EducationSecondary education and schools

Didactic systems of general education: tasks and objectives

The didactic education system is an integral structure containing specific goals, organizational principles, methods and forms of education.


Modern researchers distinguish three basic didactic systems, which have significant differences:

  • Didactics of Herbart.
  • Dewey's system.
  • Perfect concept.

Let's try to identify the features of each of them, find similar and distinctive features.

Herbart's Didactics

The German philosopher Herbarth IF analyzed and paraphrased the class-lesson form of the Polish teacher Jan Kamensky. Herbart developed her own didactic system of teaching methods, the basis of which was the theoretical achievements of psychology and ethics of the 18-19th centuries. The end result of the entire educational process, the German teacher believed the upbringing of a strong spirit man, able to cope with any vicissitudes of fate. The highest goal of the didactic system was defined in the formation of the moral qualities of the individual.

Ethical ideas of education according to Herbart

Among the main ideas that he proposed to use in the educational process were:

  • Perfection of the child's aspiration area, search for the direction of moral growth.
  • Goodwill, which will ensure the coordination between their will and the interests of others.
  • Equity, which allows to compensate for all grievances and cope with troubles.
  • Internal freedom, which gives an opportunity to reconcile the convictions and desires of a person.

The ethics and psychology of the teacher were metaphysical in nature. His didactic systems were based on idealistic German philosophy. Among the basic parameters of Herbart's didactics, it is important to note the school's concern for the intellectual development of the child. As for the education of the individual, this role was assigned to Herbart family. For the formation of strong, in terms of morality, the characters of the pupils, he proposed to use strict discipline. From his point of view, teachers were to become real samples of honesty and decency for their pupils.

Specificity of Herbart's didactics

The task of the school's leadership was to provide permanent employment for the students, to organize their training, to conduct constant monitoring of their intellectual and physical development, and to teach schoolchildren to order and discipline. To prevent the school from chaos, Herbart proposed imposing certain restrictions and prohibitions. In the case of serious violations of generally accepted rules, he even permitted the use of corporal punishment. The types of lessons he offered in the didactic system meant the maximum use of practical activity. The German teacher paid special attention to the synthesis of will, feelings, knowledge with discipline and order.

The meaning of the didactic concept

It was he who first proposed not to disunite education and upbringing, he considered these two pedagogical terms only in aggregate. His main contribution to didactic teaching systems was the allocation of several levels of education. They proposed a scheme according to which, from clarity, they switched to association, then to the system, and then to methods. The educational process he built on the basis of ideas, which gradually had to go into theoretical skills. Practical skills in the concept developed by Herbart were out of the question. He believed that it is important to give the student theoretical knowledge, and whether he will or use in ordinary life, this is unimportant for the school.

Followers of Herbart

The pupils and successors of the German teacher were T. Ziller, W. Rein, F. Derpfeld. They managed to develop, modernize the ideas of their teacher, tried to save their didactic systems from formalism and one-sidedness. The Rhine has introduced five levels of training, with content for each, main objectives, and methods for achieving the objectives. His scheme implied a block with new material, the coordination of information with knowledge that had been given to schoolchildren before, as well as generalization and development of the acquired skills.

Comparison of several didactic concepts

Teachers should not have meticulously observed all formal levels of education, they were given the right to independently develop methods for developing children's thinking, getting them a full-fledged education. Such didactic systems of the learning process existed until the middle of the last century in European countries. Modern psychologists are convinced that the concept has had a negative impact on the work of schools. For a long time, all the didactic systems were aimed at transferring the finished knowledge to their pupils. About any formation of conditions for the self-realization of the individual, the manifestation of creative abilities, speech was not forthcoming. The pupil should sit quietly at the lesson, listen attentively to his mentor, clearly and quickly carry out all his instructions and recommendations. The passivity of the pupils led to the fact that they lost the desire to receive knowledge, there was a huge number of students who did not want to receive knowledge, skipped classes at school, and taught unsatisfactory marks. There was no possibility for teachers to identify and develop talented and gifted students. The averaged system did not presume to trace the personal achievements of each student. Note that without the didactics of Herbart, there would not have been those positive changes in the educational system that have taken place since the end of the last century, continue to this day.

Didactics by John Dewey

American educator and psychologist John Dewey developed the opposition of the authoritarian model of Herbart's pedagogues. His works have become a real counterbalance to the existing educational concept. The American educator claimed that the basic didactic systems that existed before him led only to superficial education of schoolchildren. In connection with the fact that the main importance was attached to the transfer of theoretical knowledge, there was a huge gap from reality. Schoolchildren "stuffed" with information, could not use their knowledge in everyday life. In addition, children received "ready-made knowledge", they did not need to make efforts to independently search for certain information. There was no speech in the German educational system and about taking into account the needs and requirements of the children, the interests of society, the development of individuality. His first experiments Dewey began in the Chicago school in 1895. They created a file of didactic games aimed at increasing the activity of children. The teacher was able to develop a new concept of "full thinking". According to the psychological and philosophical views of the author, the child begins to think, when certain difficulties appear before him. It is in the process of overcoming obstacles that a child begins to think. The "complete act" of Dewey's thinking presupposes certain stages:

  • The appearance of difficulty.
  • Finding the problem.
  • Formulation of the hypothesis.
  • Conducting a logical test of the hypothesis.
  • Analysis of the results of experiments and observations.
  • Overcoming obstacles.

Specificity of Dewey didactics

Created by the author of the card file didactic games presupposed a variant of "problem training". This approach quickly found supporters among European psychologists and educators. As for the use of the American system in Soviet schools, we note that the attempt was, but it did not succeed. Interest in such didactics arose in Russia only at the beginning of the 21st century. The significance of American Dewey's ideas is the possibility of a differentiated approach to teaching and nurturing each student. In the structure of the lesson there was a stage of determining the problem, formulating a hypothesis, searching for an algorithm of actions, conducting a study, analyzing the results obtained, formulating conclusions, testing their compliance with the hypothesis.

Comparison of the traditional system and Dewey's concept

The American became a true innovator of the pedagogical process. It was them who instead of "book learning" offered a variant of active acquisition of knowledge, skills, skills. The independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren came to the fore, the teacher became an assistant for their pupils. The teacher directs the child, helps him overcome the emerging difficulties, put a hypothesis, draw conclusions on the results. Instead of the classical curriculum, the American offered individual plans, according to which one can obtain knowledge of different levels. It is from this moment that the history of differentiated and individual learning begins, the division of programs into basic and profile levels. Much attention in his concept Dewey paid practical attention, thanks to him in schools there was an independent research activity of schoolchildren.


The system of school education is constantly being modernized, complicated, thanks to innovative programs being developed by psychologists and educators. Among the numerous didactic concepts that have been created over the past two centuries, the classical Herbart system, Dewey's innovative program, is of particular importance. It is on the basis of these works that the main directions in education appeared, which can be traced in modern schools. Analyzing the new directions, we note training "through discovery", proposed by the American teacher Jerome Bruner. This material is our reflection in the requirements for the graduate of the GEF elementary school. Students are required to learn the basic laws and phenomena of nature, the specificity of social life, conducting their own research, participating in individual and collective projects.

The creators of the new state standards of the second generation used several educational concepts in their work, selecting the best ideas from them. Of particular importance in the modern didactic system is the formation of a harmonious personality, which is proud of its Motherland, knows and respects all the traditions of its people. In order to graduate school was adapted to modern living conditions, special importance is given to self-development. The teacher is no longer a "dictator", he only directs his pupils, helps cope with the difficulties that arise.

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