Sports and Fitness, Build-up of muscle mass
For how much you can pump the press with exercises
A beautiful relief torso gives beauty to its owner. A special place in this relief is occupied by a press, more precisely its developed muscles. The developed abdominal press creates good conditions for the proper functioning of internal organs, supporting them in a normal position inside the abdominal cavity.
For how much you can pump the press largely depends on the characteristics of each organism.
Exercises for the development of the press can be done additionally to the morning exercises or done separately.
Each of the exercises should be performed several times, from 15 to 20. As the muscles of the press are trained, you can repeat the approaches to the exercises several times.
For how much you can pump the press to purchase a beautiful torso depends on the complexity of burdening while doing the exercises.
Is it possible to pump the press at home - yes, you can.
An example is how to pump a press with physical exercises:
1. For the exercise, you need a bar or a gym wall
The position of the vis. Legs in the extended position should be raised to the level of the belt. Raised legs are fixed for about 3 seconds. Then the legs are slowly lowered to their original position.
After gaining confidence, you can increase the height of the legs up to the level of the crossbar.
2. For exercise, you need a small weight bar or a bar badge weight
The meaning of the exercise is to make torso turns in different directions under a small load. The legs are located on the width of the shoulders. Turns of the torso to the sides are made to the stop, in different directions alternately. Breathing takes place when turning to the sides. At transition in a starting position the exhalation is made.
3. For the exercise you need a support that will allow you to catch your feet while sitting
You should sit on a stool or other support without a backrest. Legs should be hooked on a stable support from the front. The hands fold behind the head. When making an inspiration, you should lean back, trying to bend as much as possible. When you return to the starting position, you exhale.
Gradually exercise can be complicated. Torso bends can be combined with turns in different directions. Even more complicating the exercise is the use of dumbbells. But, do not immediately strive for the maximum severity of the exercise. The load should grow gradually.
For how much you can pump the press to purchase a beautiful torso depends on the quality of the exercises.
4. This exercise does not require additional devices
You should lie on your back and straighten your legs. Hands to rest on the floor in the hip area. Making an exhalation to raise exactly the legs and move them along the arc in the direction of the head, with their socks touching the floor. If the stretching does not allow you to do the exercise completely, bring your legs to the level you can reach. On exhalation the legs are moved to their original position.
As the muscles of the press strengthen , exercise can be complicated. To do this, do not lower your legs to their original position before touching the floor with your heels.
5. This exercise does not require additional devices
You should lie on your back and straighten your legs. Hands to rest on the floor in the hip area. It is necessary to lift the legs to a small height, up to 20 cm. In this exercise, you should bend and unbend your legs, moving them bent at the knees to the torso and straightening when moving to the starting position. Make sure that your feet do not touch the floor.
As the muscles of the press strengthen, exercise can be complicated. To do this, you need to attach a load to the legs and perform an exercise with weights.
6. This exercise does not require additional devices
You should become, just slightly spreading your legs. Hands must be folded behind the head. The essence of the exercise in the rotational movements of the torso with a slope. You should rotate the body in different directions alternately and with a slope. When you inhale, the body makes a rotation with a forward tilt. At exhalation the trunk makes movement of rotation with a bend back.
As the muscles of the press strengthen, exercise can be complicated. To do this, you should pick up dumbbells and perform an exercise with weights.
For how much you can pump up a press to purchase a beautiful torso depends on many factors, including regular exercise.
Visible changes in the state of the press will come in a month from the beginning of his training.
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