Sports and FitnessYoga

Asana jana shirshasana

We all heard about Indian gymnastics - yoga. Recently, more and more people are not only interested in this ancient teaching of the Indian people, but also actively begin to engage in it, becoming his fans for life.

If you decide to seriously study Indian gymnastics, you should contact an experienced trainer, visit a few lessons and understand for yourself why you need yoga. After all, this kind of work involves not just a few exercises a day, but systematic work on your body and spirit. An experienced yoga instructor will help you organize your daily routine and nutrition properly. The basic rule of this ancient teaching is a constant work on oneself, which implies exercises not only physical, but also with your mind and thoughts. Be sure to check with your family doctor before starting an exercise in Indian gymnastics, you may have contraindications. If you have bad habits, it is better to immediately abandon them. Smoking is the main contraindication. These things are simply incompatible!

Yoga consists of poses, which are called asanas. Asana is the perfect stability of the whole body, the constancy of the mind and the benevolence of the spirit. About such a pose as jana shirshasanu, and will be discussed in today's article.

Yoga can be practiced at any age

If you want your child interested in this ancient kind of gymnastics, do not put any pressure on him at all. Take him to the class so that the child can see everything with his own eyes and decide if he wants to study. Yoga classes for children take place in a game form. Indian gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the children's body. Children become more enduring, they have increased appetite and immunity.

Is it possible to practice yoga for pregnant women?

To date, there are programs of this gym, designed specifically for expectant mothers.

Yoga exercises have a beneficial effect on the pregnant woman's body, her mind and the health of the baby's future. Such physical activity prepares the organism for the forthcoming birth. To do this gymnastics or not in an interesting situation specifically for you, you will find out after preliminary consultation with your obstetrician.

Jan shirshasana means a pose in which you, sitting on the floor (one leg is jammed, and the other leg is stretched), make the body tilt so that the head touches your knee.

The beneficial effect of jana shirshasana on the body

Like all asanas in yoga, this posture has a positive effect on the entire body. Janu shirshasana stimulates the digestive tract, liver, spleen, kidneys. Strengthens the muscular system of the abdomen, trunk. Increases the volume in the organs behind the breastbone.

As a therapy, this asana is used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  1. Different types of neuralgia.
  2. Hemorrhoids.
  3. Diseases of the prostate gland in men.

Janu shirshasana: technique of implementation

  1. Comfortably sit on the floor.
  2. Without straining, make a slope forward, aligning the buttocks.
  3. Straighten, leveling the spine, the pelvis should be slightly tilted
  4. Deeply inhale and exhale, exhaling, bend your right leg in the knee and put it on the floor so that the heel touches the perineum.
  5. Breathe correctly (inhale - exhale), exhaling, lower the right thigh to the floor. In this case, the heel should be 4-5 centimeters from the thigh of the left leg, and the foot to lie sole to the ceiling.
  6. Maximize the knee of the left leg back, slightly unfolding the pelvis.
  7. With your hand at the beginning of the right hip, turn as hard as possible to your left (straight) leg.
  8. Pulling the hose to the floor, stretch, bending over with an even back, to the foot of your left (extended) leg. Leaning as deeply as possible, try to clasp your foot with both hands. If you do not have a very good stretch, then you can wrap your shin, but as close as possible to the foot.
  9. Throw your head back, and then, straightening it, extend the neck as far as possible towards the ceiling.
  10. With effort, pull the sock forward.
  11. Take a full breath and exhale and try to press your chest even more firmly against your leg.
  12. The number of cycles that you will have to keep in jana shirshasan depends on your physical fitness and stretching.
  13. On inspiration, go back to the starting position (right leg bent, left straight) change your legs and do asanu again. Perform a few repetitions on each leg.

If you do not understand the technique of performing an asana called jana shirshasana, the photo from the article will help you master one of the most simple and popular poses yourself.

This technique is suitable for beginners to practice yoga.

Parivrtta jana shirshasana

This asana is a variety of shirshasana. It's the same slope, sitting on the floor, with one foot pressed underneath, the second is stretched out. Only the slope is done not by the head to the knee, but sideways, that is, the slope to the elongated leg should be made sideways of the body, the hands are stretched out and should touch the leg. Effective posture for pain in the back, migraines, irritability.

Be healthy!

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