Self improvementPsychology

Asthenic emotions and their effect on humans

Active and passive emotions share the impact on the human body and its functioning.

Active, or positive, are called '' stenic '', and passive, they are also negative, are called '' asthenic ''. Of course, depending on the circumstances, a person at different times experiences different kinds of emotions. However, if we take in general, then each individual has positive or negative emotions in life.

This indicator affects not only the nature of people and their relationship to the surrounding world and other people, but also to health. Thus, statistics show that people who are positive are more likely to live longer, and their lives are more vivid and interesting than pessimistic opponents. And the point here is not only in psychological components, but more so in physiology.

Let's consider, to what consequences on a physical level lead long asthenic emotions.

Emotions of a positive nature - sthenic

The name "stenic" comes from the word "stenos", which means "strength." It is already clear from the title that these are emotions that give strength to a person.

A vivid example of a sthenic emotion is a sense of satisfaction, as well as joy and happiness. These experiences contribute to the expansion of small blood vessels in the body, thereby increasing blood circulation. Improves brain activity, increases activity - a person gesticulates a lot, says, can not sit still, the skin becomes smooth, and the person himself experiences an energy boost.

Emotions of a negative nature - asthenic

The name '' asthenic '' comes from the word 'asthenos', it turns out the opposite of strength, so it's about weakness. Such experiences weaken the body and adversely affect his life.

To asthenic emotions are sadness, sadness, dissatisfaction. In this case, because of the work of the vasomotor apparatus, the blood vessels narrow, which leads to insufficient nutrition of the organs and systems of the body.

Consequences of prolonged asthenic emotions

A sad person always stands out for his appearance. He has pale skin, because of anemia, an elongated face with pointed features, this person is cold even in warm weather, so he somehow skukozhivaetsya, trying to keep warm.

If asthenic emotions predominate, the human brain suffers from a lack of nutrition. It is not surprising that unhappy people look confused, they are difficult to maintain concentration, they become sluggish and inactive, as a result of which their productivity drops significantly.

There are problems with the respiratory system. There is shortness of breath, shortness of breath. The general tone of the body falls, there is a constant feeling of fatigue and an unwillingness to do anything, especially this refers to mental activity.

Long-term depression leads to disruption of the functioning of the body: hair begins to fall out, the skin becomes wrinkled, the voice becomes weak and barely audible, the person looks much older than his years.

The role of emotions in human life

Stenic and asthenic emotions play an important role in the life of each person. It is possible to consider in more detail their influence on the example of athletes. Stenic emotions are observed in more successful athletes, they cause them to increase vitality, the desire for victory, to overcome obstacles, as well as a predisposition to natural competition.

At the same time, asthenic emotions appear in athletes due to overwork, a person becomes lethargic, reluctance to continue sports activities. Therefore, it is so important to properly build a training plan to maintain positive emotions.

Propensity to emotions of one type or another

Stenic and asthenic emotions, the predominance of some over others, depends on the person's personal characteristics, in particular, on the type of nervous system. By the way, such a feeling, like joy, can also have a different shade. Stormy joy is a bright enough emotion, and it belongs to the first group, as it leads to the excitation and toning of the entire body, causing a surge of strength and energy.

But quiet joy, rather, brings peace.

Negative emotions reduce the vital activity of a person, deprive him of energy, activity, as a result, the quality of life deteriorates - this is the result of asthenic emotions. Examples of such experiences: prolonged depressed state, depression, deterioration of physical well-being.

Often and for a long time in a pessimistic mood is harmful to humans. That is why, when dominating asthenic emotions, it is highly recommended that a person consult a doctor for qualified help. From the timely treatment will depend on the health and appearance of a person.

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