LawState and Law

The place and role of law in the life of society

The role of law in the life of man and society is not an easy topic. To get a full and detailed answer, you need to read a multivolume work. But it is possible to make a small sample of the most weighty postulates in the framework of a small article.

general information

Speaking about the role of law in the life of man, society, state and the whole planet, it should be noted that it finds its manifestation in regulatory and protective functions.

The first aspect can be observed in economic, family, commercial and other relationships. The role of the state in this case lies in the fact that it is engaged in establishing common rights and duties common to all participants. Security functions are protection against encroachment on life and health of people, their property, and in case this negative event has occurred, it establishes responsibility for murder, theft, causing harm and for other dangerous acts. The role of law in the life of society is very great. The rule of law ensures that all prescriptions are enforced. And on a planetary scale, countries follow each other and others.

Historical development

But do not forget that the role of the state and law in the life of society was primarily aimed at protecting the ruling class for a long time. But even then there was a definite defense, even if only among equal people (here it is possible to recall the epochs of slavery and feudalism). But even then there were restrictions for certain representatives of the ruling class. So, let's consider the situation of slave-owning Rome: then the slave was only a "thing" for his master, but nevertheless the latter had no right to deprive the first life with impunity. If we talk about the role of law in the life of society briefly, it should be noted that it is a system of restrictions that act in the interests of the whole society. Even in the past, thanks to this, the society itself was preserved. However, here the question is in quality. In full measure, all the potential of law can be realized only with a truly democratic state, where the place and role of law in the life of society is in the foundation of building a society.

How to determine the real state of affairs?

The place and role of law in the life of society allow us to talk about the cultural indicator achieved by society. How useful the established order, their assistance in satisfying progressive personal and public interests and needs, tells us about the achievement of the balance position, when the level of oppression of individual elements tends to a minimum. The social role of law in the life of society is that it allows us to streamline social relations, stabilize them and develop them in the future. And the direction is chosen according to the interests of society. In other words, all economic, political and other changes will be implemented only and exclusively through existing law.

Features of understanding

If you underestimate the role of the state and law in the life of society, do not understand its importance and importance, then this can cause significant damage.

It should be noted that exaggeration of its value also has a negative impact. In other words, the right is important, but its possibilities are not unlimited. Let's look at a small example for understanding boundaries. Problems like alcoholism, drunkenness, drug addiction and so on can not be resolved by legal prohibitions alone. Why? The fact is that this is not a legal problem. To successfully solve any of the above problems, it is necessary to use a full range of social, economic, social and legal measures. And they must be carried out by society together with the state. Yes, we can not take and transfer certain tasks to one government and local authorities. You should work on solving certain problems yourself.

The concept of law

As Epicurus said, people need even the most stupid laws, for in their absence, humanity would simply devour themselves. Specificity of the Russian language has led to the fact that there are two variants of the interpretation of the word "right" itself. In one case, it can be used to refer to a system of rules of conduct and relationships. In others - in relation to a particular individual, that is, subjective law. Concepts are interrelated and act so as to increase overall efficiency, successfully realizing the synergy effect. Let's look at a small example. Our public activities are regulated by law. That is, by proving our point of view, we can not kill people who do not agree with us, beat them, and so on. And at the same time it is difficult to imagine that there are certain norms for the processes of choosing friends, who to love, how to spend time, what books to read and so on. It should be understood that there is a different concept of law. The role of law in the life of society largely depends on what point of view we are considering a particular concrete situation.

Importance and importance

We think that already written enough to have an idea about the role of law in the life of society.

An essay written by us gives answers to a large number of questions, and some of them I want to disclose. If you ask a random person where he is used right, then most likely he will say that it is engaged in the regulation of important public relations. And it will be true. But this is an incomplete answer. In many respects it depends on the existing state system. Moreover, the reverse situation develops. So, if the law regulates a lot of spheres with significant detail - it means that totalitarianism rules. If it is limited to strictly really necessary areas - then, most likely, the object under consideration is a democratic state. That is, it is necessary to observe a certain balance. Yes, confidence in every action is good. But if the law as a system of norms and values penetrates into every sphere, we ourselves will not have time to notice how we will find ourselves behind a wall with barbed wire and march together in one column.

Areas of law

They differ in the level of regulation.

We will consider from the most to the least "prescribed" spheres of social life.

  1. Political . In this sphere everything that is connected with the management of society is included. Thus, the program for the development of society, the activities of parties, public associations, state bodies, the relations between nations and various groups, and the like is regulated. This aspect is very carefully spelled out in terms of law.
  2. Economic . It is engaged in the production, exchange and consumption of goods created by man. Due to the fact that the economy is able to conduct self-regulation, the right here is less present, and, as a rule, is aimed at providing equal opportunities.

Continuation of the list

  1. Social . This sphere is engaged in satisfying the existing urgent needs of an individual. As an example, here you can bring food, clothing, accommodation, work and the like. So, the law does not regulate what to wear to us (although this is still in what country to look at), but makes sure that the products sold are not harmful to health. Also, within the social sphere, people are being supported who can not feed themselves. These include children, students, pensioners, disabled, unemployed, immigrants, refugees and so on. They are given small grants for the relief of life.
  2. Spiritual . This includes science, culture, education, self-knowledge, morality, etiquette and other products of high planes. As an example of weak regulation, one can only cite the standards of a certain part of the sphere and the size of its funding, the specifics of the activity of training centers, and the like.


So our little article is coming to a logical conclusion. It should be noted that the topic is extremely interesting, it should devote more time. There are a lot of specific features. So, the political sphere is the most rightly regulated , but the economy is the basis of the life of society. If people are poor, then no referendums and free elections will not solve existing problems and increase their welfare. At the same time, if money goes not to science and education, but to pensions and benefits, then it is possible to put the perspective of the development of the state itself under question. And the task of law (ideally) is the creation of optimal conditions for development. Of course, this can have a negative impact now, but something needs to be sacrificed in order to get certain preferences in the future.

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