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Everything that does not kill makes us stronger. About healthy Indians and sick Englishmen

If there was no suffering in human life, the world would be much easier. But would it be just as interesting? We "learned" to suffer, when Adam and Eve tried the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And they began to suffer when they acquired the ability to judge, that is, the comparison of position with a certain norm. To facilitate everyday difficulties psychologically, to give them a positive meaning, people created the principle "everything that does not kill makes us stronger." But how correct is this maxim?

The importance of rest

What kills us? Makes us stronger all that is experienced and understood after some "quiet" period. But it kills something that exceeds a certain norm. That is, if the tests follow one after another without interruptions to recovery, then it is very likely that everything will end badly. The resources of the human body and psyche in the broadest sense are immense. However, they can be depleted under continuous overload. Anything that does not kill makes us stronger? Yes, if we could rest and ponder. That is, this principle is conditional.


But do not rush to the other extreme and try to completely eliminate the stress from your life. There are rich people who try to build their lives so comfortably that they do not even put an alarm clock in the morning, so as not to create a stressful situation. But such care is excessive and borders on insanity. Some time ago, England was very concerned about household cleanliness. In washed floors you could literally look. The result? High level of asthmatic diseases. Immunity of such people was not formed - and they began to react excessively to stimuli common to most.

Mud creates strong

On the other hand, there is an example of a special Indian caste and a low incidence of their children. A little more. These people have been cleaning the sewers for generations. It is easy to imagine the degree of unsanitary conditions. But they have less intestinal infections than higher castes. Why? Immunity has already "seen everything", plus some genetic selection (the majority in caste India can not change the profession even today). Of course, this does not mean that everyone needs to change jobs to a dirty one. Just do not need to go to paranoia in matters of purity. A little contact with bacteria will only benefit. Everything that does not kill makes us stronger. So if you are in a zone of cholera epidemic, do not experiment, but screaming at a child for an unwashed apple, sent from a tree branch right into your mouth, is not worth it.

Achievement of high results is impossible without passing the tests. What makes a person stronger? Experience of overcoming difficulties and the acquired ability to work with painful experience. The biggest income is for those who can work and even create in conditions of severe discomfort. Everything that does not kill makes us stronger. But this principle is not biological, but intellectual. From any bad experience, one must make correct positive conclusions. Gather a bit of life lessons. And then achievements will pleasantly surprise you, and life will become more interesting. Just treat the mistakes correctly and problems. Do not stop in development - and become stronger! Though not all will come at once.

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