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Silver water: properties, reviews, harm and benefit
About what kind of beneficial effect on the body of silver, legend goes. Ancient civilizations used this metal for healing. In the modern world, when a variety of medicines is offered in pharmacies, many have silver water at home. This miracle remedy is said to be capable of curing many diseases and being a powerful means of prevention. You can buy water with silver and industrial production. "Silver key" - water from this category. Which water is better? Is the silver water so useful? How to use ionizers of silver water and is there any sense in them? We'll figure out.
Healing properties of silver
Silver from time immemorial was attributed to a number of positive properties: from mystical (supposedly it can scare away the dark forces) to earthly ones. Numerous studies have proven the beneficial effects of this noble metal on the body.
Even in the aristocratic families of the previous and the last centuries it was noticed that silver dishes make the water tasty and preserve its useful properties longer.
Indeed, silver is vital to the human body. Yes, there is a certain amount of argentum inside us, most of it in the brain, nerve cells and bones.
The beneficial effects of silver on the immune system, its ability to resist viral infections, bone diseases have been proven.
The ability of a metal to quickly heal wounds has always been widely used. Best of all, the argentum interacts with water, through which it enters the human body. The silver ions are enveloped by a molecule of water, protecting it from decay - so the metal enters the human intestine. This is the most common method.
Also with the help of water, silver gets on the skin and can be absorbed into the body through it.
Silver in the medicine of ancestors
The history of the use of silver in treatment takes its origins in ancient civilizations. Thus, in ancient Egypt, it was customary to apply small thin silver plates to the wounds, so that healing was much faster. In the campaigns under the leadership of Alexander the Great, it was noted that the commander of the composition better confronted the diseases. The opening was shocking: the soldiers drank water and took food from wooden utensils, and the Macedonian approximate ones were made of silver. Thanks to the bactericidal properties of metal, the body of the generals was more protected from disease.
Inhabitants of India from ancient centuries use inward small pieces of argentum. As they believe, the metal will help to normalize the work of the intestine. And the healing properties of the Ganges River - the ability to heal skin diseases - for a long time there were legends. After studying the problem, the scientists came to the conclusion that Gang washes silver deposits on its course, which gives its water healing power.
After observing the ability of silver to destroy the bacteria in the water, scientists of the 20th century begin to try to create silver water. At the same time, the time was marked for which the microorganisms would be destroyed. Scientists put in the vessel the following ionizers of water - silver coins, wire, even made silver surfaces with the use of various auxiliary substances.
The newest way is enrichment with the help of electrons. On its principle work modern devices for water enrichment.
The Benefits of Silver Water
Silver water, the use of which will be described below, is used to treat and prevent numerous diseases. All thanks to the wonderful properties of silver.
- Protection against infectious diseases. This is due to the ability of silver to kill harmful bacteria.
- Treatment of respiratory diseases: bronchitis, rhinitis, pneumonia.
- Used to fight against diseases of the oral cavity.
- Helps cope with skin lesions: ulcers, allergic rashes, burns. As a prophylaxis can be used from birth while bathing the baby.
- Silver water can be used for disinfection of household items, children's toys, cutlery and so on.
- Helps restore metabolism.
- Silver ions have a beneficial effect on the formation of nucleic acids, which are indispensable for the active work of the brain.
- Among the bacteria that are under the sights of a miracle liquid is Helicobacter. This microorganism negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract.
- Able to gradually rejuvenate the body.
- Silver water enhances the effect of antibiotics and other drugs. Some, for example, hydrogen peroxide, a hundred times.
- Saturation with silver ions not only improves the quality of water, but also helps to preserve it for a long time.
It should be noted that, although miracle liquid and kills bacteria, however, the favorable microflora of the internal organs remains unchanged. Consequently, a person who consumes it does not face dysbacteriosis.
Treatment with silver water from the inside
How to use such an indispensable tool, like silver water? Treatment with water can take place in several ways. It is taken orally, inhalations, lotions or bath solutions are made. Use the liquid in a pure form, and with an admixture of other medicines. Silver water is suitable for mixing with plant components and with synthetic preparations. Consider the popular recipes for water treatment with silver ions.
To cure such unpleasant diseases as stomatitis or periodontitis, it is necessary to rinse your mouth with silver water in the morning and in the evening. Treatment is performed until the problem stops worrying. It will not be superfluous to drink a couple of sips of this liquid.
To treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to drink half a glass of silver water on an empty stomach. There are allowed in half an hour. To enhance the action of the liquid is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice. You can not stop treatment as soon as it becomes easier. Next, water should be used as a prophylaxis, lowering the dose.
As the prevention of viral diseases it is recommended to use silver water every day. It is irreplaceable and to prevent intestinal infections.
External application
Will help water with silver ions to cope with complications on the skin caused by diabetes and other diseases. The bath on the basis of the miracle liquid is done this way: it is necessary to insist 24 hours in enameled dishes with an ionizer 3 liters of boiled water and dissolved in it aspirin in the amount of 20 tablets. After the appointed time, it is necessary to take a bath with a maximum temperature of 40 degrees. The procedure time is 20 minutes. Here is a doctor of silver water. The patients' comments say that the improvement comes after 10 sessions.
A 0.5% solution of silver water can be used for lotions in the treatment of burns and other skin lesions.
Making water at home
Silver water can be manufactured in several ways. If you need it for preventive purposes, cooking will be the simplest, but water will also get a maximum of average concentration.
In order to get a slightly concentrated liquid, in a vessel with pure water it is necessary to put an object from silver: a spoon, an ornament - this can be anything. In a day, a miracle liquid will be ready. It is important to remember that water intended for enrichment with silver should be passed through a filter or natural, spring water. Tap water and non-potable water can not be used.
A solution of medium concentration you will get if, after performing the manipulations outlined above, put the vessel (best suited enamel dishes) on the gas and boil so that the liquid is reduced by half. After two hours, the liquid is ready. This is a stronger solution, it is used for treatment.
Ionizer device by my own hands
To obtain the silver water of the highest quality, it is customary to use ionizers. They can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself. Making a device with your own hands is quite easy.
It is necessary to take a three-liter jar, close it with a lid made of plastic. After making holes, make a cathode and an anode. For the "-" charge a handle from a stainless steel spoon is suitable, for "+" a silver object is needed. We connect the design with a charger for a mobile phone.
To obtain enriched with water, we fill the can, close the lid with a mechanism and switch it on. As soon as a kind of "cloud" appears around the silver anode - we immediately turn it off. The time will be about 3 minutes. We remove the jar in the dark for a day. After the lapse of their water is ready.
Bottled water with silver ions
Producing silver water on its own, it should be remembered that in this case it is difficult to achieve the optimum concentration of metal ions: it is either insignificant or exceeds the norm. Now it is possible to buy bottled curative liquid.
"Silver key" - the water produced by the sanatorium, which is located on the sources of curative natural water. Bekhtemirovskoye field in the Altai Territory is a source of water extraction, enriched not only with silver but also with silicic acid. This makes water the owner of diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. It is ideal for treating kidney and urinary tract diseases.
"Silver spring" - water is not curative, but a dining room. The name reflects only the purity of the spring that beats Khadyzhensk. It refers to the Absheron aquifer. There are no silver ions in this water.
When water can harm
It should be remembered that enriched water is useful in moderation. The harm of silver water can be very detrimental to health. Argentum belongs to the class of heavy metals, poisonous to humans in higher doses. So, jewelers, constantly working with him, sometimes suffer from argyroz. With this disease, silver accumulates on the walls of the vessels and in the bone tissue. These processes are irreversible, as does the grayish shade of the skin, caused by the excess of the concentration of this metal in the body.
Therefore, silver water should be taken by courses and closely monitored by concentration. Consultation with a doctor before starting the use of miracle fluid is mandatory.
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