
Tablets from the pressure, the names of which we are all familiar with

In the treatment of hypertension, the goal is to maintain blood pressure at a normal level and reduce the risk of its increase. Unfortunately, this ailment belongs to those diseases, which require constant, lifelong control. If the patient, after completing treatment, decides that he has already achieved the goal - this will be a gross mistake, which in the future will negatively affect his health. After all, the action of any drug is not designed to constantly bring the pressure to normal. Choosing medicines, I want to cure hypertension and avoid undesirable side effects.

Tablets from pressure, whose names are familiar to all of us, can not solve these two problems. Use Papazol, Dibasol and Magnesium Sulphate - this is a waste of time and damage to health.

Tablets from pressure, the names of which have very recently been very popular - Kristelin and Adelfan, belong to the group of three-component drugs. However, the more leaving, the greater the risk of undesirable side reactions. It's not safe for everyone to know Klofelin. In combination, even with a small dose of alcohol, it causes an intoxication of the body, besides the irregularity of its reception can trigger a sharp pressure jump. Only doctors can cope with this phenomenon.

Tablets from pressure, whose names are known as diuretics, are recommended mainly to women during menopause. It is these patients who complain of signs of puffiness when eating large amounts of liquid or taking salty foods. Such drugs include Hypothiazide and Arifon.

Means related to the beta-blocker group will help to solve the problem with increased upper pressure in patients suffering from arrhythmia, angina and ischemia. Some of these medicines are not prescribed to patients with bronchitis and asthma. However, at the present time the pharmacological industry produces selective beta-blockers that do not have these limitations in use. These include: Concor, Metoprolol, Lokren and Carvediol. These drugs can prevent attacks of angina and reduce the risk of heart attacks.

More effective when taking hypertensive men-a medicine group of ACE inhibitors. However, when they are used, the appearance of a dry cough is likely. Tablets from the pressure, the list of which belongs to this group, have an inexpensive price and are widely recommended by specialists. This is Kapoten, Fazinopril, Enap and Cosaar.

The patient can not suffer only from high blood pressure. Unfortunately, this disease is often accompanied by a violation of lipid metabolism and diabetes. Tablets from the pressure, whose names - Albarel and Fiziooten, will be able to work on these problems. To hypertensive men, who have a disease of prostate adenoma, the drug "Doxazosin" will help.

A properly prescribed course of treatment can bring considerable relief to a person suffering from increased blood pressure. However, the fight against this disease must be regular. This will help avoid the occurrence of hypertensive crises and reduce the amplitude of pressure fluctuation .

Good pressure pills are those that have the following properties:

- 70-80% of patients with hypertension can help;

Do not have harmful side effects;

-positively affect the patient's condition, normalizing sleep, protecting the kidneys and heart muscle, and also removing excitement;

-have no other contraindications, except for severe renal failure.

It is very safe and effective to get rid of hypertension with the help of magnesium. In pharmacies you can buy drugs "Magne-B6", "Magnelis", "Magnum", "MagVit" and others.

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