
Eye drops "Taufon" - an indispensable tool in ophthalmology

Often there are situations when for some reason the integrity of the eye tissues is disturbed. In this and in many other cases eye drops "Taufon" can help. Despite the fact that these drops have a small cost, ophthalmologists often appoint them to their patients. They not only favor the processes of regeneration of the eye tissues, but also improve the condition of patients with cataracts.

Eye drops "Taufon" are a colorless liquid containing an amino ethanesulfonic sulfur-containing amino acid (taurine) formed in the body during the cysteine conversion reaction. In 1 ml of this drug contains 40 mg of active substance - taurine, dissolved in water for injection. The auxiliary substance is methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The drug normalizes and improves all energy processes, well stimulates all the recovery functions, and also promotes the healing of dystrophic and mechanical disorders of the eye tissues. In the course of this process, the functioning of cell membranes is normalized, all energy-exchange processes are stimulated. The use of this drug ensures a stable constancy in the cytoplasm of the eye cells of the electrolyte composition.

Before using drops, shake the bottle gently. In each eye three times a day, 2 drops are instilled.

Eye drops "Taufon" are prescribed for all kinds of cataracts (ray, traumatic, senile). The course of treatment lasts about 3 months. If necessary, prescribe a repetition of the course, which is usually done in a month. Often, the drug is used in complex therapy of the disease.

With dystrophic disorders and trauma to the cornea of the eye, treatment is carried out for one month. Often with open-angle cataract ophthalmologists appoint "Taufon". Eye drops, reviews of which in this case, the appointment is slightly different, in most cases still help such patients.

In the treatment of dystrophic eye diseases, the drug has a beneficial effect on the normalization of intraocular pressure. Often, "Taufon" is prescribed for severe eye fatigue (with prolonged work on the computer), burns and corneal injuries, after falling into the eyes of foreign bodies, with strong lesions of the mucous eye with sunlight. The course of treatment continues depending on the nature of the disease and the severity of the patient's condition. Usually it lasts up to 30 days.

Eye drops "Taufon" is often used in the treatment of glaucoma. Bury them in 0,5 hours after the application of "Timolol" (2 drops each). The course of treatment is 2 months. Apply it three times a day.

Despite the fact that this drug is dispensed without a prescription, it has several contraindications. These drops can not be used for patients suffering from individual intolerance of the constituents of the drug. Most often, it is manifested by the appearance of a rash, which occurs after discontinuing the use of the drug.

In medical practice there are no documented cases of drug overdose. Although there is no reliable data on the dangers of these drops, it is better not to use Taufon for nursing and pregnant women. Eye drops for children are contraindicated. "Taufon" can be prescribed for treatment from the age of 18.

These eye drops require special attention when used by people using contact lenses. So, burying the drug in the eyes, the lens can be used only after 25 minutes. A frequent phenomenon when instilling "Taufon" is a slight tingling and burning in the eyes.

Store eye drops in a dark place inaccessible to children. Storage temperature - no more than 15 ° С. The closed preparation can be stored up to 2 years. The opened packaging of "Taufon" can be used no more than 30 days.

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