Education, Languages
What is goodness? Meaning of the word
In this article we will consider the meaning of the word "goodness". What is it? On the example of famous people, we will try to explain simply and intelligibly what kind of feeling and how to distinguish true good from counterfeit.
What is goodness. Definition of this concept
If we characterize this concept in a nutshell, then goodness means kindness and philanthropy.
Examples of goodness in life
One of the most striking examples of the manifestation of goodness is the life path of a nun, all known under the name of Mother Teresa. This person left such a mark that her name became a household name. All her life Mother Teresa dedicated to the service of the destitute. She believed that in people it is necessary to see the good and that it is on this record your attention. In her opinion, everyone will be responsible for their sins, and we have no right to judge anyone. In every, even the most notorious robber, there are good feelings that can be awakened. Noticing in people their positive aspects, we thereby reveal these qualities, strengthen them and make life around better and kinder.
Exploring the life path of this amazing woman, we can better understand what kindness is. This feeling manifests itself in all of her deeds and deeds, namely - infinite kindness, the greatest love for people and serving them. Interests of absolutely strangers to her people, she often put above their own. If she saw that someone needed something more, she gave everything she could.
Relation to goodness in the modern world
What is goodness, we have already considered. How do they treat this quality of the soul in the modern world? It would seem that good and good deeds should only be called respect and honor, but, unfortunately, this does not always happen. Many people consider this an eccentricity and do not understand how you can sacrifice yourself for the sake of completely strangers. Some look with caution at the beneficent people, considering them not from this world, and even completely mentally abnormal. Someone is trying to detect some kind of dirty trick in their deeds and deeds, carefully searching out what benefit they are pursuing. They do not know that there is no benefit at all. People who lack or are not sufficiently developed such a quality of the soul as goodness will never understand the desire to do good in the name of good.
Each person is created in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, in everyone there is a Divine spark. Goodness is the ability to see the Divine in all people and to love others as God has commanded us. Do not take responsibility to judge others. It happens that it seems to you that you are better than someone and are capable of more. However, this may not be the case at all. We are not allowed to look into the souls of other people. Perhaps, before God, the one you think is worse than yourself will be higher than you. Opportunities and abilities are not divided equally. To whom more is given, in the opinion of Mother Teresa, from that more and will be asked. And the one who in your submission did something worse than you, probably did the best he can, and he, like a beggar, who sacrificed the last penny to the Temple, will be reckoned more than a rich man who gave a hundredfold more.
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