
First aid for cuts. First aid for cuts

A cut is an injury, from which no one is insured - neither an adult, nor a child. Most often, such a wound is received in everyday life, when working with a kitchen knife was not very cautious. It is important to know what the first aid should be in case of cuts, so that the wound heals faster. After all, if you do not follow all the rules of treatment, there is a risk of developing an infection that requires long-term treatment.

Cut - what is it?

Under the cut, the integrity of the skin is implied, but sometimes the vessels and muscle tissue suffer. The reason - careless handling of sharp objects (knife, razor, glass container, etc.). If the skin is slightly damaged, then special treatment is not required. First aid in the cut of the finger, when the wound is small, will consist of processing an antiseptic and applying a medical plaster.

But sometimes the wound is so deep that a sharp object damages even tendons, ligaments. In this case, normal treatment with an antiseptic is not enough. The injured person should be provided with qualified medical assistance with the use of surgery.

Types of cuts

Depending on the subject, which damaged the skin, in medicine, it is common to divide cuts into such types:

  1. A chopped cut. The most common cause of this injury is the careless handling of the sewing needle. It looks like an inoffensive object, but sometimes, after penetrating very deeply, it leaves a serious trauma behind itself.
  2. Cut cut. The reason - careless handling of sharp objects (glass, knife, blade, etc.). The wound is narrow in appearance, but the length can be different. Depth of cut depends on the degree of pressing the object on the skin.
  3. A cut with torn edges. Serious injury that results from falling on a dull object. Most often this applies to children who, playing on the street, fall, while injuring their knees and elbows.

The cut can be combined. Such an injury can be obtained as a result of a fall, a collision with the glass. In this case, the wounds will be of varying severity.

Assistance to the victim

First aid for cuts should be provided immediately. Wash the wound with water is the first thing to do. It is better if the water is boiled, but in extreme conditions it will fit just pure. Pour the cut with hydrogen peroxide. The wound needs to be inspected well to assess the depth of damage. Also, you should check if there are any stuck foreign objects in it (it often happens after traumatizing with glass). Blot the cut with a clean bandage or cotton wool to remove moisture.

The edges of the wound should be treated with iodine, zelenka, never letting the product get on the damaged tissue. Top with a sterile bandage. Sometimes a small adhesive plaster is enough (if the injury is insignificant).

The cream "ARGOSULFAN®" helps to speed up the healing of abrasions and small wounds. The combination of antibacterial component of silver sulfatiazole and silver ions provides a wide range of antibacterial action of the cream. You can apply the drug not only to wounds located on open areas of the body, but also under bandages. The agent has not only wound healing, but also antimicrobial action, and besides, it helps to heal wounds without a rough scar.

When bleeding

If there is bleeding, then it must be stopped. When the finger or leg is injured, raise the limb slightly upwards. So the bleeding will stop sooner.

First aid for cuts with heavy bleeding requires a lot of effort. To do this, you need to apply pressure on the wound, but at the same time applying a clean bandage on top. Press the gasket until blood ceases to protrude strongly. But this should not take more than 20 minutes.

As soon as the bleeding is stopped, a sterile dressing is applied to the cut. It should fit tightly to the body. If you yourself could not cope with stopping bleeding, then you should immediately seek medical help. The victim can be taken to the nearest traumatic point. On the way, the wound should be covered with a clean cloth.

It is important to know:

  • Do not use a patch to wound the wound in order to stop bleeding;
  • If the limb swells after the dressing, then it means that the bandage is tightly tightened;
  • In case the cut was made by a very dirty or rusty object, then in the traumatic point it is necessary to apply immediately to prevent the development of an infectious disease;
  • If the bleeding is abundant, the blood pulsates or beats with a fountain, then immediately call an ambulance (before the arrival of doctors above the wound, apply a tourniquet and fix the time);
  • When the blood is dark, it flows slowly, but there are a lot of it, then you can not hesitate to call an ambulance too.

Urgent to the doctor!

There are cases when first aid for cuts requires immediate doctor intervention:

  1. If after applying a pressure bandage bleeding does not stop.
  2. When the skin surrounding the wound begins to grow dull, it becomes cold and turns blue.
  3. If the cut was made not by a very clean object, or dirt got into the wound after the injury.
  4. If the affected person has diabetes mellitus, or there are other serious problems with the immune system.
  5. The patient's advanced age.
  6. When the injury is on the face, neck.
  7. If the first aid for cuts at home was wrong, symptoms of an infectious disease appeared.


Sometimes first aid for cuts requires suturing. The doctor assesses the degree of damage and decides what to do in this situation.

Stitches are imposed in such cases:

  • If the edges of the wound do not close;
  • If the cut is too deep (more than 5 mm) or long (more than 20 mm);
  • If the edges of the wound are torn;
  • If through the wound you can see muscle tissue or bone.

How to speed up the healing of the cut?

If the provision of first aid for cuts was correct, the wound will quickly heal. But this process can be accelerated! To do this, you can use healing ointments, creams. They include special substances (dexpanthenol, vitamin B), which accelerate regeneration. To prevent the development of infection, antibiotic ointments are used. They are applied to the wound not later than 4 hours after the injury.

Proper care for the affected area is the key to a quick recovery. It is necessary to regularly make dressings, carefully handle the cut, avoid getting contamination on this area of the skin.

Better not to admit, rather than treat! This rule also applies to cuts. You need to be careful when working with sharp objects. After all, sometimes inattention is the reason for getting a cut wound. But if this happened, then you should take seriously the provision of first aid. On it depends the state of health in the future.

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