Sports and FitnessYoga

Yoga with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Exercises, results

Yoga in the osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a fairly effective method to combat this disease. Most people call osteochondrosis a "disease of the century", because it causes inconvenience to those who conduct a low-activity lifestyle, and does not allow them to live in the usual rhythm. Not so long ago, only elderly people suffered from this ailment, but now it is observed among able-bodied people aged 35-40. The disease affects several parts of the spine, although the leading place is occupied by osteochondrosis of the cervical region.

Causes of development

With the development of new technologies, mankind has achieved great heights in various fields of activity, particularly in medicine. But unfortunately, the exact causes of osteochondrosis are still not revealed. To date, only has been studied the development of the disease, its sequence, symptoms and stages. Although there is a suggestion that the appearance of this disease provokes a violation in the metabolic processes of the human body.

There are no blood vessels in the intervertebral discs, therefore, in case of any malfunctions in the metabolic processes, their blood supply will be disturbed, and consequently, structural changes will occur, after which the discs themselves will be destroyed. In addition, some experts say that the following factors can influence the onset of osteochondrosis:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • Cardinal disruptions in nutrition;
  • Wrong diet.

Yoga with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine helps to fix and normalize metabolic processes, significantly improves blood circulation, allows to strengthen the muscular support of the spine, due to which the immune system will be strengthened, and the entire body will be healthy.

Basic rules and tasks

Yoga should be started gradually, like any other gymnastics. Beginners will be enough for one lesson per week, and eventually it will be possible to move to daily exercise complexes.

Together with the correct performance of physical exercises, specialists in the field of alternative medicine advise to adhere to certain rules:

  1. Sleep on a solid or special orthopedic mattress, and the pillow should be located at the correct height.
  2. Take a hot shower every day for 10 minutes. You can replace it with a sauna or a Finnish sauna - they will help to remove spasms.
  3. Constantly lead an active lifestyle, which consists of regular walks and outdoor activities.
  4. To visit the pool or just swim in the river / pond, performing the simplest exercises (running, swinging hands / feet and so on).

Yoga with cervical osteochondrosis is aimed at solving the following problems:

  1. Relaxation of muscles. Subsequently, this will contribute to the removal of spasms and the dropping of muscle blocks.
  2. Strengthening the muscular corset of the neck, chest, back and shoulder girdle.
  3. Extension of absolutely all parts of the spine.

Who are the classes suitable for?

Yoga with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis is available to almost everyone. Any person can easily attend a class in the gym or outdoors, but there are some restrictions, for example, it is forbidden to exercise with increased body temperature. In addition, do not consume alcoholic beverages or energy before the occupation, in order to avoid adverse consequences.

Yoga with osteochondrosis of different departments is selected individually, only after consultation with the doctor. For each client, separately developed sets of exercises with the required frequency of approaches.

During the very first training, there must be a specialist who will supervise the training process. If, during the performance of an exercise, pain occurs in the cervical region, it is immediately replaced by another, not bringing discomfort.

Method of treatment

As already mentioned above, the exercises are selected individually, because yoga with osteochondrosis of the cervical section should not harm the body. At runtime, you only need to listen to your own body, so that in the event of discomfort or soreness, stop exercising right away. As is known, the cervical region is close enough to the brain, so when the vessels are jammed, irreversible consequences can occur.

Compared with massage, yoga strengthens the spine, which is an important factor, without which the spacing between the vertebrae can contract at any second, after which the disease will appear again. In addition, in order not to return to problems with the neck and spine, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the muscles that must support the spinal column.

Asan complex

Charging for cervical osteochondrosis contains exercises with acrobatics. In connection with the fact that during the period of acute illness, head supports and other somersaults are strictly forbidden, it is necessary to dwell on light exercises that absolutely everyone can perform.

Separate exercises that includes yoga for the cervical spine, and its results are described below. All of them are aimed at restoring blood circulation, strengthening the muscles and stretching the spine.


Yoga with cervical osteochondrosis, as already mentioned above, is an extremely simple exercise, and as a warm-up you need to perform a stance that tones up the neck muscles. To do this, you need a strap tied in a loop and put on your hands in such a way that your palms are set clearly on the width of your shoulders.

The legs are put together, hands with a stretched belt (beginners can be without it) rise clearly up, and the right leg rises and bends in the knee, the heel rests against the inside of the thigh of the second leg. In this position, you must stand for a few seconds, and then change your leg.

Utthita trikonasana

A lot of different exercises contain yoga in cervical osteochondrosis. What exercises give the best result is difficult to say, because each of them contributes to the improvement of the patient's condition.

To do this, take a chair and stand facing him. Having made a lunge with the foot, it is necessary to turn the body in the direction where the lunge was made. Then the position of the legs changes: the leg in the attack turns clearly perpendicular to the chair, the second remains in the same position. The arm, which is on the side of the leg in an unchanged position, descends to the chair and rests against it, and the second rises upward.

The back at runtime should be straight and without sagging in the lower back. In this position, it is necessary to hold out for about a minute, while breathing should be even. Then the asana should be repeated, making the attack with the other leg.

Parivritta trikonasana

Excellent results with regular training gives yoga against cervical osteochondrosis. Exercises in it are present and those that help relieve spasms in the neck, such as this asana.

As an additional equipment you need to take a brick or an ordinary wooden bar. Starting position: standing evenly. Then the lunge is made by either foot, this position is fixed, after which the body turns smoothly in the opposite direction. The palm resting on the side of the lunge should clearly touch the equipment, and the other hand should be pulled upwards.

In a pose, it is recommended to hold for about a minute, then return to the starting position and do the same movements, only with a turn in the other direction.

Ardha Candrana

This asana will also require a brick or bar, as in the previous exercise. It should be located at some distance from the left foot. The initial position: the legs are set, the body is straight, the arms are stretched along the body. On exhalation you need to raise your right leg and arm. In this case, the legs should form a right angle (the right one is clearly parallel to the floor), and the arms are a straight line (the left one descends and rests against a brick or bar). Breathing should be smooth, without jerks and delays.

In this position, you need to fix for about 30-40 seconds. Then you need to make a 10-second break and repeat the asana in the other direction.


This exercise does not require any additional equipment and special skills, so it can be performed by a person who has even intermediate acute pain in the cervical region. The starting position will be the same as in the previous asana: the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the arms are straight along the body, and the vertex stretches clearly upward. After making a couple of breaths and exhalations, the body is turned to the right side, then gently bend to the foot, while the hands slowly and without jerking also fall down.

When performing, it is necessary to follow the knees so that they do not bend. In this position it is recommended to stand no more than a minute, but not less than 30 seconds. Then you should return to the starting position and again make a couple of breaths and exhalations. If strong pain sensations were not felt, then you can repeat the asana in the other direction, trying to make the slope slightly lower.

Such movements will help not only those who suffer from osteochondrosis, but also people who have trivial problems with stoop.

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