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Lymph node congestion on the neck: causes and methods of treatment

The reasons that swollen the lymph node on the neck, there may be several factors. After all, as a rule, any inflammatory process in the body affects the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

What is a lymph node and what is its role in the body?

Returning to the school course of studying anatomy, it is worth paying attention to the peculiarities of work in the body of lymph nodes. They are the basic elements of the entire lymphatic system. Their task can be called the development of immunity in general. The production of lymphocytes, which are immune cells, is extremely important for humans. It is these particles that help to neutralize the negative effect of pathogenic microorganisms penetrating from the outside.

Do not ignore the need to visit the doctor if swollen lymph nodes on the neck. What to do in this case? No one can give more correct advice than an expert. Do not trust your health with positive reviews on the Internet about any remedy or advice of absolutely incompetent friends, relatives and colleagues in medicine.

Which lymph nodes can be inflamed on the neck?

The swollen lymph nodes on the neck (the photo below demonstrates how it looks) delivers a lot of discomfort and unpleasant painful sensations. In most cases, their location indicates to doctors where it is necessary to look for a problem. For example, with angina or otitis, there should be no question of why lymph nodes swell around the neck. A nearby infection and causes an inflammatory process involving these elements of the lymphatic system.

A person in the neck region has several groups of lymph nodes:

  • Deep and superficial in the anterior margin;
  • The same in the posterior part;
  • Submaxillary;
  • Chin;
  • Ear;
  • Occipital.

If there is no pathological process in the body, most of them, which are in a healthy state, should not be probed. The only exceptions are surface nodes reminiscent of beans, in front of the neck. They are relatively unstable, elastic, non-static and painless.

Possible causes of lymphadenitis

As already mentioned, if the lymph node is swollen around the neck, the first thing to do is look for the cause. Inflammation within the lymphatic system may indicate the presence of the disease within it, or it may be a symptom of another pathology. The most common factors causing pain and swelling on the neck, in the area of lymph nodes, doctors believe:

  1. Entry into the body of pathogenic bacteria that provoke infectious diseases. The most often diagnosed in this case are ARVI, influenza, oral pathology (stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis, pulpitis), as well as chicken pox, rubella, sore throat, etc.
  2. Failures in the work of the immune system. An increased number of potentially dangerous microorganisms is associated with a latent flow of chronic ailments, severe hypothermia, a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for a full-fledged vital activity. Stress can also negatively affect the state of immunity.
  3. Acquired human immunodeficiency virus.
  4. Malignant degeneration of lymphatic cells.
  5. Mechanical damage and injury to the site or surrounding tissues.

What else can cause an increase in lymph nodes?

At the same time, frequent causes of swelling of the lymph node on the neck, there may be other pathologies. In particular:

  • Metabolic disorders in the body;
  • Thyroid gland diseases;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Alcohol dependence, drug use.

How is inflammation of the lymph nodes?

At the doctor's office it is extremely important to remember the other symptoms that have appeared since the lymph nodes in the neck swelled up. Treatment will largely depend on the clinical picture of a particular disease. Inflammatory process in lymphatic tissues is manifested:

  • Visible to the unaided eye by enlargement of nodes (parameters of swelling vary within 2-5 cm in diameter);
  • A change in the consistency of the knot itself (becomes noticeably hard or much softer than before);
  • Pain when swallowing, talking and probing;
  • Flushing of the skin on the neck;
  • General weakness of the body (apathy, fatigue, headache, fever).

To whom to go for medical help?

If the lymph node on the neck is swollen, it is likely that the inflammation has an infectious etiology, which is why in most cases symptoms characteristic of the disease first appear. Lymphadenitis - inflammation of the nodes - with angina is a characteristic symptom and the main criterion for diagnosing the disease. Accordingly, with the recovery and proper therapy of angina, lymphadenitis will pass by itself.

Only after discovering the reason for swelling the lymph node on the neck from one side, you can proceed to treatment. The most popular method for diagnosing inflammation of lymph nodes is ultrasound. Depending on the results of the survey, it is further necessary to contact one of the narrowly specialized specialists:

  • Hematologist;
  • To the stomatologist;
  • Otorhinolaryngologist;
  • The oncologist;
  • The surgeon.

What is the danger in lymphadenitis?

It is necessary to pay attention if the situation does not change with the course of treatment. For example, swollen lymph node on the left or on the right side about 2 months ago, the therapy was long and thorough, but there is no result. In this case, you should undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and be sure to find the cause of persistent, prolonged inflammation.

If morbidity has been added to the prolonged enlargement of the lymph nodes, the cause for concern may not be contrived. With a solid and large lymph node, which does not diminish in size about half a year, a doctor may suspect an oncology. In this case, it may be necessary to undergo a biopsy procedure and histological examination of the lymphatic tissue.

Therapy of enlarged lymph nodes

Treatment of inflammation should be started as early as possible. Do not panic if swollen lymph nodes on the neck. What to do in this situation, the patient is usually decided by the doctor. As a rule, treatment is a complex of therapeutic measures for taking medications and undergoing medical procedures.

One of the most common ways to treat lymphadenitis is the use of UHF therapy. Its principle of action consists in influencing the patient's body with an electromagnetic field that has ultrahigh frequencies.

As for the medical treatment, prescribing certain anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication can be dangerous to the health of the patient. When compiling a basic therapeutic regimen, it is important to consider the likelihood of side effects, contraindications, and individual characteristics of the patient's body. To do this with the simultaneous consideration of all items can only a highly qualified specialist.

Antibiotics and surgery for lymphadenitis

If a bacterial infection enters the patient's body or a purulent complication develops, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics. If the lymph nodes on the neck are swollen and the temperature is much higher than 36.6 ° C, this is probably the case. The patient must comply with bed rest, eat a sufficient amount of warm liquid and take vitamin complexes.

The ineffectiveness of drug therapy and UHF procedures is often the reason for making drastic changes in treatment tactics. In severe purulent inflammation, the surgeon can prescribe an operation whose main goal is to clear the clogged canal of the lymph node.

Is it possible to cure lymphadenitis with folk remedies?

Traditional medicine promises to alleviate the symptoms of lymphadenitis and eliminate the maximum discomfort that has started since swelling of the lymph node on the neck. It is unequivocal to talk about the benefits or harm of such therapy even doctors can not. It is believed that the weak effectiveness of folk recipes is fully justified by their harmlessness and naturalness (in the absence of an allergic reaction).

Despite the fact that such methods can not cure the disease, graduate doctors often prescribe home remedies for patients with lymphadenitis as concomitant therapy. Nevertheless, they must be extremely cautious, because they are able to accelerate the process of recovery, and to suspend it.

The most effective recipes, judging by the opinion and feedback of Internet users, are presented below:

  1. One of the best antiseptic natural preparations is tincture of echinacea. You can buy it at any pharmacy. It is taken internally. This drug belongs to the category of inexpensive drugs.
  2. Applying to the enlarged lymph nodes a healing stone - green jadeite. Supporters of alternative medicine truly believe that its energy will help the patient recover.
  3. Rinse with herbal decoction. You will need to collect chamomile, mint and marigold. The broth should be gargled several times a day.
  4. For rinsing, you can use the classic ingredients that exist in any kitchen: salt and soda. For 1 glass of water, half the teaspoon of both ingredients is required. Gargle every 2-3 hours.
  5. Freshly squeezed juice. People also believe that aloe vera will help to cure inflamed lymph nodes. Take it advised inside for 1 tbsp. L.

What can not be done with swollen lymph nodes?

The place where the lymph node is swollen on the neck (right or left) is determined by the localization of the primary focus of infection. With a pronounced inflammation of the middle ear or sore throat, one should not listen to the advisers who recommend:

  • Put a heating pad or some warming compresses ;
  • Apply iodine nets;
  • Rub and massage the affected area of the neck.

Strict adherence to such recommendations is a direct way to hospitalization due to complications caused. Using one of the above techniques, one can only help the infection spread more quickly through the arteries and aggravate the condition.

Specificity of lymphadenitis in a child

Special attention should be paid to parents if they notice swollen lymph nodes in the neck of the child. To panic at once it is not necessary: children in the age of from 5 till 7 years enter into group of risk on occurrence of a lymphadenitis. This can be explained by the natural imperfection of the lymphatic system and, as a consequence, the realization of the barrier function to an insufficient degree.

The factors that provoke inflammation of the lymph nodes in childhood are the same reasons as in adults. Most of the lymph nodes increase in children due to ARI. An important feature of the condition of lymph nodes in children is that they can be enlarged due to the individual specific development of the child.

Prophylaxis for adults and children

To prevent inflammation of the lymph nodes around the neck, you will not be able to follow a specific step-by-step procedure. Disease, the causes of which lie in one - weakened immunity, can be prevented if:

  • Constantly strengthen the body's immune forces;
  • All pathologies of infectious nature are cured to the end, do not run;
  • Do not be in drafts and avoid supercooling;
  • Tempered;
  • Protect yourself from the occurrence of injuries and bruises;
  • Do not allow infection of open wounds;
  • Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene and wear gauze dressings during an epidemic.

An important role in maintaining immunity is allocated to nutrition: it should be rational, include the use of a large number of vegetables and as little as possible of fatty, fried, chips, carbonated water, etc.

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