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10 proverbs about the family. The best proverbs about the family
Proverbs are an integral part of the life of any society. They can be heard in every city, every country and in every corner of the globe. Winged phrases carry not only the beauty of the syllable, but also a great sense. Most often, proverbs arise on the basis of folk wisdom, which is passed on from generation to generation. Our topic directly affects the family, so 10 proverbs and sayings about the family you will know exactly after reading the article.
What are proverbs? These are brief and capacious sayings that allow you to look at the world from a different angle. Thanks to this you can gain wisdom and experience. It is worth noting that every life situation is unique, so there is simply no universal solution to all problems. It is very important to analyze and ponder the meaning of the proverb in order to correctly interpret it. This is necessary, because times change, and society values too.
Proverbs in the life of society
Can you quickly recall 10 proverbs about the family? Hardly. Although they should know everyone. This can be very useful in family life. Of course, one should not literally follow any lines, but to listen and look for the grain of truth in them is very useful. People's proverbs have always occupied a significant place in the life of society for the simple reason that a person can not know everything about everything. In this case, people share their experience with the help of short, but precise expressions. 10 proverbs on "Family" can easily be found on the Internet, but many of them are empty. It is best to find a book at home or in the library and read the real pearls of folk wisdom.
Proverbs about the family
With proverbs about the family, children are introduced from the earliest years. It is very good, if in a family it is accepted to use wise expressions in communication. Since childhood, the child "absorbs" the right thoughts, which form his attitudes to the future life.
Consider the expression: "The family boiler always boils." So simple and vital words show that there is no ideal relationship. Passions will always boil, the main thing is to be able to find a balance in order not to "spill" emotions that may get out of control.
Also very revealing is the proverb: "The whole family together, so the soul is in place." Everyone knows the feeling from childhood, when the whole family is going. At the same time, the soul is filled with joy, ecstasy and affection. Undoubtedly, many such perception of relatives goes with age, someone has a relationship with the years do not get along, someone harbored resentment. But this childlike joy can not simply disappear: there are always warm memories of the father and mother, brothers and sisters.
The best statements
Do you know 10 proverbs about the family? Short expressions are easy to remember, but how about more voluminous thoughts? The best folk sayings are difficult to cram into the framework of only 10 proverbs. In addition, each person has his own criteria. And yet there are certain expressions that are called "golden", they are firmly in use, as they say, "for ages". For example, the expression: "There are relatives, there is fuss." It seems to be a very simple phrase, but the meaning is obvious and clear to everyone: yes, relatives can create unnecessary worries, but they are our family and friends. It would seem that this is an obvious truth, but not everyone understands this. Many cares for their relatives are very troublesome or even angry. Unfortunately, this phenomenon occurs more often. In such a situation it is very wise to remain calm, but the cases are different, and it is not worthwhile to equate everyone.
Another funny and revealing expression is: "When I do not see my own, I feel so sick without them; But I'll see my own, it's better without them. " This phrase is not without humor, but there is also a share of truth here. We all miss our relatives, but short-term meetings are better than long ones - everyone understands this.
Kazakh aphorisms
10 proverbs of the Kazakh family are certainly not everyone can call. But this topic should be considered separately. Why? The thing is that Kazakhs are a people who are very sensitive to family values. Of course, many people revere the family, respect the father and mother, family ties, but not all really put their relatives above all else. Kazakhs are very devoted to their loved ones. In this case, it is not only about the nearest circle of kinship, but also about the far branches of the family: "The tree is rooted, and the man is a family."
For example, the well-known proverb "The husband is the head, the wife is the neck" also belongs to the Kazakh people. This expression is very subtle, but it accurately shows how relationships should be arranged in the family so that harmony and love reign in it. A woman should never put herself above her man, but she plays an important role as a guide. It is woman's energy that gives man strength, fills and inspires him. The breadwinner wants to return home, if there is a cheerful, neat and kind wife waiting for him. A man will love her, give gifts, indulge. For her sake, he will strive for excellence, try to make the house a full cup.
Another wise Kazakh proverb: "A house with children, that the bazaar is noisy and merry, a house without children, that the grave is quiet and sad." It shows that children are the joy of life. For some time all young people want to live for themselves, but then they realize that something is missing, some kind of stimulus and sense. It is the children that become the goal that opens the second wind.
The Kazakh proverb "Take a daughter in marriage, having first learned who her mother is" is practically analogous to the Russian expression "Apple is not far from the apple tree". This expression is not suitable for all cases, but very often it reflects the truth. Most often the daughter is like her mother in many ways. Something can change only if the daughter critically assesses the shortcomings of her parents and herself understands what can and should be corrected. Working on oneself will help eradicate bad habits that were found in early years.
10 proverbs about the family is not difficult to find. The most important thing is to understand that it's not about quantity but about quality. You can know a lot, but do not use anything in practice.
Critical Look
10 proverbs about the family should not become some kind of unwritten law. Still, we must understand that every person is a separate world, an individuality, however pathetic it may sound. Proverbs were more relevant in those times when all people lived in approximately the same pattern. All passed the same life stages, but there was not much variety. Now the world around is full of different people who go their own way and do not look at the opinions of other people or the stereotypes of society. The best proverbs about the family are those that you take from your own experience.
A critical assessment of popular statements helps to comprehend the experience of other people, to understand what exactly he can give you. Still, there are times when you can stumble on frank nonsense, which for some reason is positioned as a proverb or even a wise quote.
Summing up the article, I want to say that 10 proverbs about the family - this is some basis that will allow you to behave more correctly in unexpected or stressful situations. It should be borne in mind that there is a definite look at what is happening, but it is important to have your head on your shoulders. In this article, we examined some examples of folk thoughts about the family, which are the most revealing. . To finish it would be desirable such words: "the consent yes a harm in a family is better, than a treasure" or "the Family consent of all is more dear" .
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