Sports and Fitness, Extreme sports
What are cyclic sports?
"Movement is life!" Is a famous expression. Indeed, without movement our body gradually "derevenet", we grow old faster, more sick. If you want to be young and healthy - you definitely need to go in for sports! For example, to run in the morning.
Did you know that running belongs to the category "Cyclic sports"?
What disciplines are considered to be similar to sports, what benefits does the exercise bring to the body? These and other issues we will consider in this article.
What is cyclic sports?
These are those sports disciplines in which there is a repetition of movements in a cycle, when the end of one cycle is the beginning of another. In other words - continuous movements aimed at moving the athlete in space. And most often the criterion of success is the speed with which a person overcomes the distance. Cyclic sports include running, swimming, cycling and so on. That is, all disciplines, where there is a repetition of one motion in a cycle. Let's remind, movements are made continuously. It should be noted that running and jumping are cyclic sports, and football is not.
In the principles of the work of our muscles, there are two mechanisms for replenishing the energy balance: anaerobic, giving strength to the muscles, and aerobic, determining their endurance. In this regard, in cyclical sports there are two directions: for anaerobic load - sprint, and for aerobic - stayer.
It can not be said that aerobic mechanisms are not involved in a specific sprinting sport, and anaerobic mechanisms in the stayer's sport. This division, rather, is conditional. But nevertheless, depending on the direction in which this or that kind of cyclic sport belongs, the athlete's training plan and his diet also depend.
Cyclic sports: what is their use for limiting?
It is worth mentioning that the main functional system in these sports is cardiorespiratory, in other words, cardiovascular and respiratory.
According to a study conducted by scientists from the University of South Carolina, even if your parents had hypertension, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing this disease in yourself. All you need to do is train your cardiorespiratory system. And for this it is necessary to engage in systematic sports or physical education. Cyclic sports are suitable for this as well as possible.
I want to make a reservation about the usefulness of running. In fact, any physical load, especially running, can cause harm. Every year because of this sport people die, mainly because of problems with the heart and blood vessels. Therefore, in no case do you need to "rape" by running or any other physical exertion. In all things, it is important to maintain a balance. But nevertheless running, like any other sport, can be very useful for the body. The main thing is to gradually train your cardiovascular system, prepare it for more and more intense stress.
It is also worth noting that running uphill, for example, is much more useful than a straight line. Since in the first case there is no shock load on the muscles and spine, and the body experiences stress, which contributes to the release of hormones, which is considered very useful.
Everyone thinks that running is natural for a person, and he does not need to learn. But this is not so! Running is not natural for a person. It is laid in the nature of dogs, cats and other quadrupeds: try to catch up with them! Does not work? That's the same! Therefore, I run, like other sports, need to be trained. In addition, the body needs to be prepared for such activities. Before you start an intense run, it's best to start with a walk. That is, let the heart and blood vessels enter into tone so that breathing can adapt to the load. And only after that you can proceed to more intense movements.
Of course, do not focus your attention on only one sport, there are other, no less useful disciplines. But nevertheless running, due to its availability, is one of the most frequently used types of physical activity.
Summing up, we can say that cyclical sports are primarily useful for our health and, of course, interesting. Exercise and be healthy!
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