
The device of concrete floors: features of the process

The construction of concrete floors is preferably where a greater strength of the substrate is required. Naturally, they have other advantages. So, they are distinguished by fire safety, chemical resistance, antistatic properties. Although there are disadvantages: a weak resistance to wear, as well as the allocation of a large amount of dust during operation.

Laying such a floor must be done according to a certain technology. It should be noted that for work it is necessary to choose high-quality materials. It is also necessary to conduct preparatory activities. The base must consist of gravel and sand. Its thickness can vary from 20 cm to 1 m. If the previous concrete floor is used as the basis, then it should be as flat as possible. In the presence of strong differences, it is necessary to make an equalizing screed.

Further, the technology of the device of concrete floors provides for the organization of a waterproofing layer. Most often, a special film is used for this purpose. Now you can install formwork for the future floor. Its size depends on the area of the base. If it is too large, then the fill is done in parts (cards).

Naturally, the device of concrete floors can not do without reinforcement, so before pouring it is necessary to lay a steel mesh or rods on the base. Now you can start mixing the solution, which often adds different substances that prevent strong shrinkage of concrete and its cracking. You can buy already ready mix, in which you just need to add the specified amount of water.

Then the base is poured. During operation, it is desirable to provide appropriate conditions that will promote normal solidification of the solution: the absence of drafts, a certain air temperature. Important: the drying of concrete can not be accelerated, since subsequently it can quickly crack.

The device of concrete floors assumes an alignment of a layer of a mix, and also its consolidation. The best device for this action is a vibroke. However, it must be used very carefully, so that the mixture does not exfoliate. It should run at low speed.

After the solution is completely ready, you can leave it to dry. The period of solidification of the mixture depends on the material used. Basically it lasts from 7 hours to 7 days. Further, the device of concrete floors provides for smoothing the surface, which ensures its smoothness and smoothness. After that, you can cover the surface with a special compound, which is used to harden concrete. It also prevents the formation of dust during operation.

Further, the device of the concrete floor continues with the organization of the finish coat, which will close the pores and prevent moisture and dust from entering. Most often dry mixtures are used for hardening, which you just need to rub into the surface. Such actions provide a beautiful appearance of the floor and improve its quality characteristics.

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