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Predatory birds with a white head: species, habitat, nutrition and reproduction

Birds of prey with a white head meet in the whole planet. They cause admiration in every person, even if he actually knows nothing about the animal world. It is impossible to look at a gracefully soaring predator and not admire it with its free and slightly frightening appearance.

Most often birds of prey with a white head meet in a falcon family. As an example, you can consider gyrfalcon. These birds are quite large crows, the color of which is almost entirely white. The body itself and the wings can be covered with spots of dark color. As for the head, it is always white. The chicks of these representatives of feathered predators have brown shades, and the older the individual becomes, the lighter the color. This is due to the fact that over the years the bird has to hunt independently, and only white color will allow it to extract food in the northern latitudes - the place of the main habitat. Nesting they are not in their homes, for the breeding of offspring used by someone else's homes. In the masonry there are usually 2-3 eggs, with rare exception. These predatory birds with a white head will rarely leave their native places, because they are quite normal in the conditions of the frosty North. Moreover, in the warm regions their survival will be impossible.

Other birds of prey with a white head are owls. However, not every representative of these night hunters has such a color, it is inherent only in polar individuals. Like falcons, owl chicks are much darker than adults, but later the feathering is clarified. These birds live in the tundra and steppes, but sometimes the famine drives them into the forests. A distinctive feature of them is that they will never hunt near their nest. This feature is used by other, smaller ptahs - having settled next to the owl, they provide themselves with a security guarantee, because few people will land on the territory of a serious predator. Hunting takes place in the active mode, waiting or disguising are not owlish methods for solving the hungry question.

The most famous predatory bird with a white head is a bald eagle. His body and wings are dark in color. That is why the white head is its distinctive feature, because of this, it got its name. From the eagles, these birds are distinguished by their bald paws, there is almost no plumage on them. However, this does not make predator data less dangerous. In principle, the eagles can live anywhere, the main thing is that there is some kind of a reservoir nearby, as the basis of food is made up of fish, frogs or even ducks. They can multiply excellently in captivity if they are provided with a spacious aviary. Nests of the eagles are arranged on high trees or in rocks, and they can not be called small. There are even such houses that reach four meters in diameter. It should be noted that something serious must happen to the eagle to leave its nest, most often it is used by him constantly.

All breeds of birds of prey are endowed with such color that helps them to successfully hunt or hide in the place where they live. Consequently, white-headed representatives can be found in other families, if it is necessary for survival.

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