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Values of the name Laura. Character, habits, translation

It is known to everyone that the person's name influences his fate very much. There are many proofs to this. Therefore, most parents pay much attention to the question of how to name a child . In this article, let's talk about what the name Laura means.

Translation and Origins

Laura - in translation from the Latin language - "laurel", "laurel wreath". The holders of this name are distinguished first of all by nobility and activity. In ancient times, wreaths of leaves of laurel wore the winners. In ancient times, people gave this plant great importance, believing that it heals from all diseases and even from lightning strikes.

Values of the name Laura are inextricably linked with this interesting translation. Girls are especially often called in Austria, the USA, Denmark, Estonia and Spain. To date, this name is among the 30 most common. In the days of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the girls were called Lauris also very often. Derivatives on this behalf are Laura, Lauren, Lori, Lauren, and so on.

What parents should know about

Parents who decided to name their newborn daughter like that should learn the meaning of Laura's name in advance. The fact that the opinion of others, including adults, these girls do not care in any way. Therefore, it is quite difficult to educate such children. Laura will not object to you or warn you about anything. She, most likely, simply will act how she will want, and not how her parents asked her to do. Their phlegmatic equanimity of the small Laura often put the adults in a dead end and even derail themselves. Totem girls with this name is a swallow. Just like this bird, they adore sunlight and travel. Parents Laura should prepare for the fact that she will ask the family the accelerated pace of life. As for food, the daughter will have to follow the diet especially. The fact is that the Laura are terrible gourmands.

The nature of the owners of the name

Activity and ability to immediately solve any problems that arise are the main character traits that determine the meaning of the name Laura. For a girl named so parents, there will be no obstacles on the way. But along with the energy in these children, sometimes you can notice some phlegmatic nature. The girl, the owner of this name, surprise, alarm or scare anything is difficult enough.

Among other things, Laura tend to completely control any situation that in any way can affect their fate. Even when special adjustments in their lives, she will not make. Lauren prefer to know everything and everything. To themselves they are very critical.

Family and relationships with the opposite sex

What are the values of the name Laura attached to this plan? First, it is believed that all the girls, whom their parents called it, are charming coquettees. After selecting a man, Laura will surely lead him to the altar. These women are wonderful mothers. They love children simply fanatically. In their house, they are always tidied and cozy, and from the lunches and dinners cooked by Laura, the loved ones are simply delighted, since their hands are really golden.

Some weakness of women, owners of this name, is a tendency to confess. Laura loves to turn her soul inside out. In this case, the interlocutor will inflict a mortal insult to this woman in the event that she refuses to listen to her. Laur's heart is loving. And they themselves need constant attention and adoring relatives.

Laura will not tolerate a bad relationship not only to himself personally, but also to his relatives. In the event that someone wants to hurt them, this woman will show her active character to the fullest extent.

Career and work

What kind of work a person chooses is often directly related to what his parents once called him. For this reason, it is also worthwhile to choose the names of the girls. Laura, most likely, will prefer work related in some way to travel and travel. Perfectly suitable for her are such professions as a journalist, photo reporter, guide, stewardess, traveling salesman, conductor, etc.

Relationships with colleagues in these women are usually good. Despite some selfishness, the Lauren believe that understanding and forgiveness make a person happy. However, if they do not like something in the colleague or in relations with him, they will express themselves about it openly. To some people, this kind of directness may seem even to some degree of disrespect. However, most of the colleagues still sooner or later recognize the fact that this quality speaks, above all, of honesty and strength of character.

Thus, the meaning of the name Laura is activity, phlegmatic, independent and kind. Bring up the so-called girl is quite difficult. However, the owners of this name, having matured, become a reliable support for their parents and usually live a fairly happy and long life. So, it's definitely worth mentioning the daughter of Laura. In the photo there are top-down women known to the world: Laura Bush, Laura Bryan, Laura Vandervoir, Laura Marano.

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