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State Geological Museum named after V. I. Vernadsky RAS: history. The Geological Museum. Vernadsky: address, photo

State Geological Museum. VI Vernadsky is one of the largest and oldest scientific centers dealing with the study of minerals in our country and in the world.


The creation of the Geological Museum. Vernadsky is indebted to MV Lomonosov. It was this Russian scientist who, during his studies in Germany, realized the need to combine the "book" education of natural science disciplines with practical ones. Years later, he initiated the establishment of the Moscow University, and in 1755 the famous family of Demidov breeders donated the "Minkel's Mineral Cabinet" to this educational institution. He was acquired in the Saxon town of Freiberg and transported to Siberia. There, on the orders of Akinfiy Nikitich Demidov, he began to replenish with minerals that were mined at his mines. After the death of his father, the sons decided to transport the precious collection, which now consists of 600 rare exhibits, to the capital, and handed it to Count Shuvalov to replenish the university collection.

Creating a museum

In 1759 a collection of Demidovs was put on display for all comers in the library of the Aptekarsky House, where it was located until the creation of the University Museum of Natural History. 40 years later, another representative of the Demidov family, Pavel Grigoryevich, continued the traditions of his grandfather, father and uncle, donating this educational institution a study of natural history, an extensive library and a "preserved capital" of 100,000 rubles, the interest of which was to go to the maintenance of the institution .

From 1804 to 1812

In 1804, after the establishment of the Demidov Department of Natural History, Vernadsky was moved to a building on Mokhovaya, where he occupied 220 square meters. M in the Assembly Hall, and in 1805, he was transferred to the left half of the mezzanine level, giving six rooms for exhibits. During the Moscow fire in 1812, the building of the museum burned down with the university. And although the most valuable samples scientists still managed to take out, most of the collection was lost.


After the expulsion of the French, the assembly began to be restored by purchasing new exhibits, as well as through donations.

In particular, in 1813, now, Nikolai Nikitich Demidov gave the museum a new collection of minerals, and a few months later he moved to the building on Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Scientific activity

In 1880, the renowned Russian geologist and paleontologist AP Pavlov was appointed the keeper of the geological cabinet, and after 12 years VI Vernadsky took over this post. Thanks to their efforts, the museum turned into a well-known scientific center, where the students began to make their first steps, and then the great scientists A. Fersman, K. Nenadkevich, A. Samoilov, and others.

Moving in

In 1910 Pavlov and Vernadsky appealed to the government with a request to begin construction of a new building for the museum. Such a decision, in their opinion, was to be the best gift for the anniversary of M. Lomonosov.

The initiative of scientists found a response, and in 1914 the necessary amount was allocated from the treasury. Soon, according to the project of RI Klein on Mokhovaya, the construction of a new building was started, which today is the main building where the Geological Museum is located. Vernadsky. The outbreak of the war was the reason that the move to a new structure took place only in 1918. However, because of shortcomings, the museum opened to the public only in 1924.

Founding of the Geological Prospecting Institute

The course on industrialization, which was taken by the young Soviet state, forced serious work on the training of personnel in a number of specialties, including those related to the extraction of minerals. As a result, in 1930, the Moscow Geological Prospecting Institute was opened on the basis of the museum, the Moscow Mining Academy, the People's University and the Higher Women's Courses.

Modern period

A new stage was launched in 1988, when the State Geological Museum was founded by the decision of the Government of the USSR. V. I. Vernadsky. After 5 years, visitors could see the new exposition "Annals in stone", in 3 years the hall of temporary exhibitions and video lectures began to function, in which a lot of work is carried out to popularize science.

The Geological Museum. Vernadsky: description of the collection

In the halls of this scientific and educational institution exhibited 300 thousand exhibits. At the same time, funds are constantly replenished by finds that scientists bring from expeditions, and gifts made by philanthropists, continuing the traditions of Demidovs. The first hall, called the "Geological Kunstkammer", is of great interest to visitors. It is thanks to this collection of rarities that the Geological Museum. Vernadsky attracts schoolchildren, many of whom, after such a tour, have an interest in mineralogy. Extraordinarily beautiful minerals are exhibited in the Kunstkamera, which are distinguished by a bizarre shape, color and structure.

From there, visitors move to the next room, where their attention is represented by the unique work of stone carvers, which amaze with grace and make them admire the skill of their creators.

Spectators can also see priceless exhibits from the collections of Count Stroganov, Prince Gagarin, Rumyantsev and many others. To do this, they just need to write down the address of the Vernadsky Geological Museum (Mokhovaya Str. 11, p. 11) and go there next weekend.

Some unique exhibits

Excursion to the Geological Museum. Vernadsky, whose photo is presented above, will allow to see truly unique exhibits. Among them:

  • A collection of glass formed as a result of an oil fire in the Tengiz field;
  • A petrified tree trunk from the American state of Arkansas , 220 million years old;
  • An amethyst zeode measuring 1 to 0.7 m, brought from Brazil;
  • Lithological and paleontological collection from Taman;
  • A huge charoite and seven accompanying extremely rare minerals, etc.

Now you know what you can see by visiting the Geological Museum. Vernadsky (see the address above), and certainly want to visit there to see the treasures of the earth's interior.

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