Health, Medicine
First aid for sunburn: we help ourselves
Summer is the favorite season of most people. And all because the period of holidays begins, trips to the sea and just a pleasant pastime. But rest at sea often does not end well, but all because people simply do not want to follow the simplest instructions for staying in the sun.
In order to protect yourself from sunburn, it is better to follow preventive measures. The first thing that is worth noting: sunbathing and even just being in the sun is not recommended between 11 am and 16 pm. At this time, the sun is the most active and can harm the body. If the person at this time is on the street, you need to be constantly in the shade of trees and drink a lot of fluids. You also need to wear a hat. It is worth noting that sunscreen creams are also useful. They need to be applied for half an hour before going out to the street, and after bathing in the sea. It is important to choose a sunscreen with an SPF filter from 15 to 30.
Degree of burn
Before the person will receive first aid for sunburn, it is necessary to determine the extent to which a burn is received. In modern medicine, they are allocated 4. The first degree - the safest - is redness of the skin and burning pain. The second is characterized by the appearance of blisters, the third degree of burn - opened blisters, through which white skin can be seen . The fourth degree is the most dangerous - even a bone can be seen through the burn. It is worth noting that only at the first degree of a burn you can not go to the hospital, but if a person earned a second or higher degree, you must necessarily show yourself to the doctor.
If a person realizes that he has been burnt in the sun, he will definitely need first aid for sunburn. At the very beginning, you need to hide in the room, away from the sun, because even in the shade a person is exposed to ultraviolet rays. Further it is important to assess the degree of burn - on the body just redness or already there were blisters. In order to calm the pain, you can take a cool shower or pour cold water. It is even better to take a cool bath, where you need to pour half a glass of starch. It will perfectly soothe the skin and relieve redness. After water procedures, in no case can not be wiped with a towel, only gently pat the skin. After you can lubricate the sun-damaged areas with healing cream, aloe juice, sour cream or yogurt. Also it is worth remembering that greasing burns with butter or vegetable oil is strictly prohibited! Here is the very first pre-hospital help for burns. Everyone can get it, even at home, without going to medical institutions.
First aid for sunburn is obtained, what should I do next? Next, you should treat your body, get rid of burns. For this, it is better to stock up with medications such as ointments. But they also are different. To the affected areas of the skin you need to apply healing creams, ointments can also come in handy, which will relieve swelling. If a person feels pain, anesthetics can be used. It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe after a burn, it is necessary that the skin is fully restored. Also, in no case can not pierce blisters and apply alcohol solutions as a treatment.
For help!
In a situation where assistance with sunburn, obtained at home, is ineffective, you should consult your doctor. More options when you need to show the doctor:
- If there was nausea, lethargy, vomiting;
- If the temperature has risen above the level of 38 degrees;
- If blisters appeared on the skin, and a second or more degree of burn was obtained;
- If the first degree burns, but most of the human skin is affected;
- If there is a loss of consciousness;
- If the child is burnt the first year of life.
In such situations, first aid with sunburn, rendered at home, will be insufficient or ineffective. It is necessary to appear to the doctor to avoid negative consequences!
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