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Useful properties of zabrusa bee

Hardworking bees, after they fill up the honeycomb cell to the top, are hermetically sealed with a wax lid - zabrusom. In this way they prepare food for winter food. That is why among beekeepers zabrus is also called a sealskin. In the process of extraction from honeycombs, this wax lid is removed.

Zabrus, whose properties have been used since time immemorial in folk medicine, is a valuable product obtained as a result of the life of bees. The curative effect of the "seal" is due to the presence in its composition of the secretion of the salivary glands of the striped insect, propolis, flower pollen, and also a number of biologically active elements. There are vitamins C, B, E and A, chitin and protein, essential oils and organic acids, various enzymes, fats, balsams and resins in the bee product . Useful properties of zabrusa are manifested due to the combination of all these substances. In this case, one element organically complements the therapeutic effect of the other.

Useful properties of zabrusa can effectively use it in the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases. An important quality of this curative substance is its ability not to cause allergic reactions. The use of zabrus makes it impossible to adapt viruses and bacteria to such a set of biologically active elements. This causes the death of harmful microorganisms. That is why the bee "seal" is recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, nose, throat and mouth.

Useful properties of zabrus make this unique product an effective tool used to treat tonsillitis and adenoids, inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses and angina, as well as in gum disease and stomatitis. Bee "seal" is used for allergic manifestations, such as hay fever.
Zabrus, useful properties of which bring tangible benefits to the intestines and stomach, it is recommended to suck and chew. It is advisable to mix it with honey. In the process of chewing, the oral cavity is cleared, salivation increases, as well as motor function and secretion of the gastrointestinal tract. This improves the condition of the gums.

Useful properties zabrusa very diverse and multifaceted. If you chew this amazing product of beekeeping for fifteen minutes every hour, then, after this procedure three to four times, you can eliminate a strong cold. This method of treatment is effective in sinusitis. In this case, in contrast to the medication, a one-day course is sufficient.

Zabrz is recommended to chew and children. This product is an excellent preventive tool for preventing the development of infectious diseases. Zabrus likes toddlers for their taste. In the case when it seems a bit harsh, it is recommended to mix it with a little honey.

It is worth bearing in mind that there are practically no contraindications to zabrus. Cases of individual intolerance are extremely rare. It is also important that, using the product of beekeeping, you can not be afraid of an overdose. Zabrus is digested easily, while increasing the secretory and motor function of the stomach.

It is recommended a unique product of beekeeping and as a means to get out of smoking. When used, zabrus acts as an alternative to tobacco, allowing in the long term to completely abandon nicotine. Beeswax is also effective in case of depression. Chewing this product allows to strengthen immunity and raise the general tone of the body.

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