HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pale skin

The largest organ of a person occupying an area of about two square meters is the skin. It duplicates and complements the functions of all systems of our body. That's why an experienced specialist will not be difficult, based on the type of skin, previously diagnosed. For example, the yellow color of the covers of the human body is the first sign of liver disease, and acne on the face reflects either problems associated with the intestine, or imbalance of the hormonal background.

Pale skin, in parallel with the presence of fatigue, irritability and low blood pressure, indicates in most cases anemia of iron deficiency. Of course, in any case, it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis by conducting a laboratory blood test. Anemia is a fairly common disease among young girls and young women who are of childbearing age. As a rule, the cause of this pathology is a strict diet.

Pale skin of the face indicates a low level of hemoglobin. The absence of a pink shade also serves as a sign of insufficient filling of the blood vessels located next to the epidermis. Patients suffering from anemia experience a constant sense of cold. Especially at them legs and hands freeze. In addition, such patients complain of shortness of breath.

Pale skin testifies to its poor blood supply. Knowing this, you can determine for yourself the disease in which the pink shade disappears. In addition to falling hemoglobin levels, the pallor of the skin can be caused by kidney diseases, which cause a narrowing of the capillaries and vessels.

The absence of a pink shade on the face can be a consequence of the inadequacy of the heart muscle. Quite often very pale skin is a sign of a beginning attack of angina pectoris. If the condition is aggravated by pain, giving in the arm, back or neck, while breathing becomes intermittent, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance, as these symptoms indicate a myocardial infarction of the muscle.

Pale skin can be a sign of an ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. Quite often, these pathologies are complicated by internal bleeding. Thus the patient can complain of weakness and dizziness, presence before eyes of "fog" or "flashing flies". Internal bleeding is characterized by a loose black stool and vomiting with blood. This condition is very dangerous for human health and requires treatment in a hospital.

Pale skin can become a sign of an imbalance in the hormonal background. If it, among other things, is also sticky, then this indicates the presence of diabetes. Patients with reduced thyroid function are pale, dry, edematous and cold to the touch skin.

The absence of a pink shade of our body often serves as a sign of various infectious diseases. For example, pulmonary tuberculosis.

People with insufficient physical activity have pale skin. Their heart muscle produces less intensive work than those who are very active, and the blood composition is poor in red bodies responsible for delivering oxygen to the organs and tissues.

Sometimes a person can turn pale after a long time in the cold. In this situation, the blood from the skin goes to all internal organs.

The absence of a pink shade on the face can be a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Paleness of the skin provokes stressful situations and poor ecological conditions. A pink complexion is absent in lovers of alcohol and tobacco. It is worth recalling that unhealthy habits do not limit their impact only to the skin. They harm the entire human body.

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