
Microalbuminuria - what is it? Rules for collecting urine for analysis

Microalbuminuria - what is it? In later stages, the pathology is of a rather serious nature, affecting numerous organs and systems. Identification of a malfunction in the body involves determining the level of protein albumin in the urine. The substance acts as one of the components of the blood, and its content in the products of vital activity can indicate the development of complex diseases.

What is microalbuminuria?

The analysis for microalbuminuria makes it possible to identify urinary tract diseases in the early stages. The saturation of bodily fluids by the abundance of protein is observed in cases when there is damage to the renal glomeruli. Isolation of albumin is the most important signal, which may indicate the presence of diabetic nephropathy.

Among other things, the urinalysis clinical (deciphering performed by a specialist) makes it possible to determine the malfunction in the work of the organs of the cardiovascular sphere. Most often in these purposes, elderly people resort to research.

According to the concept of the norm, protein albumin should saturate urine in small amounts. This is due to the special structure of the kidney tissues, which filter out the substance and do not pass its molecules.

Normative indicators

The albumin content in the adult's urine should not exceed 30 mg per day. Along with this, the protein is practically not contained in the products of vital activity of healthy children. Excess of the norm indicates the development of nephropathy. If the albumin production reaches 300 mg per day or more, this indicates a pathological lesion of the kidneys.

Microalbuminuria in diabetes, in addition to increasing the percentage of protein in the urine, leads to the saturation of the body fluid with sugars. To confirm a disappointing diagnosis, doctors conduct a second diagnosis 6-11 weeks after the first examination.

What does the increase in albumin in urine show?

If the percentage of the substance in the urine composition deviates from the norm, this may indicate the development of the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • Failures in the work of the organs of the cardiovascular system;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Individual intolerance to fructose;
  • Sarcoidosis.

If we talk about the most common cause of microalbuminuria, it is worth noting namely diabetes mellitus. There is increased urine saturation with albumin protein several years after the development of the disease. Therefore, the test for the concentration of the substance in the body fluid allows the determination of the excess of the glucose rate with high accuracy.

Clinical manifestations

The increase in albumin in the urine passes in several stages:

  1. Asymptomatic - the patient does not receive complaints, but the body shows characteristic changes.
  2. Initial - pathological abnormalities in the body is still not detected. At the same time, a decrease in the effectiveness of glomerular filtration in the kidney tissue is developing.
  3. Pre-nephrotic - the daily urine is saturated with an abundance of protein. The patient suffers from increased pressure due to increased activation of the kidneys.
  4. Nephrotic - a person observes the appearance of swelling on the body. In the urine, in addition to a significant amount of albumin, the appearance of erythrocytes is observed. The level of urea and creatinine production increases.
  5. The stage of uremia (renal failure) - is accompanied by frequent and sharp jumps in blood pressure. The oedemas on the body become stable. The level of erythrocytes in urea significantly increases. The speed of toxic substances is significantly reduced by the kidney tissue. Daily urine is saturated with glucose. At the same time, the excretion of insulin from the body slows down.

Physiological manifestations of microalbuminuria

Microalbuminuria (in the urine a lot of protein albumin) can manifest itself with the following symptoms: chest pain, the presence of sustained discomfort in the left side of the trunk, increased pressure and overall deterioration of well-being.

One of the consequences of the development of pathology in later stages is the signs of a stroke. In this case, people who are prone to the disease, often suffer from periodic loss of consciousness, difficulty speaking, weakness in the extremities. These manifestations can be supplemented with dizziness, frequent headaches.

How to take urine?

To determine the level of albumen proteins in the products of vital activity, a urine sample is required to be handed over. An urologist, an endocrinologist, a gynecologist or a therapist can prescribe the study.

How to submit a urinalysis clinical? Deciphering the results will show the most reliable picture if the patient does everything right. For studies aimed at determining the salt content in body fluids and malfunctions in the functioning of the kidneys, use biomaterial collected one day before the test. To obtain reliable results of the analysis, it is recommended to use a special container for urine. The procedure is as follows:

  • About 200 ml of urine is cast into a container;
  • The container is taken to the laboratory;
  • If necessary, perform a second analysis;
  • The results are calculated by the nephrologist based on the weight of the patient.

How to take urine with suspicions of diabetes? The products of the organism's vital activity, which are released during the day, merge into a volumetric container, after which they are stored in the refrigerator. The morning portion of urine in the amount of 200 ml, collected the next day, is mixed with the previously obtained volume. In the container for urine poured about 150 ml of the total. The capacity is sent to the laboratory indicating the age of the patient, the total volume of fluid received per day.


Microalbuminuria - what is it and how to eliminate its manifestations? Treatment involves an integrated approach. People who suffer from increased blood sugar, prescribe drugs that lower blood pressure and eliminate the accumulation of cholesterol. In case of insufficient amount of glucose in the body, an insulin injection course is prescribed.

Regardless of the cause of the pathological manifestation, in order to reduce the percentage of protein albumin in the blood, patients are recommended to resort to the following measures:

  • Regularly measure blood glucose;
  • Monitor the pressure;
  • Control cholesterol;
  • Avoid the development of infectious diseases;
  • Adhere to a diet based on low-calorie, low-fat food;
  • Refuse to smoke and drink alcohol;
  • Consume about one and a half liters of water during the day.

People with microalbuminuria often have to resort to hospitalization. Without adequate diagnosis and the use of appropriate therapies, there is a high risk of death due to the development of cardiac problems. Therefore, if the first symptoms of the pathology are discovered - there are problems with blood pressure, blood sugar levels rise - you should immediately go to the hospital to take the tests.

Risk group

Microalbuminuria - what is it? The risk of developing pathology occurs in people who consume an abundance of protein foods. A disease can arise in response to debilitating daily exercise.

In general, resort to research on microalbuminuria is recommended:

  1. Patients who suffer from diabetes in the initial stage. Such people should take urine tests at least once a year.
  2. Patients with diabetes mellitus of the second stage should conduct studies to determine the level of protein albumin in the urine several times a year.
  3. People with coronary heart disease, a violation of sensitivity to sugars, patients that inherited the genetic form of dyslipidemia.

Where can I test for a microalbum?

To pass urine on the analysis it is possible, having addressed for the help in any city polyclinic on which basis the research laboratory functions. Diagnostic cabinets of hospitals are also suitable for examination.

If you want, you can make an appointment at a private clinic. However, such a decision in most cases seems inexpedient: the detection of an elevated protein in the urine is a fairly simple test, and the methods used by public medical institutions are accurate and reliable, so there is no need to overpay.


Microalbuminuria - what is it? The pathological concentration of protein albumin in the composition of urine, which leads to a risk of developing heart disease, the occurrence of violations in the work of the kidneys. Without proper treatment, all this can develop into a defeat of the brain tissue.

Determining the level of albumin in the urine is not only the basis for setting the right diagnosis, but also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy methods used. With the timely detection of an increase in the indicator, as well as the use of nephroprotective medicines, serious complications can be avoided.

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