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Painter Shilov Alexander: biography and the most famous works. The cause of death of the artist's daughter, Alexander Shilov

Alexander Shilov is an artist who continues the Russian realistic tradition. Not succumbing to the influence of newfangled trends in painting, in his work he always went his own way. Among his works are present and portraits, and still lifes, and graphics. But the unsurpassed master artist Shilov was still in the genre of the portrait.

Glory and fame

Alexander Shilov - an artist whose biography at first glance was developing successfully and smoothly. The glory of the unrecognized genius does not threaten this representative of modern Russian art.

The future of the painting was born in the capital. In the same place he received an art education. In thirty-three years he became a member of the Union of Artists. Since the late nineties he is a member of the Arts Council. He received a huge number of awards, among them the FSB award, which was awarded for the creation of a series of portraits of state security officers. He is also a member of the Academy of Arts.

Before becoming famous, the artist Shilov interrupted by casual earnings, not related to art. But another life could not be in the fifties. Nevertheless, the first participation in the exhibition of Russian art took place when the painter was not yet thirty. Few of the artists of the Soviet era could boast such a rapid takeoff. Perhaps the reason lies not so much in the success of Shilov, as in the direction that he chose. Realistic art in the Soviet Union has always been in high esteem.

Female images

The personal life of the artist is the subject of numerous television shows and scandalous articles. One of the most important women in the life of the master is his wife Anna. To love the artist Shilov could only a woman of unearthly beauty, worthy of becoming a muse. That is why among his canvases there is often an image of a blue-eyed beauty with dark shock hair. I was inspired to write portraits and Shilov's daughter. The artist, however, suffered a tragedy that changed life and, as the acquaintances assure, the character.

Shilov's paintings do not always show bright young ladies. His brushes also belong to the paintings "Portrait of a Mother", "My Grandmother", which depicts people close to him.

Mashenka Shilova

Hardly anyone can remain indifferent portrait of his daughter, written in 1983. The painting was created in the most favorable life and creative period of the master. The impression of it increases from the knowledge of the fate of the model. She did not live long. Only sixteen years. The cause of death of the daughter of the artist Shilov is a grave illness. Masha Shilova died of sarcoma of bone tissue. A dark-haired girl with a puppet appearance, my father devoted a lot of pictures.

The artist's daughter is buried in Moscow. Everyone who visited the Vagankovskoye cemetery at least once was struck by the gilded figure of an angel on the central avenue.

Portraits of celebrities

In this art there is nothing accidental. Everything that completes the image - the pose, clothing, interior, is designed to characterize the hero, conveying his soul world. This principle is followed by the artist Shilov, in the pictures of which there is nothing superfluous. Among the celebrities to whom this artist dedicated his paintings - Yuri Gagarin, Sergei Bondarchuk, Victor Rozov.

The man for Shilov is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Some colorful personalities inspired him more than once. One of them is Alik Yakulov, a violinist of gypsy origin, whose bright image is dedicated to several paintings.

It is worth saying that not all art critics are favorable to the canvases of a romantic painter. For the predominance in his exhibitions of images of young beauties, popular personalities and politicians, he gained fame as a "court" artist. However, this opinion is not entirely fair, since the master owns works devoted not only to bright famous personalities, but also to ordinary people.

Negative attitude towards this representative of Russian painting is also explained by the fact that the artist, according to the generally accepted opinion, must necessarily be hungry and unhappy. Shilov, thanks to his diligence, was always a wealthy man. As for happiness, then, despite the external gloss of the bohemian personality, it is very doubtful, considering the facts from his personal life.

Portraits of ordinary people

For the outstanding portraitist, the models were people of various professions, age, appearance, material and social status. In this respect, the artist Shilov never had any special preferences. The main thing for him is to comprehend the inner world of man and find the very moment when destiny is revealed and the secrets of his soul are revealed. Although there are many children's images among the author's works. The purity and charm of childhood on the canvases of Shilov are shown with a penetrating force.

All portraits are written from nature. The artist is equally interested in the images of both famous people and those about whom his admirers learn only thanks to his exhibitions. He portrayed veterans of the Great Patriotic War, mothers of many children, unknown rural women. His touching picture "One" is not just a portrait of an elderly woman against the background of the poor situation of the Russian hut. This is an image of loneliness, longing that a person experiences in his old age.


Alexander Shilov is an artist whose paintings were exhibited in the halls of France, Germany, Portugal and Japan. At home, he held a large number of personal exhibitions. The Russian master absorbed all the achievements of the world realistic painting. Improving his skills, he continues to please fans of fine art. Among the main Moscow attractions - Shilov Gallery, which has more than nine hundred works of the author.

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