
Low hemoglobin. Is It Dangerous?

Hemoglobin is an enzymatic element of the blood. Its main function is the transfer of oxygen throughout the blood system, and it also takes carbon dioxide. The composition of hemoglobin is protein - globin and an iron compound of a non-protein structure - heme. For a number of reasons, it can decline, which, in turn, leads to the development of anemia or iron deficiency anemia. This is due to the fact that the tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen.

There are many causes that cause iron deficiency anemia. They are conventionally divided into medicine into three groups, which include a number of predisposing factors. The first group: low hemoglobin arises as a result of reduction of synthesizing components. These include: protein starvation, impaired absorption of the intestine, surgery on the small intestine or duodenum. The second group of causes is: low hemoglobin, caused by a violation of the synthesis itself. This pathology is a consequence of genetic disorders, as well as conditions in which there is a violation of the synthesis of the two components of hemoglobin. It includes malnutrition, prolonged diets, vegetarianism. The third group: a decrease in the level of hemoglobin as a result of its increased loss. To this group are listed the following factors: abundant blood loss, increased hemolysis of erythrocytes.

If a person has a low hemoglobin, then the severity of the disease is determined by the level of its decrease. There are five degrees of severity of anemia: the first or mild occurs without any clinical manifestations; At the second degree the anemic syndrome acquires a moderate severity, the third - anemic syndrome of a pronounced nature, the fourth - anemic precoma, at the fifth - anemic coma develops.

Symptoms that occur in humans, if they have low hemoglobin, are directly related to the severity of iron deficiency anemia. At the first degree, clinical manifestations are completely absent or occur secretly. If a low degree of hemoglobin, the patient feels weak, and with a pronounced hemoglobin - additionally join: dizziness, dyspnea, heart palpitations. Precomatric or comatose, as a rule, occurs abruptly, literally within a few hours.

Common symptoms that occur with iron deficiency anemia. Patients at the beginning of anemia develop a growing weakness, malaise and drowsiness. As the severity of the disease increases, other, more pronounced, attach to the primary manifestations. For example, there is dizziness and headache; Shortness of breath and heart palpitations, muscle weakness and fainting. Changes occur not only from the internal organs, but also in the appearance of a person. In patients, the appearance of dry skin, which is very often cracking and brings severe pain, and also formed cracks on the lips. In addition, the hair color dims, the natural shine disappears, and they begin to fall out, and the nails become thinner and constantly break. Another symptom of iron deficiency anemia is the appearance in humans of a perverted taste or a pathological and unusual addiction to unpleasant or special odors. For example, the smell of gasoline or exhaust.

If a person has low hemoglobin, what to do and what the therapist will tell you. Treatment should begin with a balanced diet. A lot of iron is found in meat, buckwheat, eggs, greens, dried fruits, as well as liver. Of fruits, it is better to increase the amount of consumption of apples. If diet therapy does not lead to the expected result, the patient is prescribed iron preparations, for example, sorbifer, ferrocal, ferroplex.

If hemoglobin is low, treatment should be adequate and timely.

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