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How to wean a child from breast is the most painless?
If the mother decided to wean the baby from her breast, for her, this process is very difficult and painful for herself and for the baby. And there was an opinion that the older the child, the harder it is to do it. However, doctors say that if we wean the baby in the prescribed physiological terms, there will be no problems.
So, our task is to help you decide how to wean your child and how to identify the most suitable time to do it.
Lactation has several stages: becoming, maturity and involution. We must excommunicate at the stage of involution, because during this period milk in its useful properties is similar to colostrum. This period starts from about 1.5 years and ends somewhere by the 3rd year.
Knowing how to wean the baby from the breast is the most painless, the woman protects herself and the baby from unnecessary psychological overload and stress. To do this, you need to determine when the involution of lactation occurs. The main signs of it are rapid fatigue during feeding, and it has a physiological and psychological nature. The child becomes bigger, begins to actively suck in turn one or the other breast, because it does not eat.
There are several tips on how to wean the baby from the breast most painlessly:
- Age of the child must be at least one and a half years.
- The duration of the involution should be at least two to three months, because the child, otherwise, does not receive enough antibodies and immunoglobulins to enhance immunity.
- To know how to wean a child from breast, you need not only to monitor the state of lactation, but also to choose the right season. The most suitable period is autumn, winter and early spring. When the warm season comes, the level of infection with intestinal infections increases, therefore it is not recommended to wean from the breast at this time.
- Remember that the baby in the intended period should be healthy, without acute diathesis. You can not begin weaning when your teeth are chapped. It is also important to remember that a child should be able to go to bed without a mother and without breastfeeding.
There are several ways how to wean the baby:
- Physiological, but not always available. Mom can leave for a few days and leave the baby in the care of a grandmother, nanny or dad. The child during this time can get used to fall asleep in another way: with the help of a lullaby, an evening fairy tale or motion sickness. However, it must be remembered that if the kid did not remain without a mother for such a period of time, it could become a strong moral upheaval for him, and the result will be exactly the opposite.
- The second way, how to wean the baby from the breast, is to start laying the baby to sleep without night feeding. And it must be done by someone other than mother. And it must be done first in the day, and then the child will get used to fall asleep without a mother and in the evening. Then he begins to wake up feeding in the morning, and the excommunication takes place painlessly. This process takes about a month's time.
Sometimes there are situations in which urgent weaning is required. This happens when a woman falls ill or urgently needs to leave. If the separation lasts about 2-3 weeks, the feeding can be resumed. For this, my mother will need to be expressed 6 times a day. After the arrival process will be restored.
When there is a situation of emergency excommunication, you can use the following tips:
- Do not bandage your breasts, because lactation does not stop, but mastitis can develop.
- Contact a mammologist or gynecologist so that he or she controls the process of weaning.
- Do not express, because it inhibits the cessation of lactation.
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