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Black crow - wise terrible bird

Since ancient times, a black crow in a person is associated with the symbol of death and the hardest sorrows. All this is due to its large size, dark color with a metallic glow and a frightening croak.

Wise bird

Black crow is a faithful companion. She very scrupulously selects her partner, but most of her conscious life remains devoted to her chosen one. This mysterious bird lives from 55 to 75 years. During this time, she sees and learns a lot, so she is called wise and prophetic. In popular beliefs, she is credited with a longer life cycle, which lasts from 100 to 300 years.

What feeds the crow

The black crow is a bird that uses everything for food, not disdaining absolutely nothing. In its nutritious diet, it includes even carrion. In appearance, the female is no different from the male of its kind, only slightly weighs, namely on average from 800 to 1,300 kg. If you look from the outside, then for sure you can see that it is something like a rook, only bigger in size.

Description of the black crow

An adult black crow has in the region of the head, neck and wings of a resinous color with a violet-green tint. On the abdomen is its color with a bluish or metallic reflection. The wings are very long, their swing reaches more than one meter when flying. The caudal part is pointed to the bottom. The beak is black, thick, with the shape of a cone, slightly curved downwards. On the paws are very sharp and strongly bent claws. The eyeball of her eyes is a pronounced red-brown color.

Where do black ravens live?

These big awesome black crows live throughout the vast land. The only places where they have not been met yet are South America and New Zealand. Than they are not satisfied with these fabulous, beautiful areas - it is unknown. Black-winged representatives of this kind of birds have a very strong nervous system and an excellent memory. They accumulate a previous experience, on the basis of which conditioned reflexes are born . From an early age, they observe the actions of adult birds, and then apply the acquired knowledge in practice. For example, this is how the struggle for its territory takes place.

Settlements of black ravens

Crows like to settle in packs and build their nests only within the territory occupied. They also get food for food directly in their possessions, and in the late evening they return to their penates. Though it seems to us that the crow lives on the earth a huge amount, however it is not so: the number of these flying individuals has decreased significantly today, despite their extreme caution. And yet they still trust the person, preferring to settle in crowded places, on farmyards and dumps. And in the very vicinity of people, they nest their nests on tops of water towers, high-rise buildings, bell towers.

The group "Yakhont". The song "Black Crow"

A lot of poems and songs have been written about these birds. Here, for example, the group "Yakhont". "Black Crow" is a famous song, which became their calling card. The piece was performed by the band's soloist Sergei Selivanov with such a tear and revelation, as if he felt his demise. "Why?" - you ask. Because the image of this bird is so demonic and chaotic that sometimes you just shudder when you see it. It is not for nothing that this black-winged creature is associated with the kingdom of the dead and with death. But now it is worth considering whether the soloist of the group has caused trouble, or whether it was destined for him by fate.

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