
How to lubricate a burn: recommendations

Agree that information than lubricate a burn can always come in handy in everyday life. After all, you can burn at almost any point in time for many reasons. Starting from simple household defeats, for example, if you accidentally leaned in a hot object, whether it's a pan or an iron, to chemicals, when your child needed help with a burn on a dangerous cowworm plant. Extreme injuries also occur in fires. In this article we will consider an ordinary household burn, which is characterized by a small area and depth of damage. Let's say that if you burn 30 or more percent of the body, then the consequences for the body are infection, intoxication and sepsis. In this case, long-term treatment in a hospital bed, and possibly multiple operations, is required. But if you just burned a hand or a small part of your hands, then it is considered that the area of the lesion of the body is in this case only 1% and such lesions can be easily treated at home. After all, there are first aid means (both folk and modern medicine) that will help to quickly relieve the pain and will promote faster healing of lesions.

The simplest and most common burns are of the first and second degree, having a thermal nature. Do not get scared if a second degree burn was received. The treatment is done fairly quickly and gives results after 3-5 days. And the first degree of defeat in general is the simplest. The most unpleasant in this case is a sharp pain that is easily neutralized by ordinary cold water.

But "for the general development", in order to understand what to smear a burn, it is necessary to know the degree of the burn received. In this trauma, the upper layer of the skin exfoliates, and from this bubbles form on the surface, the burnt surface turns red. All this is accompanied by intense and prolonged painful sensations. Usually, subject to all the rules, the consequences of this damage can be got rid of in a couple of weeks. Thus, treatment of burns of 2 degrees is reduced to the removal of sharp pain and further care for the injured place. But if the time is not taken, the healing time is significantly increased.

So, in front of you is a man who literally got burnt. If, due to the fact that the victim was for a long time in the field of intense fire or other strong impact, it is obvious that without calling an ambulance you can not do (a considerable area of the body is burned) - immediately do it. But if your patient has a second or first degree burn, then immediately place the affected limb under ice water, without asking the question what to burn with a burn. It is desirable about fifteen minutes. This stops the initial acute pain. Then apply a sterile gauze dressing, which is available in any medicine cabinet, and it can also be done with napkins or bandages. If, for some reason, the damage was obtained through interaction with a chemical substance, the technique of first aid is slightly different. Against the burn obtained from contact with quicklime, the treatment of the affected area with vegetable oil effectively helps. When affected by acids of different nature, it is necessary to treat the area with a 2% solution of drinking water. Burns with alkali help neutralize citric acid. After the initial measures, the agents intended for this purpose are applied to the dressings (for example, ointment "Rescuer") and superimposed on this area of the skin.

But some folk remedies - how to lubricate a burn are not at all equally effective, they can be combined with modern ones. If you received a very small burn, you should immediately rub the affected area with soaked laundry soap. This will quickly remove the pain and redness. If you boil your hands in boiling water, fat or paraffin, you can put them in jam, the components of which will help to remove the pain as soon as possible. You can also pour a place of burn with cold water and very quickly glue the film from the shell of raw chicken eggs. This will remove all symptoms. In addition, very good in this case will help the tea mushroom. It is necessary to attach a piece of mushroom to the burned place. Many will be useful way to quickly get rid of the effects of sunburn - sunburn. This can be done with a lemon, cutting it into thin slices. They should be put on those areas of the skin that have suffered particularly badly.

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