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Bathsheba: the meaning of the name and characteristics

Bathsheba is one of the most beautiful names that gave the world the Bible. According to the Old Testament narrative, that was the name of one of the most beautiful women of Israel, the wife of King David. What does the name of this woman mean and what does it bear to those named in her honor?

The Legend of Bath-Sheba

Generally speaking, Bathsheba was originally an ordinary woman, the wife of a soldier named Uriah, who came from a Hittite clan. Uriah served in the ranks of the Israeli army, when David, walking in the evening on the roof of his palace, accidentally saw Bathsheba when she was bathing in a nearby pond. He was fascinated by her beauty and immediately ordered her to be brought to the palace. So Bathsheba became the mistress of the sovereign, which subsequently led to her pregnancy. Since she was married and David could not marry her, he ordered the military commander, under whose guidance Uriah served, to place him in the most dangerous place in the ranks, where he, with a high probability, faces death. And when this happens, the king stressed that no one should try to save him.

The order was executed and Uriah died in the war, giving his life, fighting for his treacherous ruler. But Bathsheba did not hate David for such a thing, but became his wife. However, the punishment of God did not keep itself waiting - the prophet Samuel denounced the insane king and called him to repentance. David was imbued with the precepts of the prophet and began to beg for forgiveness for the wrong done. The result of these penitential works was the famous 50th Psalm.

However, the child of Bathsheba from David all the same died - such was the punishment of the Most High. But the second son from this marriage became famous for all ages. They became the notorious King Solomon, whose rule was characterized by an exceptional peace, prosperity and prosperity of the state and people. This is the biblical story of a woman named Bathsheba, whose name is so widely known. Thanks to this, she, among other things, entered the genealogy of Christ among the four women, in a special way in it mentioned.

Bathsheba: the meaning of the name

What does this Semitic word mean, which, by the way, is also called the terrain in the Middle East? A literal translation from the Hebrew language gives us the phrase "daughter of an oath". It sounds in Hebrew, by the way, a little differently. Namely, "Bet Sheva." But the Greek transliteration very strongly distorts Hebrew names, names and toponyms, and the Russian Bible of the Synodal translation was made not without Greek influence, therefore in Russia this name is more known in its Hellenized version.

Its disadvantage is that it is difficult to reduce. As an option, you can use the name "Faith" or "Vira", which are consonant with the word "Bathsheba". The name abbreviated may also sound like "Viya". But most often parents themselves come up with caressing and short forms that differ from each other, since in Russia this name is rare.


It is very important to know those who are called Bathsheba, the meaning of the name in relation to their own personality traits. First, it is hypertrophied attention to one's own appearance. Women of the given name are convinced that beautiful names should correspond to beautiful women, and therefore they try to always look perfect. This gives them a sense of self-confidence, psychological comfort and the key to building relationships with others. The latter is especially characteristic, because in its beauty, Bathsheba can not only have to itself, but also shield itself from unwanted people.

Personal relationships

Bathsheba is a name that sometimes makes its owner forget that family life is difficult to reconcile with maintaining the status of a friend for everyone. The amorousness of a woman with this name is manifested in the fact that she tries to correlate and synthesize relations public, friendly and personal relationships. This is fraught with the fact that there is a high risk of losing both. Do not limit your feelings and romantic connections with conventions and frameworks. Then the harmony between friendship and love is formed by itself.

It is worth noting the powerful sexuality, which by nature awarded Bathsheba. The meaning of the name, however, allows her, if necessary, to hide her emotions so deeply that there is no trace left of them in outward manifestations. Therefore, Bathsheba is easily overcome by loneliness and abandonment.


What does the name of Bathsheba refer to the attitudes of life? First, a woman with this name wants to improve the world as much as possible. And on a global scale. She will not waste her energy and attention on the trifles of everyday life and trifles. This leads to the fact that sometimes Bathsheba dreams a lot, but does little, neglecting the real opportunity to do a little good deed.


Bathsheba, whose meaning imposes an indelible imprint on herself, suffers even more because of the fact that few people can understand it. Often a woman with this name has to complain that her brilliant ideas were not appreciated. On the other hand, Beersavia is optimistic enough not to be depressed about this and continue to save the world as best as possible. Often these opportunities are associated with sacrifice, which is an inherent quality in the bearers of the given name. As a result, they lose much of what they have or could have.

Persistence of Bathsheba can bring success, sometimes even stunning in its effect, but more often than not it is an unnecessary victory. The fact is that a woman cut off from reality with this biblical name tends to feed illusions about what this world needs. Therefore, the fruits of her struggle often remain unclaimed, and her merits are unrecognized.


With regard to money, Bathsheba is cautious, which sometimes borders on miserly behavior. However, it sometimes happens that she throws herself to the other extreme, spending her money unimportantly on insignificant things.

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