forget that their own bad habits also have a significant impact on the state of health and appearance. Therefore, you need to get rid of them.
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