
Interesting facts about China. History of China. The most interesting about China

Asian culture has always attracted people from all over the world. The cradle of civilization, the birthplace of world religions, a gastronomic paradise - all this can be said about any country in this part of the world. And especially about China. Many discoveries were made here, without which the modern world would look quite different. Everyone here is proud of its culture and history. Many great dynasties, wars and riots, this powerful state managed to overcome all difficulties and take one of the main places in the modern international arena. Only the most interesting about China, customs, culture and residents of this country - in the continuation of the article.


The Chinese language is notable for its complexity. Any foreigner who wants to understand at least somehow to speak on it, will have more than one year of hard work. Here are some features of this language seem interesting to Europeans:

  • In the Russian language, the expression "Chinese literacy" is common, and in some others there are its equivalents. So, for example, in English it sounds like 'It is Greek to me'. In others, everything is different. German expression refers to the difficulty of the Spanish, Romanian - to Turkish, and the Chinese stands out especially against their background, appealing to the bird language.
  • Among the inhabitants of China and Vietnam are a lot of people who have an absolute hearing. What is the reason for this? The thing is that these two languages are tonal, which means that the meaning of a word can vary depending on how it is pronounced. As Vietnamese and Chinese people get used to it since childhood, then their hearing is well developed.
  • The name of the currency of China "yuan" in translation means "round coin". The hieroglyph corresponding to this concept "moved" into Korean and Japanese languages, where the name of money changed to "won" and "yen", respectively.
  • What makes China interesting for foreigners is their cultural differences. For example, in 1928, when the world-famous Coca-Cola appeared on the Chinese market, some entrepreneurs decided to translate the name of the drink. Using for this hieroglyphs, which sound as much as possible similar to "Coca-Cola," they forgot to take care of the meaning of translation. As a result, we got a name that can be translated into Russian as "bite a waxy tadpole". Rebranding, of course, is impressive, but nevertheless the marketers decided to correct the name and simply changed it to "co-ku-ko-le", which means "full mouth of happiness."


While all of Europe is eating ordinary cutlery, the Chinese remain true to their traditions, continuing to use sticks. Since the population density here exceeds all possible limits, it is necessary to adapt using all possible and impossible products, which sometimes so surprise tourists. So, a few interesting facts about China and gastronomic preferences of its inhabitants:

  • Very few people know that cookies with predictions, which many know as Chinese, are actually Japanese! It is especially popular in the US, where it was brought by immigrants from Japan, borrowing the idea in their churches. The error about the cookie appeared, probably during the Second World War, when Americans of Japanese descent were in concentration camps and there they gave the Chinese their tradition.
  • With disgust, the inhabitants of China do not differ. In food can turn almost everything. However, it does not do without quite specific traditions. In Dongyang, for example, there is a tradition - to boil eggs in the urine of small boys. The dish, so unaccustomed to the West, can be cooked up to a day, and, according to the residents, it smells of spring.
  • Cooking in this country has reached and crocodiles. Not only do they make bags of them, they are also forced to guard the house here, and then they are eaten. Since local gourmets are very fond of crocodile meat, they are actively engaged in catching reptiles. Since a large crocodile is not easy to catch, they are caught mostly small and fattened, keeping them at the entrance to the house, which makes the animal actually a guard. But the sad fate of the guard crocodile does not bypass, and when its tail reaches the desired length, it becomes the dinner of omnivorous Chinese.
  • Soup "swallow's nest", despite its name, has nothing to do with these birds. Yes, and do it not from birds, but use nests of swifts, which are made of saliva.

A little bit about the gloomy

Speaking about interesting facts about China, we can not fail to mention the attitude of the inhabitants of the Asian country to death and their excessive superstition.

  • So, as in many countries the number 13 is considered to be unfortunate, and for such fear there is even a name, so in some eastern countries figures 4 are afraid. Why? Just in Japanese, Korean and Chinese, the figure 4 sounds like the word "death". There are often even no floors, the numbers of which end at 4.
  • In China, there is a tradition to burn paper money drawn at a funeral. Where does it come from? The thing is that the Chinese see the afterlife as a place where spirits live. Once in hell, the deceased must give a bribe to his ruler in order to avoid punishment. Therefore, people who come to the funeral burn painted banknotes in order to "pass" them to the spirit of the deceased. Often they depict traditional symbols, for example, a dragon. Although recently it is often possible to meet and images of famous personalities. Often there are Marilyn Monroe and Einstein.

Briefly about China. Interesting facts for children

  • Many scholars believe that the Chinese civilization is the oldest in the world. And not without reason! There are cultural monuments that date back to the 6th century BC. E.
  • Despite the fact that the territory of this state is huge, it is located only in one time zone.
  • It was here that toilet paper was invented in 1300. However, initially it was only allowed to use the members of the imperial family.
  • China is home to not only toilet paper, but also many varieties of fruits and flowers, which is now common throughout the world.
  • As often as in Russia domestic pets are cats and dogs, in China this role is performed by crickets. Children even organize fights with the participation of these insects.
  • Talking about interesting facts about China, it should be noted that the most popular hobby among Chinese people is philately.
  • Mourning here is white, not black, as in all European countries.
  • Praise China is also worthy for the invention of ice cream, the recipe of which came to Europe with the help of Marco Polo.
  • Suspended bridges, like many others, including the compass, seal and gunpowder, also came from this Asian country. True, here they appeared as far back as 25 BC. E., And in Europe they turned out 1800 years later.
  • The symbol of prosperity and luck in this country is a bat.
  • And, of course, we can not fail to mention the most important holiday, which here is the New Year.

History of China. A little interesting

Interesting events occurred during the state formation period. To date, this is certainly a thriving country, but what was remarkable about its development?

  • An important historical event for China, which adversely affected it, was the abduction of insects! The Byzantine emperor Justinian I sent two monks who were to learn the secret of the creation of silk, which glorified China in the 6th century. They managed to take with them the larvae of the silkworm, which then successfully landed on mulberry trees. This event contributed to the prosperity of Byzantium, but the positions of China and Persia, on the contrary, were shaken.
  • The latest history of China, too, is full of unusual facts. For example, an unknown Chinese man was on the list of the most influential people of the 20th century, who compiled Time magazine. In 1989, a demonstration took place in Beijing, which resulted in the death of several hundred people. Much more could have been lost if not for a man of courage who managed to keep the column of tanks alone. Unfortunately, his personality, however, as well as what it all ended for him on that day, remained a secret, although his photo was printed by newspapers around the world.

Country China represents one of the oldest civilizations in the world, which totals at least 5 millennia. There are even written sources, whose age reaches 3,500 thousand years. Archaeologists believe that the ancestors of modern Chinese are Sinanthropus, who lived about 400 thousand years ago.

The First Chinese Civilizations

The development of China in the Neolithic era is divided into two main stages. The first is represented by the Yanshao culture (3-2 thousand BC), the existence of which is confirmed by the discovery of ceramics. The second is Longshan - from which a lot of utensils of very fine work have been preserved.


Several centuries ago dynasties appeared on the territory of modern China. The very first of these is Xia, whose founder was Yu. The center of the dynasty was in Henan, although it is believed that its influence extended to other regions. Over time, the power of the emperors decreased, and the sovereign's powers began to concern only spiritual mentoring. A very important role in the times of the Xia dynasty was played by calendars, which a thousand years later Confucius was amazed. As soon as the emperors began to neglect their spiritual duties, the dynasty fell into decay. But soon a new one was born.

Modern China was created under the influence of the Shang-Yin dynasty, which includes about 30 rulers. It was distinguished by totemism and a matriarchal type of power. More significant was the goddess of the earth, rather than the god of heaven. The territory of the state was located on a large part of modern China and was divided into regions. The representative of each of them had to periodically appear in the palace of the emperor with gifts to honor him.

The next was the Zhou dynasty, which overthrew the rulers of Shang Yin. Subsequently, this state, which was located on the territory of almost the whole of the Yellow River basin, broke up into a number of others, which constantly competed with each other.

Chinese Empire

In the period from 221 to 207 BC. E. The Qin dynasty came to power , which managed to unite the disparate territories into a single whole. This time had a good effect on the entire territory of the modern state of China. The most interesting happened with the structure and development of the empire. The feudal system was destroyed, and transport, on the contrary, developed. During this period, the economy, trade and agricultural products developed. However, the dynasty lasted only 10 years and died with its ruler, after fierce uprisings began to erupt in the state.

In place of the Han dynasty, which marked a crisis and wars. Over time, the emperors coped, and popular popularity acquired Confucianism. However, later the Sui dynasty came to power, during which the Great Canal was built. Nevertheless, the constant wars and hostility of neighboring provinces depleted the treasury.

Considering interesting facts about China, it is impossible not to tell about the Tang dynasty, which was able to establish relative peace and stability in the country. In this period, culture and art reached a special peak. Many of the rulers of the dynasty cared for this. It was a powerful state in which not only art developed actively, but also science and religion. However, the rulers failed to take care of the army and soon the dynasty was overthrown because of constant mutinies. A number of dynasties were in power in this territory, among them Yuan, Ming and Qing.

New story

An important period in the development of the state was the 18th century, when international relations developed especially, and many Europeans were curious about China, its traditions and people, because it was possible to acquire the best silk, porcelain and much more. A little later, there was a war with Japan, as a result of which China lost Taiwan, Korea and the Pescadores. The last dynasty of Qing fell in 1911, and a year later the state was proclaimed a constitutional republic. Later, Beijing will be declared the capital of the country.

In 1917, China entered the First World War, wishing to return the lands selected by Japan. But he does not receive support from the allied countries. Then the Communist Party is at the helm of the state, and one of its leaders is Mao Zedong, one of the most famous leaders of all time, who made many changes in the state. The disunity of the country was tried to liquidate a number of rulers, but to no avail. Since then, China has gone through civil and Korean wars, many reforms have taken place in the state, and the economy has been restored.


The cradle of civilizations is, of course, China. Interesting facts for children and adults, as well as a brief excursion, which were presented above, give only a faint idea of how much this state has exerted influence on the whole world in the past and continues to exert to this day. It was not just a lot of useful discoveries made, religions, incredible civilizations, and traditions that had survived centuries were born here. Interesting places in China, of which the most famous is the Chinese Wall, attract many tourists every year for good reason. People are always attracted by mysterious, ancient and great civilizations. Interesting facts about China are just a keyhole in the door, behind which is hidden the whole world, different from the European, but such a delectable and full of mysteries.

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