LawState and Law

Functions of the state, their concept and classification. Functions of the state in Russia

Modern society is inconceivable without a state that plays a significant role in its life. Together with the society, all its institutions are developing, one of which is the state. This development is a natural historical process, it occurs according to objective laws. Among these laws, or more precisely, manifestations of their actions, there are also functions of the state. The concept, attributes, classification of these characteristics of any state are described in this article.

Interpretation of functions

Today in modern legal journals one can see up to several dozen definitions of state functions. The majority of jurists consider this concept as the fundamental directions of the state's work, which simultaneously express its social purpose and essence. In interpreting the word "functions", jurists also use terms such as management, goals, impacts, tasks, thus identifying them with the activities of the state.

Some authors of legal works assert that the functions of the state determine what it should do to achieve those goals and tasks that it faces. At the same time, the functions of the state are only the direction of its activities, therefore, it should not be considered that they mean all the activities of this institution of society. Also, you should not confuse them with tasks and goals. The function of the state is the direction coordinated for the proper functioning of the state machinery.

Having studied some literary works one can understand that the functions of the state fall not solely to its external and internal activities, but also to the various state mechanisms that influence the environment and the processes that result in it. So, the state, carrying out any of its functions in various areas of society, produces all kinds of reforms, transformations, carries out legal regulation, that is, it thereby affects social processes.


As it was possible to notice, the functions of the state in society are interpreted differently by lawyers in various and diverse ways. Equally diverse are the signs of the functions of the state. If you combine all the definitions of characteristics and reflect in them all the conditions, then you can come to the next.

  1. In the functions of countries of various historical species, the peculiarities and regularities of formation, the dynamics of socioeconomic, socio-political and spiritual transformations in the life of society are revealed and objectified.
  2. In functions, an active service mission is being materialized and opened as the most important part of the superstructure in relation to its own basis, and there is a multifaceted actual functioning within the state and on the international arena.
  3. The functions of the Russian state naturally express and really concretise its class and human essence. Their meaning provides for the class, mass, national and personal interests of members of society.
  4. Functions of the state, the concept, content, classification of which vary depending on the stage of development of the country, appear and are formed in proportion to its historical tasks and purposes. The Federation fulfills its social mission by implementing the functions that are appropriate to it, representing the stable formed key courses of its activity.


In order to regulate the very numerous and diverse functions assigned to the state, their division into species was carried out. The concept and classification of state functions help to separate one function aimed at the accomplishment of a mission, from another, in which this goal is quite different. In the system of state and law it is supposed to divide them into the following types.

  1. Social significance. Functions of the state in this case are divided into basic and derivative. The first in this case have priority in their implementation. These include social function, environmental and economic. Derivatives are the functions complementing the principal ones. For example, the development of scientific activity is a derivative function of the social.
  2. In the field of activity, they can be divided into two functions of the state - internal and external. From the very names of these species it can be understood that internal functions are intended to solve some goals and tasks within the country, they have a direct impact on society within the state. These include social, economic functions, the protection of law and order, the development of health care, etc. External activities include all kinds of activities for cooperation with other states. Among the external functions it is possible to note the defense of the state, activities aimed at maintaining peace and others.
  3. The third division of functions occurs by the duration of their action. They can be either temporary or permanent. Time functions, unlike constants, are carried out for a certain period of time. With the end of this interval, the need for them disappears. As a rule, temporary functions are carried out in some transitional stages. On the contrary, the constants are realized for a long time. Without their implementation, the state order may be violated. The concept and classification of the function of the state, examples of the direction of its activities are quite diverse. Thus, economic functions, law enforcement, taxation and other functions are permanent.

And, although the fragmentation of the functions of the state is diverse, the greatest application in both legal proceedings and in other areas is given to functions that are subdivided according to the criterion of the sphere of activity.

Economic function

Since the second half of the last century, economic function has become one of the main. The concept and classification of the functions of the state and law in the economic field, its significance for today are very large. Carrying out this function, the state regulates economic processes, builds the pace of economic growth. This innovation was the state sector of the economy, in which the state appears as an entrepreneur. To date, there are quite a lot of commercial organizations in which the state or is the sole founder (shareholder), or has a significant share of participation. In addition, he also appears as a major banker, since he holds a large part of his loan capital. In general, now the state is able to regulate the processes in the field of the economy, taking place on the scale of the whole country.

If you apply this function to the example of Russia, you can observe that over the past decades, many important elements of market relations have appeared in the country. This includes property rights, economic freedom, and functioning markets for goods and services. At the same time, there is a need to find the most optimal methods of participation in these economic processes, the need for effective regulation by the state, which will be compatible with market mechanisms.

Tasks of economic function

The main tasks facing the country in the economic sphere are the supervision of compliance with the required rules; Protection of the interests of financial turnover players; The definition of the main rules in the economy; Realization of economic activity; Coordination of relationships among participants; Assistance to non-state enterprises, expressed in support.

Many legal works devoted to this economic function of the state, the concept, content, classification of which is very versatile, contain the main directions for solving the above tasks. It:

  • Building the interests of Russian companies in the domestic and global markets, creating conditions for foreign investment;
  • Centralized investment strategy;
  • Assistance to strategic and socially significant industries;
  • Denationalization, demonopolization and leadership of the state;
  • Structural reorganization of the Russian economy;
  • Formation of legal principles of economic management and others.

This function is aimed at the adoption of anti-crisis measures, its main goal is to find a market economy that is socially oriented. At the same time, such an economy should take into account the interests of all consumers and producers. For this purpose, the state issues normative acts on joint-stock companies, on companies, other associations. The state also applies antimonopoly legislation, introduced a licensing institute, oversees the import and export of products, while stimulating the development of the most demanded industries in a certain time.

Social function

The functions of the modern state, the concept, classification of which are given in this article, include a social function. The economic function is closely interrelated with the social. Just like the first, it is quite diverse, but if we proceed from its volume of activities carried out by the state, then it is sufficiently large-scale. The most important goal of this function is the removal of social tension, the equalization of the social status of all citizens. It also pursues other goals, including the development of health care, culture, education and so on.

State measures aimed at the implementation of this function, and, accordingly, to achieve the objectives set, are implemented in the form of the creation of special funds, the money resources of which are directed to the development of a particular industry. The state is developing all kinds of programs aimed at stabilizing the employment of citizens, to reduce unemployment. In some cases, the state acts as a regulator, setting the minimum wage for citizens. Among the normative acts designed to provide the functions and tasks of the state in the social sphere, it is necessary to note legislation on the family, on health protection, on social and pension insurance, and many others.

Culture, science, education

The concept and classification of state functions include the implementation of activities not only in the economy and the social sphere. The state is called upon to support not only these areas, but also make every effort to develop culture. Among such areas of his activity is support for the development of television, literature, theater, architecture, music, preservation of monuments, reserves, museums, etc.

In addition to culture, the state is obliged to implement measures for scientific and technical progress, which is reflected in the sponsorship of a variety of studies. As far as education is concerned, the state regulates relations through laws on education, on physical culture, and so on.


The concept and classification of the functions of the state was supplemented by another important area. Since recently, the country's environmental function has become one of the priority vectors of its activities. It consists in the adoption and implementation of programs aimed at protecting the environment in the development of such programs, both on a federal scale and at the level of the subjects of the federation, in regulating the use of natural resources, setting environmental standards, overseeing the observance by citizens and organizations of legislation protecting nature. There are many legislative acts regulating activities in the field of nature protection, but the main ones are the Constitution and laws on subsoil, environmental protection, radiation safety and others.

Protection of law and order

This function is inherent in any rule-of-law state. It includes the protection of citizens and organizations from unlawful attacks, the protection of their rights and interests, the fight against crime, the protection of property, the prevention of crimes and crimes. If the state is democratic, then the law enforcement function will be his first priority. In such a country, respect for the rights and freedoms of citizens is a priority. In Russia, the Constitution recognizes these rights and freedoms, they are declared the supreme value of the state, and their protection is considered a direct duty of the state.

External Functions

Activities to address any foreign policy tasks are external functions of the state. The concept, attributes, classification of these functions are also considered by many jurists. It is noteworthy that they are changing along with the changes taking place in the world. So, literally over the last two decades, some of the external functions have disappeared, others, on the contrary, have intensified. Among those who have disappeared, there are, for example, the functions of cooperation with countries in which socialism is developing, measures to provide assistance to developing countries. Conversely, such functions as defense of the country, cooperation for establishing and maintaining peace, have received a higher priority.

The defense of the Russian state currently occupies the most significant position in all foreign policy. It not only underwent changes in its content, but also received a new legislative basis. So, the state passed laws on defense, on the status of servicemen and others. With the aim of realizing this function, the state is modernizing the army, intelligence and counterintelligence, cooperation with other countries in the military sphere, and other events.

In order to support peace on the whole planet, Russia establishes close contacts with numerous states, participates in various assemblies, meetings, organizations, other interstate events aimed at non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, reducing the number of nuclear weapons, and combating terrorism.

In addition to the above, the external functions of the Russian Federation include activities aimed at entering the world economy, resolving various global issues together with other states. Representatives of the country are members of international organizations that solve problems in the field of economy, trade, labor, technology, they are assigned missions to prevent and eliminate the results of major disasters that occurred in the environment, and so on.


Thus, the concept and classification of the functions of the state can be determined in the process of receipt of any important tasks. In turn, these goals and objectives can be different and depend on the stage of development of the state itself. At the same time, the most important mission and goal of any country, including Russia, should be to ensure the well-being of people living on its territory. The development of the functions of the state in this direction is a priority task.

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