Sports and FitnessBuild-up of muscle mass

What muscles work with push-ups?

Some beginning athletes do not understand what muscles work with push-ups, and therefore very often this exercise is considered useless and refuses to perform it.

There is also the erroneous opinion that the more times a person pinches, the more muscles will be stronger and larger. However, the experts prove the opposite and advise to squeeze no more than 15 times, and the load must be increased due to the complication of the exercises themselves. In addition, an excessive number of repetitions only exhausts the muscles and can lead to catabolism.

To increase strength and muscle mass, it is necessary to work, first of all, on the technique, and the second - over the complication of movement (for example, to do push-up from the stop or on one hand).

So, to the question - which muscles work with push-ups, an answer can be obtained, proceeding from the physiological features of the human structure. For example, the load distribution between the pectoral muscles and triceps depends on the width of the arms arrangement. The more hands are put, the less stress on the muscles of the chest. The position of the legs also regulates the load on certain muscles. When setting the legs on the support, the load is accentuated on the upper part of the chest muscles (this exercise is analogous to the bench press on the inclined bench).

Also of great importance is setting brushes during push-ups. Traditional setting of brushes - parallel to the body. To increase the load on the triceps, you can put your hands as narrow as possible, and rotate your fingers inwards. A push-up on the fingers or fists help to strengthen the wrists.

It is what muscles work when squeezing from the floor can be seen, based on the technique of the exercise itself. So, scientific research has shown the dependence of the load on the position of the legs during the training. If you work in a classical form (legs flat against the floor), then the load is equal to 64 percent of the person's weight, but during push-up with the support on the knees - 49 percent of the weight is used.

For beginners, the second variant of the exercise is suitable, but after a month it is necessary to switch to the classical version.

To increase the load, weighting agents of different weights can be used. If there is no assistant next to you, then extra weight is provided with a backpack behind your back, filled with this same weighting agent.

What muscles work with push-ups can be felt by putting your feet during class on a chair. In this position, the load increases to 75 percent of the body weight. The same effect is achieved with push-ups on one hand. When performing this exercise, the legs should be located wider than normal to achieve body balance. In this case, the supporting arm should be located on the same line with the body and not deviate to the side.

With classical push-ups, a lot of work is done, mainly, on the upper pectoral muscles. However, there are still push-ups on the uneven bars.

What muscles work with push-ups on the bars show exercises from the program of bodybuilders. The universality of such activities is in the simplicity of sports equipment. Sometimes it is enough to find two pieces of pipe fixed in parallel and, regularly engaged, you can get developed pectoral muscles and triceps.

The main emphasis of the load depends on the position of the hands, namely: the location of the hands and the width of the grip. With the palm resting on the width of the shoulders, the main load falls on the middle and lower parts of the muscles of the chest. On the triceps, the emphasis goes with the narrowing of the grip.

When you change the position of the head during the exercise, you can also feel which muscles work when squeezing. The raised head gives a load on the lower section of the chest muscles, and the lowered one - on its upper part.

When pushing up with a jump, coordination improves and muscular strength develops.

It is necessary to follow not only the position of the body (even back and without excessive stress), but also for proper breathing, the success of the session depends on it by one third. During the descent, a deep breath should be taken, while lifting - a slow exhalation with the retraction of the abdomen. It is these breathing rules that professionals adhere to.

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