Sports and FitnessYoga

Yoga at home for beginners

Yoga at home is becoming increasingly popular: exercise is rightfully considered an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Yoga is an ideal opportunity to unite the body, mind and spirit, but in order to achieve a harmonious state, one must be able to create the right environment.

Homework yoga is possible, but do not give up the help of a coach or a teacher. It will be especially useful when performing complex asanas. It should be noted the importance of regular exercise. Training should be daily.

Contraindications for domestic activities

First of all you have to check how your body will react to the training. If you have problems with joints, cardiovascular system or any other diseases, you should first consult your doctor and find out if you are allowed yoga. Yoga at home should be canceled if you have a cold, if you have muscle aches and fever. Contraindicated yoga for girls in the first days of menstruation. Choosing the time for classes, look for a time when you do not want to eat, sleep or when you are not very tired.

Preparation for training

Yoga at home should be done in comfortable clothes, not fitting the body and not fettering movements. The room in which you will train should be light, clean, spacious and well ventilated. Remember, nothing should distract you, since you need to be extremely focused on your feelings. You can use special relaxing music, which is smooth and pleasant, without sharp transitions. You can choose any music that you like, but remember - you should not be distracted!

Yoga for beginners. Classes at home

When you are ready to do the exercises, start with the simplest asanas. The first training will take quite a bit of time, a maximum of half an hour. When you master basic exercises, try to include more complicated poses in yoga at home.

While exercising, pay attention not only to the asanas being performed correctly, but also to your sensations. Every muscle in your body needs to be relaxed, you must feel every movement, every centimeter of your body. Do not forget that yoga assumes the right breath: it must be smooth and deep.

It is necessary to note one more important condition - self-discipline, which is very important in yoga. If you have little free time, then shorten the duration of the session and do it every other day. Do not be lazy, do not give up training. Doing yoga regularly and with pleasure, you improve not only your body, but your spirit. Yoga will teach you self-control and help you more easily cope with everyday stress. Very soon you will notice the effect of practicing yoga. Your body will thank you: you will eat less, sleep better, feel fresh, less tired. Your mind will become clear, and consciousness will open to the outside world.

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