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What you can eat after cesarean section: menu by day

The appearance of the baby in the light is a joyful event. But not always the birth pass as the future mother and medical personnel plan. In some cases, the child is removed through surgery. It is called "caesarean section". In this case, the period of recovery of a woman can be prolonged. Of great importance is proper nutrition and observance of the regime of rest and wakefulness.

What do I need to know?

Cesarean section is a surgical intervention, which, if not properly applied, can affect a woman's health. After the birth of a child, a young mother may be under the supervision of medical personnel for a while, which monitors her diet. Of great importance is also self-control. After all, after surgery (caesarean section) it can be difficult to recover.

In the first few days after surgery, the doctor watches not only the uterus, but also the intestines of the woman, the bladder. After delivery, there may be a malfunction in the operation of any system. Therefore, a young mother after a cesarean section should be in a medical institution for at least 7 days.


What can you eat after cesarean section? The answer to this question is complicated by the fact that the young mother begins to adjust lactation. It is important to eat fully, so that the crumbs get as many useful vitamins and microelements as possible. Along with this, it is necessary to ensure that the food is gentle to the stomach and intestines of the parturient woman. In the first few days it is desirable to avoid foods that contain high amounts of glucose. Refuse is also necessary for citrus, chocolate, fruit red. All these products are allergic. It can not only suffer a young mother, but also a newborn child.

The key moment of lactation is the use of a large amount of liquid. The food after the operation can be unsaturated. But clean water, with normal functioning of the kidneys, it is desirable to use at least two liters. Thanks to this, it will be possible to establish lactation. In addition, the use of fluid contributes to the improvement of metabolic processes in the body. This means that it will be possible to normalize the stool, the surgical scar will heal faster.

Principles of Nutrition

Visiting the toilet is a huge problem for women who have had to survive cesarean. The second and the subsequent child most often appear in the light in the same way, if one day the girl already had to go through such an operation. Therefore, every future mother should know the principles of nutrition that allow avoiding problems in the postpartum period.

The main attention should be paid to portions. It is desirable to eat often. The size of one serving should not exceed 150-200 grams. Any product should be washed down with plenty of water. In the first days after the operation, a vegetable soup must be mandatory in the diet. All components can be rubbed in a blender. So the body will spend less energy on digesting food.

Food after cesarean should be quite diverse and at the same time sparing. It is important that the woman was able to recover quickly, and the karapuz did not remain hungry at the same time. Below is an approximate menu for a woman in labor after a cesarean for a few days.

First day

Many women who have had to undergo surgery are asking themselves what they can eat after cesarean. On the first day after the intervention, it is advisable to dispense with solid food. As soon as the young mother steps away from anesthesia, she can offer mineral still water. You need to dilute the drink a little with lemon juice. This product contributes to the rapid recovery of forces after surgery, strengthens the defenses of the body, has an anti-inflammatory effect. But orange juice should not be used. It can cause an allergy in the baby.

A lot of useful microelements and vitamins a woman after a cesarean gets from droppers. Therefore, the food after the operation can be limited only by the use of liquid. Thus, it will be possible to establish lactation. And the body will not spend energy to digest food. As soon as the woman comes to, the doctor tells that you can eat after cesarean. If the intervention was conducted in the morning, the first meal is possible only in the evening. To benefit will go soup from vegetables, compote from dried fruits, tea with lemon.

Second day

If the surgical intervention was uneventful, the next day the men giving birth to the mother will expand. In the diet, you can already include more caloric foods. However, we must not forget that the products should still be sparing for the stomach and intestines. On advantage will go a meat broth on beef or chicken meat. It is desirable to use lean meat. Soup on pork is not desirable. You can add some vegetables.

Boiled meat can be consumed without broth. To avoid problems with the stool, preference should be given to products wiped through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder to a puree state. What else is allowed for women who have survived cesarean? The second day can begin with the use of fermented milk products. Preference should be given to fat-free cottage cheese, homemade yogurt without flavor additives and dyes.

The third day

Every day the menu of the young mother becomes more diverse. The diet after cesarean is enriched with new products, such as porridges, kefir, cheese, biscuits. The diet should be saturated with nutrients, microelements and vitamins. Together with this preference should be given to products that do not have an irritating effect on the intestines. Going to the toilet on the third day after surgery may still be problematic.

A woman can already start using unmilled foods. The gastrointestinal tract returns to its normal state during this period. It should be remembered that each organism is individual. While the woman in the hospital is in the hospital, enter certain foods in the diet as agreed with the doctor.

If you suffer from constipation

After giving birth, many women face such a delicate problem as constipation. This is due to the restructuring of the young mother's body. The greatest difficulties are experienced by mothers who have survived a cesarean section. To empty the intestine, you have to use an enema. A great value in this case is proper nutrition. The main rule is the use of a sufficient amount of liquid!

Food after cesarean should be full and varied. A young mother should avoid running dry. She is recommended to eat at least three times a day. In the diet should definitely include porridge, vegetables and fruits that do not cause allergies, soups. It is desirable to exclude products that hold the stool together. This rice porridge, white bread, buns, legumes. Cesarean section of herbal infusions on fennel will help cope with constipation after surgery. This plant also positively affects lactation, protects the baby from swelling of the tummy.

How to eat after discharge from the hospital?

On the seventh day after surgery, most women already feel fine, and the baby starts gaining weight. At this time, the mother and baby can go home. The forces are being restored - the young mother returns to life with the usual regime. But some rules still have to be followed for several months. And they concern first of all the diet.

What can you eat after a cesarean section in a home setting? In the diet can be present meat, fish, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Nutrition within a week after delivery becomes quite diverse. Avoid only products that can cause an allergic reaction. It's citrus, chocolate, fruit with bright color. Any new products in the diet of a young mother should be included gradually. This is important in terms of not only the recovery of the female body, but also the reaction of the crumbs. The nutrition of a woman is reflected in the quality of breast milk. If the baby's body is covered with a rash, then the mother ate the "prohibited" product.

Physical exercise and proper nutrition are the key to success!

A young mother, after she leaves her maternity hospital, should expand her diet. This is necessary first of all for a quick recovery. In addition, she must take care of the health of a newborn baby who is breastfeeding. But a full meal is a threat to the figure, which has already spread out during pregnancy! How to be? To help come a moderate physical load. Special exercises should not be done immediately after discharge from the hospital. Gymnastics can be started no earlier than one month after childbirth.

Perfectly restore the figure after childbirth, to adjust the work of all body systems will help daily walks with the baby in the fresh air. Exceptions should be made only during cold and windy weather. Remember that full nutrition after childbirth, an active lifestyle and joy to each new achievement of a crumb - all this will have a positive effect on the figure of a young mother! Do not ignore the advice of a doctor.

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