
Burns with boiling water: treatment, first aid

Despite the fact that a person is a reasonable being, and in cases of danger, a protective reaction is triggered, there are cases when one can not rely on his internal forces, and it is important to act promptly and decisively in order to provide himself or the victim with timely first aid. After all, incidents, when every second is expensive, happen often enough.

To similar cases it is possible to carry usual damage of a skin. It's difficult to call it ordinary, because the one who encountered the burn knows how unbearable the pain is, which is growing more and more, with blisters forming and liquid appearing in them. Just a touch and a blister burst, forming an unpleasant and very painful wound.

The most common are thermal burns, that is, damage to tissues by steam, or, as people say, burns with boiling water. Treatment of formed wounds will be the fastest and most reliable if first aid was provided on time.

The most important thing to remember is that you should not panic! If you follow all the instructions, timely help with burning with boiling water will relieve the burning pain and possibly prevent the appearance of blisters.

If boiling water spills onto the body area where there are clothes, then first of all it must be carefully removed. Further, cool the burn by lowering the affected area of the body into a container of cool water for no more than 20 minutes. Water should not be excessively cold, otherwise the victim will get a shock. You can impose on the damaged area of the skin rags soaked in cool water, or substitute the burned place for a stream of cool water (also no more than 20 minutes).

Burns with boiling water, whose treatment in the future largely depends on the correct actions immediately after the accident, should not be left without attention. For home treatment, you will most likely need medication, for example, drugs "Panthenol" or "Olazole."

In order to avoid getting the infection into the wound, burns with boiling water, the treatment of which requires accuracy, it is necessary to tie up clean, ironed cotton fabrics (or use an aseptic bandage). If there are no specific anti-burn medications, then in such cases an ordinary sterile bandage can be used to avoid getting germs during the transportation of the victim to the hospital. In extreme cases, it is necessary to immobilize the affected limb of the body, if there are injuries, dislocations or fractures in the victim. In no case should you use oils, fats, sour cream or kefir if there are burns with boiling water. Treatment in such a case will only aggravate the situation of the victim and increase the risk of formation of severe post-burn scars.

Treatment of burns in children requires an immediate request to the doctor, since the weaker organism of the child can react especially strongly, in comparison with the adult, especially for children under the age of 7 years. In such cases, the risk of complications is high.

Local treatment of burns with boiling water depends on the degree of burn. Mostly used to distinguish between a closed and an open method of treatment, which often alternate. The open method consists in the action of various substances or installations on the burn surface, in order to form a crust on the wound. In most cases, infrared radiation or fans are used. The closed method consists in treating the wound with various antiseptics or antibacterial drugs, and the dressing is not removed for a long time.

Despite the degree of burn, it is not recommended to engage in self-medication (especially if the area of the burnt surface is large enough), it is better to seek a quality consultation with a specialist doctor who will determine the severity of the injury and prescribe an individual treatment.

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