Spiritual developmentMystic

How to conduct a ritual on a full moon: for love, money or fulfillment of desires

Magic is closely connected with the forces of nature. A good wizard always focuses on the phase of the moon, the weather, even the mood reigning in the environment, so as not to do mischief. It is desirable for an aspiring magician to understand some rules of rites, principles of interaction with nature, in order to achieve success in his work. We will study the ritual on the full moon. We will try to understand how and why it acts, what intensifies, what precautions should be taken. Interesting?

How magic is interwoven with the night queen

First, you need to learn the theoretical aspect of magic. You know, of course, you can conjure, based on faith. But in our scientific age it is better to understand what and how it happens when a ritual is performed on a full moon. And this time, filled with incredible power. If we rely on the esoteric theory that everything around is alive, then we can imagine the breathing of our planet. It is synchronized with the phases of the moon. When the night queen decreases - the earth exhales, grows - forces enter the planet. And this process is gaining momentum right up to the full moon. Then again there is a decline. This is well understood by the ancients. Still, their knowledge and way of thinking were completely different than ours, "spoiled" by the scientific worldview. Full-time rites and rituals make especially strong and effective. Compare with surfing. It's like curbing an ocean wave and rolling on its crest with incredible speed. So in magic. You can make a correct ritual on a full moon - you will get what you want, and, maybe, much more. The energy wave that comes from the center of the universe in the heart of the planet, obeys your will, will itself fulfill what was intended. In addition, at this time the ancient connection of the person with nature is activated. The moon holds all things together in an alloy of energies that strive for harmony. Therefore, magical abilities are exacerbated, torn to action. This is well known to women. Their reaction to the full moon is especially evident in mood, emotionality, restless sleep and so on.

Magical Practice at Full Moon: Precaution

It is not enough to understand the charms and virtues of this period. Force is a double-edged weapon. She fulfills desires, embodies dreams. But an inept wizard can get a kick at her stupid forehead. Therefore it is recommended to use the full moon wisely. Conspiracies and rituals at this time should be read with complete, impenetrable certainty of one's rightness. This means that doubts are unacceptable. Beginning wizards are advised not to perform rituals in which a negative intention is laid. For example, a love spell in a full moon is performed only by the master. The non-specialist risks ruining his destiny forever. It's also important to be positive. Inspiration and belief in a favorable outcome are the guarantee of future success. But the discouragement, hysterics, woeful lamentations during magical practice will increase many times. Life after such a dubious experiment will be worse than hell. Voroshit with optimism, joy and fun, playing a wizard. Such is the advice of those who understand the laws of the magic of men. Now let us turn to the practice, for which, no doubt, the reader was looking for this material.

Ritual for money in full moon

Often financial problems are solved with the help of church candles. We will not abandon such a positive and effective practice. Acquire a thick candle in the temple in advance. Also prepare the anise oil and a little dried basil. This grass perfectly counteracts envy and other negative, closing cash flows. On the day of the rite, buy a pack of large salt, leaving the change to the seller. Check with the lunar calendar to avoid making mistakes in time. Ritual for money on the full moon is recommended to begin at the moment of its offensive. Stay alone. The candle should be covered with oil completely, leaving only the wick intact. Roll it in the crushed leaves of dried basil. Fasten the candle in a glass filled with salt (from the purchased bundle). Light it and look at the flame without interruption. When the candle begins to melt, exuding a pleasant scent, begin to read the prayer. The "Our Father" is suitable. But her text is not enough to get the result. Pray, and then in your own words state the intention (that is, the desire). Repeat at least seven times.

The result of monetary management

You know, most of the sorcerers' disappointments are due to the fact that they are waiting for the golden mountains the next morning after they perform the ritual on the full moon. And this is a direct path to the destruction of the created well-being space. We must firmly understand: the benefits will come on time. That is, when the rite was held, this topic should be put aside, forget about it. Give magical energy to work, do not bother. Then disappointments and failures will be minimized, and life will unfold to the wizard with a bright, joyful side. Keep in mind, money rituals for the full moon last a long time. You can once a year turn and forget about the need. This is not a temporary effect of magic, but a radical restructuring of the entire energy industry of the client (or magician).

How to fulfill the coveted desire with the help of the moon

With the night queen it is much easier to agree if your intention is wider than getting some amount of money. It is much more effective in the development of creative projects. If you have a dream, practice the rituals on the full moon to fulfill the desire. For example, you need to swim in a natural pond, when the night star will fill it with its light. The rite is very ancient. Today it is called "Moon track". Wait for the full moon and go to the lake, river or sea. The more the pond, the faster the embodied will be realized. Put on a long shirt, take off your jewelry, and hair. Men should be fortified in a loincloth. Stand at the beginning of the moonlit bare feet. Speak loudly and distinctly your desire. Go to the depths, trying to adhere to the glow of the night light on the water. Say these words: "The power of the full moon is in me. I take it myself. Together we change space, we fulfill our desires! Amen!". Plunge with a head. Repeat three times.

Another rite for the fulfillment of a dream

Clearly, you can dip into the water only in a warm time. And if the yard is freezing? What to miss the full moon power? Of course not. There are other rituals. For example, check this out. You need to tune in to get what you want, to remove doubts and mistrust from your thoughts. Exit to the balcony or to the street. Stretch your hands towards the night light with your open hands. Catch the rays of the moon (imaginary). So say in your voice: "The moon, beautiful, likes all stars. Let's share the light, grab for me. Let what I want will come true, the power will come down in my hands. As I ask, that should be. As the moon is forever pouring light on the earth! Amen!". Even better, the rite works if you take a small mirror in your hands. Pronounce the formula and hide it in a paid bag. The desire will soon become a reality.

Cleansing the Full Moon

This magical period is suitable for getting rid of negative thoughts, habits, energies. Even scientists have already agreed with this statement. And the magi assure that the strongest rituals in the full moon are purifying. With their help, fates are fixed, spoilage is removed, evil eye and curses are removed. Life becomes completely different, positive and joyful. You need to do this:

  • Collect three buckets of water from a natural source on the first day of the full moon.
  • Leave it to them under the open sky, so that the liquid is imbued with magic.
  • Light on the lawn three bonfires at the corners of an equilateral triangle.
  • Stand in the center in one white shirt.
  • Pour yourself out of all buckets, each time uttering a plot.

If there is no possibility to build bonfires, use candles, placing them in the bathroom, as described.

Conspiracy to cleanse

The words of the formula are as follows: "Mother is the moon, you are full! Light me with silver. Fill your thoughts, body and destiny with what is sent from above. Let my soul suffocate with your light. Amen!". Pronounce them before the water hits the head. Only there is one important condition. Do not be afraid of this procedure. If you do not carry cold water, dilute it a little with boiling water. The sensations from such an impromptu soul should be positive, refreshing, exciting.

Involving love in a full moon

It is believed that this is a woman's time. Lonely ladies will be useful to hold the ritual on the full moon for love. This is the way to open the roads to personal happiness (not to be confused with a privation). The rite is designed to have someone who gives a caress, fidelity, will be close to the last breath. This person needs to be imagined, will present in all details. It is advisable to prepare, by the time of the divination, and not to forgive anything. Also buy soap bubbles. Go with them under the moonlight. Stand up so that you do not fence off from the night queen. Inflate bubbles, keeping in mind the image of a future life partner. Let the air, sparkling balls directly to the moon. Once you have a big, beautiful, stable bubble, imagine that in it, along with your beloved, you rush into the night. Repeat seven times, take your time.

Full Moon Rituals for Man's Love

The previous rite is not recommended for reciprocity of the person with whom you are familiar in life. For this purpose, there are special rituals. For example, make a photo of the chosen one. Prepare your own image. In the photo you and the chosen one should be in a good mood. Buy a red woolen thread, a new gypsy needle. On the night of the full moon, concentrate on the image of the man. Imagine how your feelings fill him with incredible joy and enthusiasm. Fold the photos face to face. On the perimeter, sew a thread using a prepared needle. While making stitches, pronounce a special plot. When finished, do not tear the thread, do not remove it from the needle. It is necessary to pierce the received design in the center, in such a simple way, by attaching the images even more firmly. Read the formula again and hide the photo away.

A plot for the love of a man in a full moon

Words should be pronounced as follows: "In the midst of a stormy ocean there is a large stone, a whale-fish protects it, it does not let people into the shore. The stone is stuck in the moon. She holds in the sky, gives everyone hope. Kita-fish, I ask that he let on the stone, which stands out with mountains. I climb on it, I turn to the moon. Let the beauty in the window of the Lord slave (name) shine, sleep does not give, my image in the heart will settle, love will reward, faithfulness and passion impart. I lighten the moonlight, I rest against it. No one can take a needle, love will never leave us. Amen!". The formula needs to be learned. Reading and sewing is both very difficult. This will divert some of the energy into unnecessary side, the ritual may not work. Do not show any stitched photos to anyone. Is it dangerous.

Rite of wealth

A breakdown on finance is not always carried out to attract a certain amount of money. Rather, on the contrary, it is better to form an intention not to experience difficulties with material values, without limiting the magical forces to certain limits. If you are wooing to receive, for example, the amount necessary to pay a ticket to a resort, then you yourself deprive yourself. And what if you put a new car, a house, a dacha and, in addition, a bag of diamonds? It is better to hold rituals for the full moon to attract money without specifying the amount. They are also called rituals for riches. When preparing, create in your mind a sustainable image of how you want to live in the ideal. Dream about prosperity, wealth, complete absence of restrictions. Save the picture in the imagination. Prepare a church candle. Take a thicker. The ritual can be performed monthly with the same candle. You will also need a handkerchief made of green fabric (without a picture). If you do not find one for sale, make them yourself out of a piece of cloth. On the night of the full moon light the candle. Read "Our Father" and "Theotokos, Devo, rejoice." Take out of the imagination a pre-prepared image of a comfortable existence. Admire them mentally. Wrap the folds diagonally and tie it tightly. Imagine that your image is permanently attached to the line of life in this way. So say: "Green knot, bright mind, full moon, wealth is always with me. What is expected - it turns out, I will not suffer from poverty any more. Amen!". Keep the bundle in a secret place. When the full moon comes again, repeat the rite with the same handkerchief and candle. Good luck and wealth!

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